can women and men be friends?

Dec 5, 2010
we had a debate/discussion about this at work like a few weeks ago, i said yes but some women said no, it was mixed responses
I will say its possible. I'm friends with some girls and have been friends with some girls. If I came trying to hit or more first then no. If I started just friends, It stays that way.
I think so, but 9 times out of 10 it wont be in that "perfect sense", meaning that both individuals want nothing more than a friendship from each other.

Because someone will catch feelings and or get attracted and want to be sexual.
yea but just friends...on some acquaintance type steeze but not "good friends/best friends"....

-feelings will eventually be caught/friendship will eventually turn to something more
-guys will eventually want to smash/ or even consider it

^^these are all very possible not 100% likely

ijs tho
EDIT-didnt even watch the video yet lol
I haven't watched that video yet, but this popular question has been answered on here before, the final answer is:
A woman and a Man can be friends only if there exists no physical attraction from one party. 
To answer your question, no.

It's only a matter of time before one side starts to feel the need for something more. It's inevitable unless you're sexually repulsed by eachother.
yes. It gets harder based on how attractive they are or how long i've known

its a direct relationship

+attractive = - friendship

+ length of time knowing eachother = + friendship
Originally Posted by Rocky437

I haven't watched that video yet, but this popular question has been answered on here before, the final answer is:
A woman and a Man can be friends only if there exists no physical attraction from one party. 
This & /thread.
i remember this thread way back when, and everyone was like yes/yes(when we had females on the board, jjb)...

i like how NT has finally seen the light
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