Can humans evolve further ?

I don't evolution ever stops. It may take 100 years, or 10,000 years. But I don't think it ever stops.
no. we cant.


yes. we are evolving right now. just cause we attached a word to the thing that it is and we understand it now doesnt mean it didnt exist to the cave man a couple thousand years ago. we're not done, never will be, unless we become extinct as a whole and have to start allover. there could be a billion years in between, but i dont think we come back exactly as what we were. who knows, maybe there were "humans" more "super" than us on some other planet billions of years ago. or maybe even on this rock even. just cause its slow to US doesnt mean a thing. a year, an hour, a minute, a second is "man made" and scaled and catered to "us" because of how far the sun is from this rock.
Evolution doesn't just stop. So, yeah. Humans are evolving and will continue to do so. 
due to excessive cell phone usage, I feel that the species will develop oversized thumbs.

Not only this, but some form of possibly neck strength or degregation due to constant looking down at cellphones. That is unless google glass takes off and years into the future they can be made into contact lenses. Man the thought of that is beyond thought if that makes sense.
Why is evolution so hard for the majority of NT to understand? It's one of the easiest concepts to get your head around.
Why is evolution so hard for the majority of NT to understand? It's one of the easiest concepts to get your head around.

Like Giraffes once had short necks like a horse...............................
Or like Humans were once primate/neanderthal like creatures?

I only fully believe one of these scenarios
To those who are saying no or are confused...are you expecting humans to grow an extra limb or something? Yes we're evolving. The only thing that needs to evolve is the brain. Have you guys seen some of the **** humans have accomplished these past few years alone?

Cars driving themselves
Robots on mars
Curing AIDS
Creating working organs
Discovering the Higgs Boson
Religion slowly going down the ****ter

This list is probably as long as the number of domain names on like...the Internet.

Yea we're evolving.
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Everyone gonna be packing the BBC. #Magnumsnolongerbaggy! 
Humans will continue to evolve. We will continue to get stronger, taller, etc. Mankind will keep evolving until we are extinct
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