Can you use chopsticks?

RAWse wrote:
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ps. I want:

me too


Same here!
I spent a whole summer in vietnam. So it was important that i learned how to use them.
I spent a whole summer in vietnam. So it was important that i learned how to use them.
im white/hispanic sort of can but sometimes i get frustrated and say eff it and reach for the fork
im white/hispanic sort of can but sometimes i get frustrated and say eff it and reach for the fork
Yeah I can use them joints.

I find it funny that the instructions on the chopstick wrappers at restaurants are just terrible.
Yeah I can use them joints.

I find it funny that the instructions on the chopstick wrappers at restaurants are just terrible.
my dad took away my favorite spoon when i was young and made me use chopsticks at the dinner table. that's how i learned...
my dad took away my favorite spoon when i was young and made me use chopsticks at the dinner table. that's how i learned...
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