Can't get a video signal - motherboard or CPU problem? How can I tell?

May 25, 2001
How do I know what is causing the problem? It was working fine yesterday but ttoday I can't get any video. I tried multiple monitors, video cables, andboth the vga and the dvi connnection and nothing. He had me reseat the CMOS also and still nothing. Before I send in for another board, he wants me to testanother processor, but it's an AMD 620 and I neither have computers that can take that lying around nor do I have another board I can put this one in.

Any ideas what the problem could be. The board is the Biostar TA790GXE 128M
sounds like the mobo isnt posting...aka bad mobo. id test the proc beforehand, but sounds like its a bad mobo.

if you take the memory out and turn it on, does it beep?
yeah could be the memory, motherboard or memory. talking the memory out, then the video card. see which one works
has nothing to do with the CPU re seat the adapter card unless its integrated. Check the bios
I dont see how the CPU would be causing the problem. Do you have a video card installed? You said you reset the CMOS so that probably isnt the problem, but youshould look into it. In my opinion, something might be wrong with the motherboard. That or your power supply can't handle the load your computer needs. Yousaid you got a 800 watt power supply so I dont know if thats the problem either.

Take everything nonessential out of your computer reset the CMOS again and if it still doesnt work it might be the mother board.
Parents had the similar issue a few weeks back. Their computer worked the night before, then the next morning they booted up their PC and nothing came up onthe screen. I took out the video card and put it back in, worked like a charm. This may not work for you, maybe your video card is burnt, try a new video card.

Originally Posted by jbeezie

sounds like the mobo isnt posting...aka bad mobo. id test the proc beforehand, but sounds like its a bad mobo.

if you take the memory out and turn it on, does it beep?

No. I got a box of old pci cards. I'm going to try with one of them
what are the pci cards going to accomplish

remove the memory. turn computer on. do you hear beeping?
I was trying to just use the onboard video. No I didn't get beeping when I booted without memory, just the same noise it always makes when it boots. Allthe lights on the mobo were fine, and I still couldn't get any video signal when I installed a PCI video card.

So maybe it is the processor? It's an AMD 620
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