Can Brandon Roy become a superstar or all-star?

Feb 18, 2007
IMO, Brandon Roy is only an elite athleticism away from being a superstar or all-star because his skills are better than most superstars in the league. Ifhe had superior athleticism, I guarantee that he would be an elite superstar in the NBA. What are your thoughts because this guy is playing just purely basedon skill like Nash.
All Star, definitely

superstar, nah

But him, Aldridge and Oden together can win at least 1 ring
Man...T'wolves traded Roy for Foye who hasn't even played a game yet this year
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYER

last time i checked roy had 42 inch vert which is higher than kobe wade dirk melo and others..

You said Dirk
. I highly doubt son has a 42 inch vert because hewould have some more explosiveness. But I love his game.
Originally Posted by PRETTYPLAYER

last time i checked roy had 42 inch vert which is higher than kobe wade dirk melo and others..

So that makes him a Superstar?

With that said, All-Star- Yes; Superstar- Probably not
i think the question SHOULD be "IS Brandon Roy a superstar or an all-star?" But to answer that i think for right now hes for sure just an all-star.But if he keeps playing like this, proves himself in big games and the playoffs he'll be a superstar in no time.
The market he plays in, his lack of charisma and unflashy play will hinder superstar status. I think he can be a 20-5-5 player for years to come, but that willonly put him at All-Star status based on what I mentioned before.
B. Roy will be a superstar in this league. The Blazers are on the rise, and can only go up.
He already is deserving of an all-star spot this year, whether he makes it or not. Superstar, we'll see when the Blazers get into the playoffs. If he takesover 4th quarters like he has been doing, no doubt in mind he will be a superstar in this league. BRoy is an athletic player but he's just not flashy. Hecan dunk with ease but dunks aren't part of his game. He can pretty much get to anywhere he wants on the court. BRoy is definitely not as athletic as mostsuperstars out there but i think he makes up for it with his smarts, poise and leadership on the court. Dirk, Nash, Duncan are not athletically gifted likeKobe, TMac, Dwight, Wade, etc but they are among the best superstars in the league.
IMO, Brandon Roy is only an elite athleticism away from being a superstar or all-star because his skills are better than most superstars in the league. If he had superior athleticism, I guarantee that he would be an elite superstar in the NBA. What are your thoughts because this guy is playing just purely based on skill like Nash.

brandon roy is athletic enough to be compared to the other superstars..(40 1/2 " = higher than rodney carney, randy foye, tyrus thomas in hisclass..etc)..its more of his wingspan (only 6"8 as compared to a wade wingspan of I believe around 6"11 and tmac i heard has a 7"3+ wingspan?and rudy gay<--not a superstar but a 7"3 wingspan) and style of game....dude prolly could play til hes 40, dont know if theres such thing but hisknowledge of the game is at a superstar level....

its not athleticsm its WINGSPAN...word to kevin durant

do you guys think paul pierce is a superstar?
it doesnt matter if he is a super star or all-star. I want the Blazers to do what they are doing, play TEAM ball. That gets wins and championships. See SanAntonio Spurs.
Neither. He is a good talent but not an all-star and not close to a superstar right now. Guys like Baron Davis, Kobe, T-mac, Nash, Chris Paul, Deron Williams,Tony Parker, and Manu will make the all-star team ahead of him this season(even if they don't deserve it). 19 ppg 4 rpg and 5 apg aren't all-star statson a team 4 games over .500 and not even close to superstar stats. With that said, Roy has a very high basketball IQ and should be an all-star next year and aforce to deal with in the coming years.
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