Can any of you guys think of a more annoying human being than....(pics)

Ralphie May that fat @#$! always making white jokes...he is so corny..."Oh dont go there white boy you dont wanna start drama with asista!!!!"

Or Ellen Degeneres
mad.gif come everytime her show starts and she walks onstage she has to dance.....does she think she is hip
, harlem shaking toa Beyonce song.I truly wanna make sure all her kids dont grow...i wanna stab her in the throat and then play in her blood.
Originally Posted by firenflames

Chris Brown, Mencia, Tony Parker, Everyone in the Hills, Sweet 16, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Shia LaDouche, Megan Fox, Heidi Klum, My cousin, Wreckinkickz, The Mather Track team, UIC Track team, Abdel, Sarah Palin, Adriana Lima, that one !!#!#+ on my block, My uncle, Mohsin, Sony, Nintendo fans, My manager(s), My sister, My dad and Lost Planet

damn my dude you sound like you are best friends with
some of the people you guys named i never noticed were so annoying but now when i think about it they do grind my gears. but i would have to say khaled takesit for me. always hollering and all that b.s. i wish he would just make his music and thats it.

"Kobe Bryant will be better than Michael Jordan" - Mark Jackson .....This is what makes him annoying!
Originally Posted by PicknRoll

Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

ive never watched her show but i have seen the commercials and i think she has some of the corniest " jokes "
with that being said..I 'll still beat
you the caboose cause i been wantin to hit that.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by PicknRoll

Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

ive never watched her show but i have seen the commercials and i think she has some of the corniest " jokes "
with that being said..I 'll still beat
you the caboose cause i been wantin to hit that.
yeah i'll smack those but as for her show/comedy direct
Saw this on another board and I completely agree...
[h2]DJ Khaled Needs a Muzzle[/h2]


"We the best! +@+!%, we the best!!"

"…And I won't stop 'til I see them devils. And I won't stop 'til I defeat the devils…"

I strongly dislike DJ Khaled. At first, I was gonna say that I hate DJ Khaled, but hate is a strong word that I tend to not use. But I will say that I hate 1) his voice and 2) what he says. Those two things make me dislike him, ya dig?

Let me explain by starting with his voice. The man's voice is simply grating against the ear and it's not improved because he's always yelling loud on the track. I can remember when people disliked DJ Clue because he was notorious for yelling something on a track. But who knew that Clue's adlibs would spawn DJ Khaled?? His voice is too high-pitched, too loud, and too… disturbing. I mean, DAMN, am I the only person who feels this guy on a track is the hip-hop equivalent of nails on a chalkboard?? At least vocode his voice since e'rybody else is vocoding lately.

Moving along, I hate what this guys says. First, he liberally uses "+@+!%." I'm black and I don't care what anybody says (including Nas), black folk don't need to be using that word. But it's so damn entrenched that I wonder if it will ever disappear. But, if African-American usage of the word is questionable, how does DJ Khaled get to use it?? And these rappers be yelling it on the track with him! Not knocking the Palestinian people, but DJ Khaled, as a Palestinian-American, should definitely not be saying the word. I know that apparently Latinos have license to use the N-word, which I think is even more objectionable to black folk using it, but DJ Khaled is well beyond that ethnic classification.

Second, when DJ Khaled speaks, he says nothing, nothing at all. Nothing of significance, nothing that is worth listening to. For instance, when I listened to his "We The Best" album and I heard him say this…
"Tryin to talk to 'em… When there's no more music left, and the lights go out, all you hear is silence - I'll be that voice"

…I immediately looked to the guy on the right of me with the "%*+" face like he heard DJ Khaled just then. That's how bad it was because "We don't believe you, you need more people." But this guy doesn't just stop with one or two sentences. No - he feels compelled to go on and on and on and on and on with the nonsense. Did y'all hear what he had to say on his interlude on Rick Ross's "Trilla?" Damn - stop it! In comparison to this, I wish we could bring DJ Clue's concise and meaningful adlibs back.

I won't knock the dude for the work he facilitates because he did drop some gems (although he didn't produce these joints according to the ever-authoritative Wikipedia) like "Grammy Family," "We Takin' Over," "I'm So Hood," "Brown Paper Bag," and "'S' on my Chest." Some bangers. But yea, this dude is just not the business. Call me a hater, but somebody needs to put a muzzle on DJ Khaled.

I hate Khaled
Originally Posted by MrPrince757

Originally Posted by grittyman20
He's implying because he's a certain race, he can't use the N word. What sense does that make. Because a person is black, that entitles them to use it??

Actually, it does.

Empowerment through dis-empowerment, kids.

Learn about it.
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