Bulls offseason Thread

Its not about me being wrong or you being right. It's about the situation being what it is. People keep talking like Rose is easily replaceable because of how he was playing prior to the injury. The key to all of this is that Derrick was going to hit another gear against Kyrie, Wall, Teague etc...... I have no proof of that, but I know I'm right, I just do.

agreed brodie.. he was def coasting & waiting to explode in the off's ...**** sucks atm
Van Gundy Asked to 'Tone It Down'

2:33 pm, February 26, 2015

Jeff Van Gundy usually operates without a filter. Whatever thought pops into his brain often does a beeline straight to his mouth.

But the outspoken NBA analyst says he might have to switch on his rarely used internal censor when it comes to discussing Tom Thibodeau's shaky relationship with the Bulls.

"I've been asked by (Leon Rose of CAA, the firm that represents Thibodeau) to tone it down a bit," Van Gundy said this week.

In the wake of Derrick Rose's latest injury, the coach's future likely will be brought up during ABC's telecast of the Bulls-Clippers game Sunday. Mike Breen, Van Gundy, Mark Johnson and Doris Burke will be on the call. Everything seems to be on the table for a franchise that Van Gundy says "feels snake-bit."

Previously, speculation about Thibodeau's status provoked Van Gundy to rail about Bulls management during an ESPN telecast of a January game in Dallas. He alleged the Bulls were leaking stories "to undermine" Thibodeau.

The Bulls quickly fired back. Van Gundy said Bulls general manager Gar Forman, who was at the game, berated him at halftime. "He called me a bunch of names," Van Gundy said.

Two days later, John Paxson, the Bulls' executive vice-president of basketball operations, told the Tribune the remarks "pathetic" and alleged that Van Gundy "was trying to protect his friend."

Van Gundy said the incident resulted in him receiving a call from Thibodeau's agent.

"He asked that I not say anything bad about (Thibodeau's relationship with the Bulls). It was getting people upset," Van Gundy said. "I told him I have a job to do, but at the same time, I don't want to do anything to hurt Tom."

Thibodeau is one of Van Gundy's closest friends in the business. Their relationship goes back more than 30 years when they were young assistant college coaches: Van Gundy at Providence and Thibodeau at Harvard. Later, Thibodeau served as an assistant during Van Gundy's head-coaching stints with the Knicks and Houston, Van Gundy said he quickly realized Thibodeau "was a better coach than me."

Van Gundy, though, strongly refutes the perception by Paxson and others that his comments were done out of friendship or at the behest of Thibodeau. He insists he hasn't discussed the situation with the Bulls coach.

"The thing I resent and the reason why I have to temper my remarks is that people equate everything I say with what Tom believes," Van Gundy said. "Like I'm going to be his mouthpiece, which is a joke. I say what I think. He's done a great job with the Bulls. He doesn't need anyone defending him."

Van Gundy also stressed that his views weren't just limited to Thibodeau. Previously, he also made similar on-air comments about the Bulls' handling of former coach Vinny Del Negro.

"This is not a Tom issue," Van Gundy said. "This is my opinion over the course of many years about how different Bulls managements have treated their coaches. I have not been a big fan."

Later, Van Gundy added, "When they say it's about friendship (with Thibodeau), that's not true. It was about facts."

Van Gundy should have plenty to discuss about the Bulls on Sunday. He felt horrible when he heard the news about Derrick Rose's injury.

Van Gundy doesn't think the Bulls will fall off dramatically without Rose. The guard's inconsistent play has led to what he terms a "choppy" season for the Bulls.

However, Van Gundy believes the Bulls' upside now is limited.

"You're talking about two separate things," Van Gundy said. "If Kirk Hinrich can hold up, and that's a big if, they'll continue to play just as well. But if Rose and (Joakim Noah) were able to play up to their potential, they had a chance to be special."

The latest injury to Rose could prompt more speculation about Thibodeau's future in Chicago. Van Gundy said he will try to heed the agent's request about tempering his comments regarding Bulls management, but he won't make any guarantees. He is who he is, he says.

One thing is certain: Van Gundy thinks the Bulls will make a big mistake if they part ways with Thibodeau.

"The NBA is a crazy place," Van Gundy said. "Often, organizations don't know how good they have it with a player or coach. I have no idea what's on in their minds. But if anybody thinks they will be better off without a great coach, I would question that judgment."
He's scheduled for surgery tomorrow and it sounds like he's getting it removed instead of repaired which means there's a chance he could return this season.

....but with Rose, you never know.
So Derrick Rose is scheduled for surgery on Friday. He's opted for the removal of the meniscus. He'll be back.....

