Buttoning up Polos to the top...

i know in the dmv we button them up to the top. and when i'm in NC its usually the same thing... and when im in ny for school.... i dont even remember whatthey did..
The way some wear polos expresses their age.. in the business world, a polo is to be worn with NO SHIRT underneath, and not buttoned. bottom button isacceptable
i can't speak for everywhere, but all the cats in Maryland/DC do it like that.. at least in HS, i remember that was the way to go.

now, i may or may not do it depending on the type of polo i'm wearing and its fit.

and i always wear a tee under. not some huge tee that color coordinates with the pony or anything. just like a small white undershirt so i have an extra layerof protection.
Originally Posted by Juice2352

Leave the top button unbottoned, always

word but i somewhat agree to the person who said button it all the way up if you have broad shoulders and traps....when i used to lift heavy back in the day iused to button them up but now i'm normal size so that top button is unbuttoned
I've always done it since I was a kid. Just the way I've always worn my polos. People always used to comment on it back in hs and tell me it lookbetter un buttoned, but it just feels weird to me. I noticed that Polos that aren't by ralph lauren are a lot different in the neck area and some look realweird buttoned up like that so it also depends on the style of the polo.
not me...1 away from the top is whats good in the hood
i just button the bottom button and leave the top one unbuttoned it looks weird if you button both.
if you button all the buttons up then you're looking like a fool imo.

i just button the first one.
never wore a polo in my life but on my button downs, i don't button the top button except when i wear a tie, so if i wore polos i would apply the same lawsof life, but probably i would cut the sleeves off the polo too cuz that's badass, imho.
I button all of them. I am black. I don't know any white people who do it, so by that logic yes you are right.
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