can women and men be friends?

Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

I've always hit my female friends or wanted to hit.

Exactly. Chicks are dumb to think they are gonna make guy friends at high school or college, or even in their careers. We all gotta come to the reality of attraction, jus' solely based on being the opposite sexes.
im really only friends with girls who i dont find attractive..

any chick who im diggin', i try my best to not get caught up on the friend zone.

inititating that you want something more is an important factor so that they dont think you just tryna friend them.. efffff that
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by JackieBoy

As a man, you have these "friends" around. Because you always know there is a 1% chance that someday they will call you and want you to give her the busineeeesss.

In a way…this is true. 
I can't believe how blind I was all through school. It just never clicked.
I dunno I have a real good friend thats female. We've never hooked up, nor been close to it. Shes an attractive girl too. Ive hooked up with her friends and all that but her and i have never even considered it
We've even shared a twin bed, while drunk
I can say with confidence her and i will never in this lifetime hook up but we'll be great friends forever. God that sounds super cheesy when i say it outloud haha but its true.

Shes real level headed nondramatic and tells me a lot about girls and i tell her about dudes

Shes def the only one that i would consider a true best friend of the opposite sex tho. Ive either hooked up with or flirted with the others.

Its def rare, but possible
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I got a bunch of female friends that i've never looked to smash, and on the other side I got a couple female acquaintances that I would most likely smash if I didn't feel that doing so would set me up for some misery.

This thread is like...

OP: Hey fellow high schoolers...would you be friends with a girl?
Posters: nah man i'm only looking to smash all these byrds ::e-high fives other posters:: then realized he's foreveralone.

My female friends give me solid advice, look out for my interests, and are there when I need them. So can a guy have a female friend that has nothing to do with sex? Yes, but if your mentality is caught up with trying to smash everything and leaving the rest as cannon fodder then it's a no.

In my case why can't I have both?

This is so true
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

yup..but someone taking that L

So if someone has to take the L can it still be considered a genuine friendship?

what is your definition of a genuine friendship though? its all relative...
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

In a word..No.

From a male point of view, they can be associates, but true friends? No. A friendship entitles everyday (give or take) contact in some form or fashion between a man or a woman. Don't know a man that would be friends with a woman that they didn't find attractive. So, with that being said, the "friendship" is based on one being physically attracted to another and because you all are "friends," the attraction runs more than just physical. What this means is the "friendship" is in essence fake, and eventually someone will bring up being more than friends. Friends with benefits, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc. 
It should be noted that I believe we as men and women are in a society that asks us to be just friends with each other which is why cheating, sex with a supposed to be friend happens, etc. because possibly, we aren't really built to be just friends with women, and that our primary thoughts concerning women are built to be geared toward child bearing, which is why us men think of fornicating with just about every attractive woman that we come across. Just my belief.

One of the few things in life I feel is a fact. *Shrugs*
Why not?

I have plenty of friends that are girls that are not attractive at all.  I just get along with them really well personality wise.  I understand that one side will have an attraction to start the "friendship".  But i think over time you realize any physical altercation between you both will compromise the friendship so neither are willing to cross that line.

I have a friend that is a girl that liked me in middle school and we are still close ( i am 24 now).  I have never ever found her attractive.  And now we just chill and hang out.  She has never been anything but a good friend to me.  Introduces me to her girl friends, invites me to their family parties (family is Greek....amazing food lol) has a built in pool at her place I basically lived there a couple summers lol.  I consider her a friend.  So yes men and women can be friends.  But attraction may start it but time will turn an attraction into a friendship.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Truballa101

I have a friend like this...has soo many female friends but he's not smashin or hookin up with any of them...complete cornball
 It's hilarious seeing/hearing about dudes like that. These females are telling these types of dudes all their problems, and telling

them "I wish I could find a guy just like you", and then they procede to go ^@&# other guys who are nothing like them
sick.gif there no truth in that?

Any girl I'm attracted too, I'm going to think about smashing. It's just the way I'm wired (It's the way all men are wired...some of ya'll are living in denial). I'm cool with some gay chicks, though I wouldn't necessarily call them "friends". Those are the only ones I could legitimately see myself having a real friendship with.

Most guys have been friendzone'd by their female "friends" and don't realize it or refuse to accept it.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

In a word..No.

From a male point of view, they can be associates, but true friends? No. A friendship entitles everyday (give or take) contact in some form or fashion between a man or a woman. Don't know a man that would be friends with a woman that they didn't find attractive. So, with that being said, the "friendship" is based on one being physically attracted to another and because you all are "friends," the attraction runs more than just physical. What this means is the "friendship" is in essence fake, and eventually someone will bring up being more than friends. Friends with benefits, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc. 
It should be noted that I believe we as men and women are in a society that asks us to be just friends with each other which is why cheating, sex with a supposed to be friend happens, etc. because possibly, we aren't really built to be just friends with women, and that our primary thoughts concerning women are built to be geared toward child bearing, which is why us men think of fornicating with just about every attractive woman that we come across. Just my belief.

