[| -- Canada's Justice System is a joke! 2 Suspects caught on video let free on Thurs -- |]


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For those that remember last March the incident that was clearly caught on video where a guy got killed and his friends seriously injured in Lawrence Heights.They couldn't escape because the building entrance they were chilling at was locked and the shooter basically cornered them.



[h1]Lack Of Witnesses Means Suspects In Execution-Style Murder May Walk Without Trial[/h1]
Wednesday February 25, 2009

CityNews.ca Staff
It was one of the most brazen, shocking execution-style murders this city has ever seen.
And now it looks like both suspects are about to walk free.

Security video showing the murder of Abdikarim Abdikarim was watched around the world on YouTube. A blazing gun cut down the 18-year-old victim and wounded five others a year ago near Allen and Lawrence.

Ahmed Abdikarim-Mohamed, the victim's father, says he can hardly believe it. He responds to word the men charged with killing his son will soon walk away.

"This is really a shame for us and it's something that is an outrage and if the camera and all the evidence is out there ... I don't know what I have to say," the saddened father said through an interpreter.

Ahmed lost his son in this Lawrence Heights apartment complex in March of 2008. Abdikarim was hanging out with a group of friends when a shooter boldly whipped out a gun and opened fire.

The crime was captured on security video and released to help hunt down two suspects. Two men were eventually arrested and charged with first degree murder and five counts of attempted murder.

But Owen Anthony Smith and Wendell Damian Cuff may not have been the trigger men after all. In their pre-trials, the Crown struggled to find witnesses, and for that reason the pair apparently won't face a jury.

CityNews will be at the courthouse Thursday morning as the suspects are set free.

Take a look at the unedited video of the shooting

Here's the original video.

Seems like you can get away with anything in this city.
wow that is a joke
thats just messed up.
violence in the dot is on rise and dudes are poppin shots off on subways/ttc buses without hesitation
Originally Posted by e5antos

wow that is a joke
thats just messed up.
violence in the dot is on rise and dudes are poppin shots off on subways/ttc buses without hesitation
That's why it happens, N___s don't care and they know nothing will happen to them if they get caught.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by e5antos

wow that is a joke
thats just messed up.
violence in the dot is on rise and dudes are poppin shots off on subways/ttc buses without hesitation
That's why it happens, N___s don't care and they know nothing will happen to them if they get caught.
Exactly. They know that people aren't going to testify against them. Hell, the dudes that survived didn't want to take the stand. Asclear as that video is, you can't tell who the trigger man is, and you sure as hell can't tell who the dude running away is. Its a shame, butthat's the law I'm afraid.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by e5antos

wow that is a joke
thats just messed up.
violence in the dot is on rise and dudes are poppin shots off on subways/ttc buses without hesitation
That's why it happens, N___s don't care and they know nothing will happen to them if they get caught.
I saw that on the news last night, +%%% is crazy right now. Mens are fully bucking off on camera and then gets let off? Come on, something is seriously wrong.
Originally Posted by AC4Three

It's getting bad in Vancouver as well...
Wasn't it 16-19 Murders in ONE MONTH!?!?! all Gun/Gang related.
Originally Posted by ssgefiestoakagerger

Ironically, today's the same day the Harper gov't is imposing a gang legislation.

Its crazy how the media spin everything. The problem is you still have to PROVE dudes commit the crime. Its just jim dandy to have the legislation, but ifyou can't put a name to a face to a crime, its useless. If we're really talking turkey, just make a law that anyone caught with a hand gun, gets lifein prison. The aficionado's and hobbyists of hand guns will just have to find something else to amuse themselves...like POG's....remember Alf?He's back, in POG form.
If there aren't any witnesses, the Crown isn't allowed to hold onto the suspects for an unreasonable period of time.

I think that the lack of witnesses coming forward is more of a joke than the criminal justice system.

Lets look at the other side of the coin...say for example a suspect is caught on tape robbing a bank with a NYY fitted hat on and a black Nike jacket. The copscant just go out later that day and arrest 10 other people in Toronto who fit that description. Unless witnesses come forward and pinpoint who exactly theperpetrator was, it would be a violation of the 10 detainee's charter rights (and arguably the charter rights of all Canadians) to just keep them locked upin prison without any hard evidence.

I dont mean to stereotype but that video isn't very clear and hundreds of people look and dress in a similar fashion to the gunman in that video.
^ You 100% right, it's sad the same streets that led Police to the Suspects never stepped up when Witnesses were needed.
i agree with carlos tevez, the evidence just isn't there and the description is quite dull to be honest...
they need to bring capital punishment.

people dont care about doing heinous crimes here because they know they're still gettin fed inside the pen.

gun charges need to be an automatic life sentence, period.
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