Bulls offseason Thread

He's turning into Brandon Roy/T Mac before my very eyes. I admire D.Rose but I think this has to be weighing heavy on the Bulls front office...something is going to have to give. How many seasons are they going to have to endure with this same type of occurrence? Feel bad for the guy!

Been thinking about this too. I can see Thibs being gone this summer, the only thing holding him here was the fact that we had a title shot. Dont know what they are going to do with other guys but i can easily see a lot of changes being made this offseason as we gotta reevaluate our approach to our team. Time to figure out if we are handing the keys of the franchise to Jimmy and see if hes that guy. We cant rely on Derrick anymore, it just is what it is.

The real depressing part is the last 4 years we havent even had a legit shot in the playoffs due to injuries.
Wish we still had DJ Augustin.......
Why? Kurt, AB can hold it down, I never got my hopes up with rose ,every time he made a move, go to the paint, anything all I can think about is him getting injured, modern day Penny, and Grant hill, could of been the greatest now it's over...
Yup, forgot about those as well. I really don't see him being competing at the level that he once was. You have to be realistic here. 3 straight years with these types of injuries. I hope he proves me wrong, but...I just don't see it.

that's the thing that causes most headache for Bulls fans. We've seen other top NBA basketball players who were never the same again after severe injuries that hindered
a full recovery.
The thing with Rose is that he not only re-injured his knee but seems to be overall injury-prone with twisted ankles, hamstring etc.

And his recovery time seems to be always very long. The only hope we have is that he might have the luck like Westbrook who had torn ACL
but is in great shape again.
Bulls now must think of the future for D.Rose..

No matter how severe the injury is..

Thinking outside of the box here, I wouldn't mind having D.Rose come off the bench next season..

It may sound funny or absurd or the salary is way too much for him to come off the bench, but I think it might the best option just to keep him healthy at least for a whole season..

IMO, Bulls can hold on to that No.3 seed, just need to add one more PG, Captain Kirk has pretty much faded because of injuries as well..

An upgrade at the SF this off-season is needed plus the Draft and Free Agency.. 
In all honesty I think it's time to cut our loses with Rose it's sad to see and hear. This is the 4th straight season that's he's missed significant time with injures. Not completely but have dude has to come off the bench or something. They need to have him restructured his contract on something. After he got that tract he's been Mr. Glass for real, He's basically perform highway robbery on the bulls not intentionally but it is what it is.
I know it's always worst case with Rose, but I'm interested to see if they repair it or remove it. Hopefully he's got a chance to come back this season.

Our luck though, he'll be done for the season.
Why? Kurt, AB can hold it down, I never got my hopes up with rose ,every time he made a move, go to the paint, anything all I can think about is him getting injured, modern day Penny, and Grant hill, could of been the greatest now it's over...

U mean Kirk? Hinrich?? Ur funny.

I had no doubt that Derrick was gonna ball out in the playoffs. Bulls have no shot at a title now.... none.
Win or lose, I'm still with the Bulls. 7th ring or no 7th ring.

IMO DRose shouldn't remove his meniscus. He might suffer the same thing Wade had when he had one in Marquette. 
A partial excision seems unavoidable given the higher probability of a re-tear.

It's one thing to re-attach if this was the first time he tore his right medial meniscus, but this is the second time.

From what it sounds like, Rose and family seem to want to re-attach it, but they're being strongly advised to go for a 'clean up' given his history
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Not a bulls fan but Rose is one of my favorite players... sucks that his body is breaking down faster than a Dutch a jamrock...

Go get Nate and rock out..
Rose's offensive production and dribble penetration will be missed in Chicago, but I strongly believe the Bulls can survive his injury. I actually don't even believe Pooh is more important than Butler or Jo. The team has shown they can do it before rallying together under Thibs. Team's defensive intensity will have to be upped even more. Mirotic and Snell can help shoulder the scoring burden, especially the former who has shown flashes of offensive productivity. Let's not forget this Bulls squad recently upset the favored Nets in the playoffs.

Cleveland assumes the role of Eastern Conference favorite, but I'm not sure I would prefer Atlanta or Washington to Chicago in the playoffs.
Yall think noah is leaving anytime soon? Also i wish taj would toughen up more he has gotten better...
Cmon guys... Bulls aren't beating Atlanta, Cleveland, or Washington in the first round. Our only chance is to maybe grab the 3 seed. If we land any lower we're done. Title hopes are gone anyway, and that's what we play for.
Cmon guys... Bulls aren't beating Atlanta, Cleveland, or Washington in the first round. Our only chance is to maybe grab the 3 seed. If we land any lower we're done. Title hopes are gone anyway, and that's what we play for.

Well we aren't slipping down to the 8th seed so we don't have to worry about ATL in the first round.

Wiz are currently struggling and Toronto isn't all that great.

If we can add Nate that would be helpful, but let's not act like we don't have the pieces to at least get out of the 1st round in the East. Only team I say we have no shot against is the Cavs, everybody else is fair game IMO.
Cmon guys... Bulls aren't beating Atlanta, Cleveland, or Washington in the first round. Our only chance is to maybe grab the 3 seed. If we land any lower we're done. Title hopes are gone anyway, and that's what we play for.
all beatable with or without rose stop that towel tossing fam
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