can they please give Jesus the ball..........

Sep 4, 2004
my man Ray(Jesus Shuttlesworth)Allen has been in a slump because he dont get the rock. i mean paul and k.g are great but how can my man score if everytime theyset the offense up they are the only ones shooting. doc rivers need to let my man shine or the celtics arent gonna win.........
Originally Posted by sneakerfiend157

my man Ray(Jesus Shuttlesworth)Allen has been in a slump because he dont get the rock. i mean paul and k.g are great but how can my man score if everytime they set the offense up they are the only ones shooting. doc rivers need to let my man shine or the celtics arent gonna win.........

probably cuz jesus is playin more like booger right now!
if u cant hit shots atleast do something else to help the team like rebound and defend, if he ant hitting shots he is useless to be on the floor.

i rather PP and KG have the ball in there hands then allen.
how do you figure in the regular season he had more shots and they all were sharing the ball. as soon as playoff time came they went from sharing the scoringload to paul and k.g trying to take over games. they didnt win 60 plus game by just paul and k.g scoring they won those games cuz the scoring was balanced.they had a kamikaze like attack hitting you from all angles. now its like most teams know who is gonna have the ball and are playing better defense on them raywas that dude that killed teams strategies to defend the celtics...
[h1]Ray Allen, Former Hall of Famer[/h1]
As a Celtics fan, I'm excited by the current playoff run, but ready to sell Ray Allen...any takers? Thisway, Doc Rivers would be forced to sit TAFKRA (The Artist Formely Known as Ray Allen) and give James Posey and Eddie House more minutes.

Here's what you'd get:

A sweet $16,000,000 a year contract you'd have to pay for

A shooting guard, who can't shoot

One helluva an actor from "He Got Game" albeit seriously in need of a hug from Denzel Washington right about now

A mediocre defender

Somehow a guy hailed as being part of the "Big 3"...when he can;t even MAKE a "Big 3"

By all accounts, a nice guy. But don't have him water your plants, or he'll miss and hit the windows.

Hurry up and bid, we don't want to lose the Finals! And hey, if we're left with Ray, maybe he'll use this as motivation...I'm happy to be theguy that lit a fire, since no one else has bothered


KobeKid24 wrote:
[h1]Ray Allen, Former Hall of Famer
As a Celtics fan, I'm excited by the current playoff run, but ready to sell Ray Allen...any takers? This way, Doc Rivers would be forced to sit TAFKRA (The Artist Formely Known as Ray Allen) and give James Posey and Eddie House more minutes.

Here's what you'd get:

A sweet $16,000,000 a year contract you'd have to pay for

A shooting guard, who can't shoot

One helluva an actor from "He Got Game" albeit seriously in need of a hug from Denzel Washington right about now

A mediocre defender

Somehow a guy hailed as being part of the "Big 3"...when he can;t even MAKE a "Big 3"

By all accounts, a nice guy. But don't have him water your plants, or he'll miss and hit the windows.

Hurry up and bid, we don't want to lose the Finals! And hey, if we're left with Ray, maybe he'll use this as motivation...I'm happy to be the guy that lit a fire, since no one else has bothered


i have to say that was pretty funny but still how can he make shots if everytime he gets the ball is with like 5 seconds on the shot clock he has toget into a rhythm let him get into the flow of the offense is all im saying.....
i have to say that was pretty funny but still how can he make shots if everytime he gets the ball is with like 5 seconds on the shot clock he has to get into a rhythm let him get into the flow of the offense is all im saying.....
That's his job. His only job.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

i have to say that was pretty funny but still how can he make shots if everytime he gets the ball is with like 5 seconds on the shot clock he has to get into a rhythm let him get into the flow of the offense is all im saying.....
That's his job. His only job.

how is that his job to force shots. explain that one to me please because last time i checked most guys score when they have time to create or executequality plays...
Ray just has not been doing it.

He needs to just hit them when he gets open looks. He always seems to miss when we need him.
You can't be mad at Pierce and KG, throughout the Cleavland and Atlanta series this dude was gettin his shots up, and they werent going in, but they keptpassing to him. The reason his shots went down at the end of the Cle series is cause he was passing up shots, easy shots, shots he NEEDED to be taking. Butthey still kept passing to him, until it really obviously started to hurt the team, at which point Doc started using House more to make sure PP and KGdidn't have to make the decision of whether or not to pass to Ray.

Dude just isn't shooting well, especially from deep (24 for 74 from deep in the playoffs, or just 32%). But his scoring dip isn't because he isn'tgetting chances, here are his FG numbers from all the playoffs, only games he is below 10 are when he was passing up shots, and riding the pine (his and Docsdecisions, not KG or Pierces)

And if I were a Boston fan I would be kissing pierces cheeks right now considering how Game 7 of Cle woulda gone without him
Atlanta Series

Cleavland Series

Detroit Series
I don't know, attempting to pass him the ball a lot so he can shoot out of his slump doesn't seem like a good idea to me because it is, in fact, theplayoffs. Maybe in the regular season but in the playoffs when your fans, organization, and the rest of your team is riding on you, you can't take a chanceif there's a possibility it could backfire.
Is it just me or did he not play better last night?
You could tell he was playing a bit better. Not the Ray Allen of old, but it was definitely an improvement.
Ray Allen is one of my favorite players in the league, but even watching last nite, he still wasn't himself. It's strange, because it's not likehe's deferring to other guys, dude is just missing. I mean, this is a guy who just a couple years ago could hang with Kobe. I don't know what the hellis going on with him, but I haven't lost faith.
Its just a slump...every player goes through it. It has come at the worst time, but tis something you can't help. He's just gotta get confident in hisshot & get it outta his head.
Originally Posted by rocboys

he has family problems someone threatened to kill his father
where you see this from?

ray allen has always been a one demensional player. hes a great shooter and thats it...

i think maybe hes still injured? because hes been missing open jumpers...

doc rivers should have him come off the bench.... then he would have more shots and control of his offense.... take a page from greg popavich....
Although he seemed to break through last night, we still dont know. But..

doc rivers should have him come off the bench.
I think this is the first time we've ever agreed.
Start Posey and have Ray be the 6 minute man or the guy you bring in for the foultrouble guy.
I've thought bringing Ray off the bench, as the sixth man, was a good idea as soon as I thought about the starting lineup in training camp.
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