Cali Heads-Time to Hunt Down This Dude Vol. Found Him.....Facebook on page 8...Lets Get It

Jun 18, 2002
What's up NT,

It's been a minute. I have been here since 2002 and usually don't post too often, but I have been so busy lately that I have not even had time tobrowse.

The past few months have been a little strenuous to say the least. I have been dating this new girl for quite some time, love her to pieces, but she has somebaggage. Her ex-boyfriend that she dated from Massachusetts for 5 years, who now lives in California, has been irritating to say the least. Some of the stuffhe has tried to pull off is ridiculous.....

For one, when we started dating, the dude blew up my phone and her phone 74 times in one night. No lie, 74 times. Calling and screaming and trying to tell meshe has herpes, etc. I thought it would stop there, but it got worse. This is just a lit of things he has done to me and her the past few months -

- Hacked into my voicemail, Facebook, and Niketalk. (I just found this out today, all those previous post WERE NOT ME. He took the valet pics from myFacebook, and went from there.)

-Hacked into her parents Sprint account, tracked down my home phone and cell phone, used to call me at like 2 in the morning and talk *+$@, does and stillcalls her. Woke us both up last night at three when I was over there.

- Threatened to take old pics of her and send out a mass e-mail to her family, job, me, etc. Dude actually flew to Atlanta and had to meet up with her she shecould delete all her pictures. He didnt want me to come, since he was afraid I would bring my boys.

- He used to physically abuse my girl, hit her, etc. On top of this, my gf already has a severekidney disease and due to some other circumstances, is without health insurance right now and has been in a lot of pain lately. Thanfully, one local pharmacyfilled her $300 perscription for free. She has been stressed lately and his BS only adds to it, the kid wont let us live our lives. He has even called her workand posed as a member complaining about my girl.

Anyway, this kid, who is 23 years old, has been broken up with her for a year, and has yet to let go. He is sending her videos of him having sex with othergirls, even created fake Facebook accounts to try and friend me and snoop on me and her. Hacks into her voicemail, etc.

The kid runs his mouth more than anyone I know and needs an @$% beating..problem is, he lives in Cali, I live in Atlanta.

Anyone who can hunt this clown down in Cali, I will provided some cash. PM me if interested and we can discuss details as to his name, phone number, address,etc.

NT LETS GET IT...I have no respect for guys who physically harm woman...this has gone on too long, he needs an @$% whooping.
So you're going to pay one of us $100 to murder someone? You low-balling us, I can get more digits for murder.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

So you're going to pay one of us $100 to murder someone? You low-balling us, I can get more digits for murder.
Word up. Add a couple zero's to the end of that number, and then tell us where in Cali he lives. Just kidding.
I am not asking anyone to kill him, NT

I am glad he has ruined my reputation on here, just one more thing to add to the list. My account was hacked, that's all I can say
I did not get any ideas, DayDayz e36.

I went into "my" old threads and you seemed to be in every single one of them. Just stop. This actually happened, I don't need to prove anythingto anyone, this just has got to stop.

I believe he lives in the SoCal area....
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

I am glad he has ruined my reputation on here, just one more thing to add to the list. My account was hacked, that's all I can say
Before this post I have never even seen or heard of you before. By you creating this thread, hopefully I never see or hear from you again.
Dudes on NT quick to call someone a herb. A majority of ya'll are lame as hell.

OP, I don't live in Cali... if I did, I'd help.

But real talk, $100 isn't that much; it's a recession homie.
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

I did not get any ideas, DayDayz e36.

I went into "my" old threads and you seemed to be in every single one of them. Just stop. This actually happened, I don't need to prove anything to anyone, this just has got to stop.

I believe he lives in the SoCal area....

This Thread is Capable of 20 Pages
the fact that you have that in your title screams you love the attention. you a woman.
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