Campaign against Playstation Plus paywall

Sony and Microsoft will soon both be using this practice. They are 2/3 of the biggest names in console gaming. That would make this practice the norm in the console world. Deal with it.

Your theory that Sony will neuter the PS+ system once this goes in effect is baseless and asinine.
You're wrong. 

You're looking at names, but not the platforms. There are three platforms on which online gaming is not free: Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.

The list of online capable gaming platforms that costs nothing are as follows:



Playstation 3




Wii U



Steam (separate from PC)
Occulus Rift


There is probably more that I've forgotten. The point is, it is not the norm. Sony itself doesn't support pay for play (PS3, Vita, PSP), and at the same time they do (PS4). Microsoft has made people think this is normal, and Sony just didn't want to leave money on the table. 

And it's not baseless. Perhaps you need to look at anything in the history of the world-- things with no competition do not feel the need to improve. Sony has already proven this with the PS3 and that's why it was received so badly in the beginning of its lifecycle. Arrogance. 
This guy just listed the Oculus Rift as a free to play gaming platform. :lol:

You have no idea what you're talking about and I hope your twitter campaign is a dud.
You're on website dedicated to a shoe company who consistently puts out a shoddy product and despite threads full of replies from people complaining about the quality of shoes, people will still go on to buy them. You're just in the wrong place and I feel your pain. PSN will soon to be charging and games continue to come out half ***** so developers can sell you the rest of the game as sucks but sadly it seems like the goal is simply to milk people for as much as they can yet people are complaining about you trying to take a stand against part of it.
Somebody understands.

I get that I'm probably on the wrong site for it, but I just wanted to put #PS4FreeOnline out there to as many eyes as I could. 

Isn't it funny how people try to put down those struggling for change, yet reap the benefits? I'm sure people told Alex Bell he was crazy for trying to revolutionize the way we communicate. But everybody has a damned cell phone in their pocket.

Why come to a thread that's trying to do something positive just to say something negative and ultimately do nothing? It's a shame people are this way. 
Sony gives gamers pretty much everything we wanted compared to the Xbone and op thinks i'm about to complain about a little online fee.... ****
This guy just listed the Oculus Rift as a free to play gaming platform.

You have no idea what you're talking about and I hope your twitter campaign is a dud.
I didn't say free to play, I said free to play online. 

Are you denying that? You need to do research on it. This may become the VR platform that we all have been hoping for. 

Why would you hope a campaign that is trying to fight for consumer's rights fails? That makes no sense dude, you need help. 
You're on website dedicated to a shoe company who consistently puts out a shoddy product and despite threads full of replies from people complaining about the quality of shoes, people will still go on to buy them. You're just in the wrong place and I feel your pain. PSN will soon to be charging and games continue to come out half ***** so developers can sell you the rest of the game as sucks but sadly it seems like the goal is simply to milk people for as much as they can yet people are complaining about you trying to take a stand against part of it. :smh:
Somebody understands.

I get that I'm probably on the wrong site for it, but I just wanted to put #PS4FreeOnline out there to as many eyes as I could. 

Isn't it funny how people try to put down those struggling for change, yet reap the benefits? I'm sure people told Alex Bell he was crazy for trying to revolutionize the way we communicate. But everybody has a damned cell phone in their pocket.

Why come to a thread that's trying to do something positive just to say something negative and ultimately do nothing? It's a shame people are this way. 

You're struggling for change?

Did you just compare yourself to Alexander Graham Bell creating the phone?

Why make a thread if you can't take both positive and negative feedback? You are defensive from the get go. I tried talking civil to you but you just disregard everything said against your point and apparently only your opinion matters and no else who disagrees is valid. :lol:

You listed so many options for alternative, you are so mad at Sony for this then do not buy their system and go to the alternative, that will show them.

If you want to keep it positive, do not be so defensive and completely negate peoples opinion right away. People will throw stones at you, stand tough w/o being a d*ck and the thread will stay positive and you can relay your message better. Take the high road and stop acting like a martyr for this cause. Simple as that.
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This guy :lol:

The Rift isn't a platform at all. It's just a VR headset.

If that's what you consider a gaming platform, you better include every single model of television on the market as well.

This just further illustrates that you have no idea what you're talking about.
You're struggling for change?

Did you just compare yourself to Alexander Graham Bell creating the phone?

Why make a thread if you can't take both positive and negative feedback? You are defensive from the get go. I tried talking civil to you but you just disregard everything said against your point and apparently only your opinion matters and no else who disagrees is valid.

You listed so many options for alternative, you are so mad at Sony for this then do not buy their system and go to the alternative, that will show them.

If you want to keep it positive, do not be so defensive and completely negate peoples opinion right away. People will throw stones at you, stand tough w/o being a d*ck and the thread will stay positive and you can relay your message better. Take the high road and stop acting like a martyr for this cause. Simple as that.
Let me clarify: I shouldn't be 'defensive' whilst people are throwing stones?


Anyway, I haven't attacked anyone, or said anything negative, so I feel like I have taken the high road. Just as on Giant Bomb, the point is to rally like minded individuals. Why come into the thread if your opinion is negative? That's picking a fight. Just ignore it and move on. It makes no sense to come into a thread with a negative opinion, when the thread wasn't asking for opinions or even trying to debate something.

The whole point was to get people who DON'T like this crap to try to do something about it. Nothing more. 
This guy

The Rift isn't a platform at all. It's just a VR headset.

If that's what you consider a gaming platform, you better include every single model of television on the market as well.

This just further illustrates that you have no idea what you're talking about.

That, to you, is negative?

Dude, I have a whole 'nother side I could be showing, but it would detract from my message, and I'm refraining. I stand by what I said. My posts were hyperbolic, yet relevant. 

I haven't called anyone stupid for their opinion, or insulted anyone. Relax. 
Wow. You're a wop genius.


Sounds like you like to take it up the butt by the corporations. 




As you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, I'm done with you.


Exactly what I was talking about. 

Can't be serious. 

That makes no sense dude, you need help. 

What is it with people and not understanding analogies?


All these can be easily construed as a negative comment, all could have easily been said much better without prompting negative retorts from others. Not to mention some of your replies come off arrogant.

And you defending it isn't helping either and saying you have a whole different side just makes you come off more bad than good. The same way an unpopular opinion doesn't make it wrong as you say, these responses may seem normal to you but that doesn't mean others couldn't easily read it as a negative reply, especially on an online forum where it is difficult to convey how things are being said. Just like how sarcasm online isn't always obvious.
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All these can be easily construed as a negative comment, all could have easily been said much better without prompting negative retorts from others. Not to mention some of your replies come off arrogant.

And you defending it isn't helping either and saying you have a whole different side just makes you come off more bad than good. The same way an unpopular opinion doesn't make it wrong as you say, these responses may seem normal to you but that doesn't mean others couldn't easily read it as a negative reply, especially on an online forum where it is difficult to convey how things are being said. Just like how sarcasm online isn't always obvious.
Nope, don't see how those are overtly negative. You can spin anything to fit a negative mindset. Most of what you posted me saying is hyperbole or me clarifying a position, not to mention all exceeding out of context. Perhaps you should post the quotes I was replying to. Other than that you appear to be a spin doctor.

Are you being serious with the last 5 quotes? Man, fishing is a hell of a job. Must be able to touch your feet standing straight up with that reach 

And arrogant? 


I just...cant...
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