can moving cops take your speed?

May 5, 2006
I'm pretty sure they can't considering if they were moving, say at 40 mph, then the radar would also be moving at 40 mph and would only be able todetect the difference in your speed and theirs right? but just want to clarify.
Well if they know how fast they're going, and can detect the difference between theirs and yours speed, then they know how fast you're going.
yeah but don't they have to show you the reading if you ask for it? if the reading came up at 10mph then it wouldn't really be valid would it?
they could be pacing you

There are 2 ways that officers can pace your moving speed. The first is with their certified speedometer or with a non-certified speedometer verified with thecruiser tracker of a moving RADAR unit. Although there is no actual set distance required for following a car to establish its speed you do have to follow thecar long enough to establish that at the ticket speed his/her car was either pulling away from the cruiser or neither gaining or loosing distance.

---The other method is called TDS
(Time/ Distance/ Speed) or VASCAR
(Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder). This method is simply timing your car between 2 points on the highway to establish your average speed.
Not exactly sure how that works.

If you're asking because you got a ticket, just take it to court and you'll most likely win.
Yeah most likely they can.

When I was pulled over a few months ago, the cop told me how fast I was going.
---The other method is called TDS
(Time/ Distance/ Speed) or VASCAR
(Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder). This method is simply timing your car between 2 points on the highway to establish your average speed.
word to mean value theorem
if you're both going 40mph, their radar will show 80mph. it's simply a matter of subtracting their speed from the radar's speed.
Originally Posted by InThe617

Not exactly sure how that works.

If you're asking because you got a ticket, just take it to court and you'll most likely win.

no you won't.

if the cop was parked, then pulled you over for speeding but didn't get you on radar, then possibly yes.

for're gonna have to take the L
Originally Posted by presequel

Originally Posted by InThe617

Not exactly sure how that works.

If you're asking because you got a ticket, just take it to court and you'll most likely win.

no you won't.

if the cop was parked, then pulled you over for speeding but didn't get you on radar, then possibly yes.

for're gonna have to take the L
I stand corrected.

I've been lucky a few times in court though, ive beat out 4 or 5 tickets.
Not all states allow cops to write speeding tickets based on pacing.

Find out if cops are allowed to in your state.

If they're not allowed to pace you to write you a speeding ticket, and you get pulled over, ask to see the speed on the radar gun. If your statedoesn't allow pacing and the cop doesn't show you the speed on the radar gun, and he still writes you a speeding ticket, contest that in court,whenever the date is.
I got paced going to the hotel on prom night, was doing 80 on freeway. I was ready to get them buns
Originally Posted by doosta45

I got paced going to the hotel on prom night, was doing 80 on freeway. I was ready to get them buns

. I bet that didn't even affect your night.
^ it sure did not. The cop knew what the game plan was too and duke was stalling. Asking all these unneccesary questions. I gave him the biggest
and kept itmoving to accomplish the mission
Originally Posted by doosta45

I got paced going to the hotel on prom night, was doing 80 on freeway. I was ready to get them buns

I would of been pissed but being in that position you probablydidn't give a damn.
i saw a cop behind me and i thought it was a drunk driver so he followed me up to 98miles an hour trying to get away. he says "why are you going so fast" i told him i though he was drunk and he laughed and let me go. one of thefew cool cops i have seen.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

i saw a cop behind me and i thought it was a drunk driver so he followed me up to 98 miles an hour trying to get away. he says "why are you going so fast" i told him i though he was drunk and he laughed and let me go. one of the few cool cops i have seen.
cuentos de pato
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

i saw a cop behind me and i thought it was a drunk driver so he followed me up to 98 miles an hour trying to get away. he says "why are you going so fast" i told him i though he was drunk and he laughed and let me go. one of the few cool cops i have seen.

I did the same exact thing once... dude was following me for mad long so i decided to gun it and was doin like 85... then dude hit me with the lights
i told him i thought he was some hick tailing me but he still wrote me for 75 in a 55
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

i saw a cop behind me and i thought it was a drunk driver so he followed me up to 98 miles an hour trying to get away. he says "why are you going so fast" i told him i though he was drunk and he laughed and let me go. one of the few cool cops i have seen.
cuentos de pato

why would i lie about it?

that sucks fraij, my cop just gave me a sobriety test and cut me loose.
well the radar detector does not work like a point A to B timing device, it works like a radar would work. Your change in position in accordance to time butthe time that the laser takes to get back to the unit when a cop is moving there is no math involved, the laser adjusts for its in car speed. Andif you ever get a ticket for speeding, take it to court and ask for the radar calibration review sheet, they are supposed to be calibrated ever 3-4 months, andif for some reason they did not do the upkeep then you can beat the ticket.....

its a hail mary but some times it works...
so how about if the cop specifically says "i paced you going over the speed limit"? can you still ask for the sheet?
if the cop stops you for an unsafe lane change? do you ask for the picture?
authority>over your god.

drive slow hommie
Not sure if the question has been answered but heres my experience

I have been inside a NY State Troopers car while he was driving and clocking people on the other side of the road, he cought a guy doing 80 in a 55 while wewere driving on the opposite side of the road and the radar read "80".......just my little i work in news and was taping a ride-alongwith a cop.
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