Bush seem suprised at predicted gas price?

Aug 5, 2006
Please. Every year it seems we hear these 'predictions' about the rise in gas prices. But it seems to never go as high as these 'experts' say.Experts my *+%.
Found this chart somewhere recently which is interesting.

Helps put things into perspective a little too - although some of the middle east prices are crazy.

^ it's actually more than that now. That is probably from near the end of last year.

London is more expensive than here generally - but not by much.

I filled up today for $7.75 a gallon. Cost me $140 to fill up my car.

I'm glad I do use my bike to get around - I don't do many miles in the car so that should last most of the month. Still hurts when you see thenumbers going up though.
dammmmmn look at caracas on that little chart(its under Havana)
$0.17 for gas

thats it im moving (jk)
i don't get how this moron got re-elected... and our future doesn't look any more promising.. time to move to Canada
Originally Posted by kdwallace

^ it's actually more than that now. That is probably from near the end of last year.

London is more expensive than here generally - but not by much.

I filled up today for $7.75 a gallon. Cost me $140 to fill up my car.

I'm glad I do use my bike to get around - I don't do many miles in the car so that should last most of the month. Still hurts when you see the numbers going up though.

how do the people there even afford it??..or do alot of people not drive there..cause i would imagine if gas went to that price here,that the averageperson wouldnt be able to drive..
- Gas has been at the $3.?? *+@ point for quite some time, now...

- $4.?? *+@ gas is coming...

- ...it's just a matter of time. ...and then $5.?? *+@. It should get interesting.
All I'm sayin' is my wages need to increase along with gas prices, or something just isn't going to work out.
how do the people there even afford it??..or do alot of people not drive there..cause i would imagine if gas went to that price here,that the average person wouldnt be able to drive..

I was wondering that recently - about gas and also just other stuff like food and clothes - which can often be twice as expensive for the same thing.

It's probably a combination of things - partly you just get used to it - it's not like you have a choice - and partly that the UK is a less consumeristsociety - to an extent - and especially the older generation.

People just buy less stuff - just the way things are I guess. They just have less disposable income. It is strange how incomes are so much lower on average andthings cost more so you would think that it wouldn't work - you would expect if things cost more that salaries would go up... Doesn't work that waythough.

I sometimes hear the average salary of someone in the US who isn't even supposed to be well off and it sounds like good money - your expectations and thewhole 'American Dream' thing make it necessary to make more money to be 'comfortable'.

Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with that - it's just a difference in culture.

The other reason is that this is a much smaller country - people generally don't drive as far (average is about 12,000 miles a year) and cars are quite abit more economical here - 30mpg+ is the norm so that helps.
The messed up part about the high gas prices is how those prices impact prices of other things too.
All i know is. If gas hits 4.00+ on the regular in the states. Americans gonna be hurt, well lots of Americans. Who cares what London pay.
Damn i thought today price's was crazy, it takes almost 50 bucks a week to fill my car up. If gas really do hit 4.00+ a lot of people pockets gonna bethin..
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Bush is probably like, "I have a solid strategery to counteract these prices in my 3rd term."

He may get a 3rd and 4th term
. It's called McCain...
Everybody gonna be hungry an not goin anywhere. I was watchin the news other day how pizza places owners said the cost of Flour went up like 25%. Cheesealready went up. Little things like that. Grocery store too damn expensive and gas too expensive. Both very important. Didnt i hear that fed gonna cut the rateagain in March? This recession talk is real.
Bush is all about the oil! they making record breaking profits and bush is saying we cant afford to raise the taxes on these guys! @!%!?
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