Let's ****** goooooo!!!
i mean there is no shock that he is removing a piece no good doc is going to remove the entire thing if a piece can be saved.... tearing it a second time the chance of another repair was super low. What ppl dont see because the organizations didnt publicize is bledose the first time and westbrook on the third surgery had a piece removed.

I cant properly word this with technical info but i actually think rose going half speed and holding back has cause these last few injuries. you can see him tense up at times trying to avoid injury when you fight your body like that you make snap movements causing more damage. Mentally it has to suck but rose has to also realize he can get hurt going half speed you might as well go all in and be your self.
I wont comment on anything right now but...
If Rose removes his meniscus, its just letting me know that Derrick sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
He knows his career wont be as long as before and hes basically giving himself that2-3 year window before he has to hang em' up.

I hope I'm wrong but at least it gives the FO a timetable to prep for a rebuild :frown:
Aside from all the injuries we had some great years with Thibs and Rose.
Lol I hate that they gave that timetable.. If he doesn't come back this season, I suspect everyone will just clown him again for being 'soft'
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Lol I'm not at all optimistic about that timetable. If he doesn't come back this season, I suspect everyone will just clown him again for being 'soft'

Sure thing.
Barkley and skip would rip him apart in the media like sharks attacking a bloody seal.
I suspect that they want ppl to buy playoff tickets. That's just greedy. The right thing to do would've been to give a longer time table, especially given his history. If he came back earlier than announced, that would've been icing on the cake.
The right thing to do would've been to give a longer time table, especially given his history. If he came back earlier than announced, that would've been icing on the cake.

i believe that is the longer time table they gave out.

He walked out of hospital under his own power and apparently he's going to start practicing next week.
Bulls front office
I suspect that they want ppl to buy playoff tickets. That's just greedy. The right thing to do would've been to give a longer time table, especially given his history. If he came back earlier than announced, that would've been icing on the cake.

at this point everyone needs to get over it. the man is injured, hes gonna work hard to get back. i hope he does, but the reality is cleveland got real strong after their moves this season.

what i hate about the bulls, they dont take smart risks. and based on this past trading deadline, you barely had to give anything up to get a valuable asset. 2021 first rounder top 7 protected, some junk like that. how long were people waiting for mike dunleavy jr to come back..thats how bad it got
glad to hear the rose news however...... rose doesn't exactly follow guidelines sign nate. Were talking about a few 100k loss even if rose does come back. Some will say whats the point if rose isnt healthy were not going anywhere, but why not have some insurance imo kirk is done being effective and why not try to get the best possible spot while rose is out.
Lol, tweets sound very very positive. Compared the surgery to taking a pebble out of a shoe. The whole thing apparently took ten minutes.
1) Familiarity

Unfortunately the Bulls are used to this scenario, being without their star player Derrick Rose. He’s had a series of knee injuries in his brief NBA career, and each time Chicago has learned to endure and survive.

2) Positive Postseason Track Record

In the 2013 NBA Playoffs, the Bulls shocked everyone by defeating the Brooklyn Nets in 7 games. Then proceeded to steal one game off the Miami Heat the very next series. All without Derrick Rose’s scoring and leadership.

3) Team Defense

Chicago is currently tied with Cleveland for 11th best team defense in the NBA currently, for PPG allowed (98.7). Head coach Tom Thibodeau has long preached defensive energy, hustle, and hard work. These elements will partially compensate for the void in talent and offense left by Rose’s meniscus injury. The Bulls know how to grind, they’re comfortable playing uncomfortable basketball by slowing possessions, and most importantly getting stops in crunch time.

4) Upgraded Offensive Firepower

Pau Gasol brings championship experience and his scoring is much needed without Rose. Gasol is scoring the most per game since he has in the 2010 season with the Lakers. Not to mention Jimmy Butler’s ascension to stardom. An impressive career-high of 20.2 PPG. Aside from Joakim Noah, Butler is Chicago’s most important player on both ends of the court. His perimeter on the ball defense is greatly appreciated by “Thibs.” Tony Snell is very capable of eventually making a similar jump to Butler’s career path. Like he showed this month in wins over the Cavaliers and the Kings. European product Nikola Mirotic has displayed shades of Dirk Nowitzki, range on his jumper and capable of scoring in a multitude of ways. His problem has been finding minutes behind Joakim Noah, Taj Gibson, and Gasol. Lastly, rookie Doug McDermott. A knee injury has plagued much of his debut campaign, but at Creighton, McDermott exhibited strong scoring prowess. He’s able to score the basketball from mid-range as well as stroke jumpers from distance.
I think the team has huge optimistic and I am looking forward to how they will now play.
Rose told butler to lead this team and be aggressive, step up. Butler answered with carrying the team over MN. Let's get this rollin
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