One of the few things in life I feel is a fact. *Shrugs*
Why not?

I have plenty of friends that are girls that are not attractive at all.  I just get along with them really well personality wise.  I understand that one side will have an attraction to start the "friendship".  But i think over time you realize any physical altercation between you both will compromise the friendship so neither are willing to cross that line.

I have a friend that is a girl that liked me in middle school and we are still close ( i am 24 now).  I have never ever found her attractive.  And now we just chill and hang out.  She has never been anything but a good friend to me.  Introduces me to her girl friends, invites me to their family parties (family is Greek....amazing food lol) has a built in pool at her place I basically lived there a couple summers lol.  I consider her a friend.  So yes men and women can be friends.  But attraction may start it but time will turn an attraction into a friendship.

My point, in that if you ask her if she is attracted to you, more than likely what would she say? I can almost guarantee you that she probably has or had some type of attraction to you. Yes, that may compromise the relationship by acting on those emotions and what not, but as I said, whether you act on those emotions and feelings is another story in itself, and that would be my point.

And to that story, your friendship started out because of attraction, she liked you and found you attractive, my point. And if you were to ask her if she was still attracted to you, half of me believes she still does, but I don't know the dynamics of your friendship so I wouldn't tell. 
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT


Any girl I'm attracted too, I'm going to think about smashing. It's just the way I'm wired (It's the way all men are wired...some of ya'll are living in denial). I'm cool with some gay chicks, though I wouldn't necessarily call them "friends". Those are the only ones I could legitimately see myself having a legit friendship with.

Most guys have been friendzone'd by their female "friends" and don't realize it or refuse to accept it.
Originally Posted by foreveryoung

I dunno I have a real good friend thats female. We've never hooked up, nor been close to it. Shes an attractive girl too. Ive hooked up with her friends and all that but her and i have never even considered it
We've even shared a twin bed, while drunk
I can say with confidence her and i will never in this lifetime hook up but we'll be great friends forever. God that sounds super cheesy when i say it outloud haha but its true.

Shes real level headed nondramatic and tells me a lot about girls and i tell her about dudes

Shes def the only one that i would consider a true best friend of the opposite sex tho. Ive either hooked up with or flirted with the others.

Its def rare, but possible
i you are both gay, of course yall not gonna smash

prolly just a typo but still....or i read it wrong. but i dont know too many dudes who hook female friends up with dudes...unless its ya homeboy...but still, wierd.   
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

In a word..No.

From a male point of view, they can be associates, but true friends? No. A friendship entitles everyday (give or take) contact in some form or fashion between a man or a woman. Don't know a man that would be friends with a woman that they didn't find attractive. So, with that being said, the "friendship" is based on one being physically attracted to another and because you all are "friends," the attraction runs more than just physical. What this means is the "friendship" is in essence fake, and eventually someone will bring up being more than friends. Friends with benefits, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc. 
It should be noted that I believe we as men and women are in a society that asks us to be just friends with each other which is why cheating, sex with a supposed to be friend happens, etc. because possibly, we aren't really built to be just friends with women, and that our primary thoughts concerning women are built to be geared toward child bearing, which is why us men think of fornicating with just about every attractive woman that we come across. Just my belief.

One of the few things in life I feel is a fact. *Shrugs*
Why not?

I have plenty of friends that are girls that are not attractive at all.  I just get along with them really well personality wise.  I understand that one side will have an attraction to start the "friendship".  But i think over time you realize any physical altercation between you both will compromise the friendship so neither are willing to cross that line.

I have a friend that is a girl that liked me in middle school and we are still close ( i am 24 now).  I have never ever found her attractive.  And now we just chill and hang out.  She has never been anything but a good friend to me.  Introduces me to her girl friends, invites me to their family parties (family is Greek....amazing food lol) has a built in pool at her place I basically lived there a couple summers lol.  I consider her a friend.  So yes men and women can be friends.  But attraction may start it but time will turn an attraction into a friendship.

My point, in that if you ask her if she is attracted to you, more than likely what would she say? I can almost guarantee you that she probably has or had some type of attraction to you. Yes, that may compromise the relationship by acting on those emotions and what not, but as I said, whether you act on those emotions and feelings is another story in itself, and that would be my point.

And to that story, your friendship started out because of attraction, she liked you and found you attractive, my point. And if you were to ask her if she was still attracted to you, half of me believes she still does, but I don't know the dynamics of your friendship so I wouldn't tell. 
Cosign this...
You just admitted to there being an attraction between you and her at one point. Which is basically what this thread is about.

She justs has a little more self control and is content with being just friends. Maybe deep down she really wants to get down with you and honestly...I would bet money that she does.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by Peep Game

 It's hilarious seeing/hearing about dudes like that. These females are telling these types of dudes all their problems, and telling

them "I wish I could find a guy just like you", and then they procede to go ^@&# other guys who are nothing like them
sick.gif there no truth in that?
Yes? I didnt say there wasnt.
I don't think so.

If a girl is attractive, but I can't smash then we're just acquaintances

If there's no attraction, we can be buddy it up.
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