Buttoning up Polos to the top...

Jan 1, 2009
My friend was saying how it's a common trend among African Americans, is this true? Or is it only a trend in certain regions? I personally do it becauseI think it looks better...
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

My friend was saying how it's a common trend among African Americans, is this true? I personally do it because I think it looks better...
My roommate back at school does it (he's black) and I just thought him and Urkel were the only people that did it.
I'm black, and it's the only way I wear 'em. I don't really feel comfortable with a button loose except if it fits a certain way. I'm fromthe DMV and there's really only one way to wear it. I noticed this of people from NY/NJ and Phil though too.

But I noticed that alot of Black people in the south don't really button any buttons at all on their polos. And they'll throw an extra thick t under itthat's bigger than the polo itself.

No hate, I was in school in FL for 4 years and this is what I saw every day.
Originally Posted by sn00pee


I'd only button up a polo if I wore a tie with it though


and buttoning up the top button looks ridiculous
the polo wasn't meant to be worn with a tie. its funny to see people wearing ties with polos buttoned to the top
People been buttoning their polos to the top in Baltimore since forever...I know Philly dudes do it too
Polos look better buttoned to the top, +*%* what anyone else says. Having a Polo half buttoned looks sloppy imo
button the bottom button only with the fresh crisp white tee under =

button'd all the way up, feels like im being choked by my shirt
If a dude comes to the hood with his polo buttoned all the way up its supposed to mean that he was afraid he was gonna get robbed and is hiding his tucked inchain.
I don't think i've ever seen a guy out with his polo buttoned till the top
I think it looks funny.
Looks weird to me so i never do it. I only button one and wear a white tee under it.
I see absolutely no reason to button it all the way up.

Yall gotta be a bunch of Carlton Banks lookin dudes...
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