can they please give Jesus the ball..........

Somehow a guy hailed as being part of the "Big 3"...when he can;t even MAKE a "Big 3"

By all accounts, a nice guy. But don't have him water your plants, or he'll miss and hit the windows.


he doesnt look confident at all. just need some shots to fall and the offense will come.
say what yall want but Paul Pierce dont pass
granted he has carriedthe team through most of the Cavs series but dude never looks to make the extra pass. its almost like he wants to shine now even though he needed KG and RayRay to even get back to the ECF. but thats just IMO
if it comes down to feeding ray more so he can get in a rhythm or feeding paul pierce consistently its not even a question. ray needs to be able to shoot asa 3rd option, and I can't really respect him as much getting very small attention and not being able to score. he's been bamboozled into thinkinghe's a 1st/2nd option type of player, but in all honesty, good first/second options aren't pure shooters. sometimes 2nd options are, but that wholeseattle thing was just deceiving. he just dont got what we thought he had
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

if it comes down to feeding ray more so he can get in a rhythm or feeding paul pierce consistently its not even a question. ray needs to be able to shoot as a 3rd option, and I can't really respect him as much getting very small attention and not being able to score. he's been bamboozled into thinking he's a 1st/2nd option type of player, but in all honesty, good first/second options aren't pure shooters. sometimes 2nd options are, but that whole seattle thing was just deceiving. he just dont got what we thought he had

how is that decieving if he has been a top 10-15 scorer since he came into the league....
see what happens when they pass the ball to ray ray and let him get into the flow of the offense. the boy was lights out yesterday 9-15 shooting five3-pointers.
Ray is that dude. I dont know what you guys are talking about. And in all honesty they may even be downplaying an injury. Because Ray has never used theshooting sleeve he had on last night. Im not making excuses but that may be why hes been shooting so badly. Although the sleeve may be a placebo type solutionto his shooting problem it worked last night. And yes Paul Pierce needs to pass the @++%%!@ ball. Your second option is no longer Antoine "buck a threeany time i touch the ball" Walker. You have legit superstar teammates now. I cant count how many times watchin the game last night did i see people (Rayin particular who was on fire) wide open calling for the ball and this #@%%%#$+@ plows through the lane for a contested layup or pulls up for a terriblelooking jumper.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

I cant count how many times watchin the game last night did i see people (Ray in particular who was on fire) wide open calling for the ball and this #@%%%#$+@ plows through the lane for a contested layup or pulls up for a terrible looking jumper.

co sign to that.
Late in the regular season and early in the playoffs, Ray touched the ball almost as little as Perkins. That's changed recently, but it took a shootingslump to wake his teammates up.

Pierce has always seemed hesitant to pass him the ball though, unless it's a drive-and-kick-out play where Ray is wide open.
Pierce or Ray Ray has to be 'the man', granted it's Pauls team..I think you have to give Ray Ray good consideration to take the iso. The onlyproblem with the Cs is I still don't see a leader moving the game along fluidly. No Ray, not Paul and not KG. This has to change FAST if they wanna win aship this season.
Originally Posted by starbury03

Pierce or Ray Ray has to be 'the man', granted it's Pauls team..I think you have to give Ray Ray good consideration to take the iso. The only problem with the Cs is I still don't see a leader moving the game along fluidly. No Ray, not Paul and not KG. This has to change FAST if they wanna win a ship this season.
i dont about them needing to choose a leader to win but i know the more ray allen is a part of the offense and he is scoring buckets with k.g and paulthey can still win the ship. they just gotta keep spreading the offense the way they did last night and they will most likely win it all.......
Originally Posted by starbury03

Pierce or Ray Ray has to be 'the man', granted it's Pauls team..I think you have to give Ray Ray good consideration to take the iso. The only problem with the Cs is I still don't see a leader moving the game along fluidly. No Ray, not Paul and not KG. This has to change FAST if they wanna win a ship this season.

I hate when people throw things out there like that. Like there's a magic formula to win a championship. All you have to do is win. And they'vebeen doing quite alright with how they're playing now.
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