can women and men be friends?

 There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY men and women can be friends.
Ok. Now, before I elaborate, it is important to note that for there is an exception to any rule, so it is possible (and highly likely) for all of us to have a friend of the opposite sex, whose friendship is completely platonic. However, for a man, or a woman to have a complete network of friends that are platonic just does not make any sense.

As men, we are genetically wired to want a woman; we want to have her as our companion. We want to feel her, smash, love, whatever the case may be, we just want to be with them. They are elegant, beautiful, radiant. They hold the key to life essentially. Why the %^& would I want to be "just friends" with that?

Women want to have men as friends because, they need the attention and companionship a man can bring in multiple forms. A girl can have a boyfriend/husband, yet put another dude in the friend-zone, for whenever each of them push her away, she is able to fall back on the other. (which is also why they tend to pick guys horribly wrong with them, the BF brings the yang, and the FZ brings the yin.)

The problem with this is, women's logic then become altered. It doesn't matter whether or not the husband is good or bad for her, she already has two sources of comfort for them.

And us as men, we aren't too cool for that. When a guy normally has a girl as their friend, it's either because they don't find their sense of attraction to that girl, or they know dating will be problematic. At the end of the day, we just want that companionship (sex, relationship, dating, marriage). The problem is when girls know that they can have a guy as their friend, it's the ultimate source of power to them, and they don't necessarily care about dating because they know the companionship will be constant if they stay friends, or go out.

I don't think it's possible for men and women to be friends. Somebody is going to have more feelings for the other, and go the extra mile past friendship, and that's when the person will be able to have the power in the friendship.
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

yea but just friends...on some acquaintance type steeze but not "good friends/best friends"....

Yup, and I'm sure every male in here knew what the responses would be before the video even started...
I got hot homegirls that are my friend. They are all wacked in the head though. Not going to lie I would hit one or two of them but nothing else.
if you can hang with a woman everyday on a consistent basis and she doesn't like you you have to ask yourself one simple question,"what the hell is wrong with me?"
Originally Posted by prymone

i hit on every female friend o  I have

This is true... Even the fugly ones, at some point in time.
Originally Posted by Checks McGee

plutonic friends?  nah.  if you hang w/ a bunch of chicks that are just friends, ur most likely a square.
I have a friend like this...has soo many female friends but he's not smashin or hookin up with any of them...complete cornball
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

plutonic friends?  nah.  if you hang w/ a bunch of chicks that are just friends, ur most likely a square.
I have a friend like this...has soo many female friends but he's not smashin or hookin up with any of them...complete cornball
 It's hilarious seeing/hearing about dudes like that. These females are telling these types of dudes all their problems, and telling

them "I wish I could find a guy just like you", and then they procede to go ^@&# other guys who are nothing like them
In a word..No.

From a male point of view, they can be associates, but true friends? No. A friendship entitles everyday (give or take) contact in some form or fashion between a man or a woman. Don't know a man that would be friends with a woman that they didn't find attractive. So, with that being said, the "friendship" is based on one being physically attracted to another and because you all are "friends," the attraction runs more than just physical. What this means is the "friendship" is in essence fake, and eventually someone will bring up being more than friends. Friends with benefits, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc. 
It should be noted that I believe we as men and women are in a society that asks us to be just friends with each other which is why cheating, sex with a supposed to be friend happens, etc. because possibly, we aren't really built to be just friends with women, and that our primary thoughts concerning women are built to be geared toward child bearing, which is why us men think of fornicating with just about every attractive woman that we come across. Just my belief.

One of the few things in life I feel is a fact. *Shrugs*
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

plutonic friends?  nah.  if you hang w/ a bunch of chicks that are just friends, ur most likely a square.
I have a friend like this...has soo many female friends but he's not smashin or hookin up with any of them...complete cornball
 It's hilarious seeing/hearing about dudes like that. These females are telling these types of dudes all their problems, and telling

them "I wish I could find a guy just like you", and then they procede to go ^@&# other guys who are nothing like them
to the question.. NO they cannot. why have a girl "friend" when thats what your boys are for.. i never understood this
Originally Posted by Checks McGee

plutonic friends?  nah.  if you hang w/ a bunch of chicks that are just friends, ur most likely a square.

girl im smashing has a close circle mix of girls and guys, %+%+ look/feel like a degrassi or saved by the bell episode.

I always had a female friend ... but we always ended smashing. Then she would somehow catch feelings when I would ask her about another chick. So they never worked out. Now I have a real cool one & she's thrown me the alley a couple times...not trying to mess this up becuz she gives good advice
As a man, you have these "friends" around. Because you always know there is a 1% chance that someday they will call you and want you to give her the busineeeesss.
Originally Posted by JackieBoy

As a man, you have these "friends" around. Because you always know there is a 1% chance that someday they will call you and want you to give her the busineeeesss.

In a way…this is true. 
I got a bunch of female friends that i've never looked to smash, and on the other side I got a couple female acquaintances that I would most likely smash if I didn't feel that doing so would set me up for some misery.

This thread is like...

OP: Hey fellow high schoolers...would you be friends with a girl?
Posters: nah man i'm only looking to smash all these byrds ::e-high fives other posters:: then realized he's foreveralone.

My female friends give me solid advice, look out for my interests, and are there when I need them. So can a guy have a female friend that has nothing to do with sex? Yes, but if your mentality is caught up with trying to smash everything and leaving the rest as cannon fodder then it's a no.

In my case why can't I have both?

a) the man or woman is homosexual

b) the man or woman is unattractive

c) one or both parties are not interested in smashing

d) their are benefits outside of sexual activity (money, advice, etc.)
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