Bynum is riding the bench in style.

I think he was probably watching some old Ike and Tina footage, and got inspired.  I pulled this dew off in middle school, and got roasted to death.  My moms face was absolutely priceless.  I swear that during my years in middle school and HS my mom thought she had raised a functioning ******.

A dude in high school tried the same dew, and they got on him so bad that he got picked up after 2nd period to go get a cut.
  Bynum stay fooling.  I can dig it tho.  You got to add a little pazazz to it from time to time.
This thread is full of laughs. I saw this on yard barker and was like this cat can not be serious.

I knew NT would have a thread full of greatness....Like always this place never disappoints. :lol:
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