Captain America movie

I think Willem Dafoe would be good, but then again he already played the Green Goblin. If Ryan Reynolds can play 3 comic book characters, then I don't see why others can't.
Serious answer: Philip Winchester -- and he better have a think LES accent.

Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Wolverine cameo?

No, Sony has all the rights to the X-Men characters.
Johnston Talks Captain America Costume

Source:Los Angeles Times

February 7, 2010

On Saturday, we got a chance to talk to The First Avenger: Captain America director Joe Johnston about the anticipated film (you can read that here) and the Los Angeles Times got some more costume, story and casting details from the helmer (Spoilers ahead!).

"The costume is a flag, but the way we're getting around that is wehave Steve Rogers forced into the USO circuit," Johnston said. "Afterhe's made into this super-soldier, they decide they can't send him intocombat and risk him getting killed. He's the only one and they can'tmake more. So they say, 'You're going to be in this USO show' and theygive him a flag suit. He can't wait to get out of it."

He added that "When he does go AWOL, he covers up the suit but then,after a few things happen, he realizes that this uniform allows him tolead. By then, he's become a star in the public mind and a symbol. Theguys get behind him because he embodies something special."

Which leads to a new costume: "In the first USO sequences, thefrustrated patriot will be wearing a version that is closer to theclassic Jack Kirby-designed costume, but then later as thesuper-soldier hits the war zone he will be wearing a sturdier, moremuted version that he makes himself that is more like battle togs. Thestripes across his mid-section, for instance, will be straps, notcolored fabric."

You can read more of what he said about the costumes and how many actors they are looking at by going here.

Red Skull Confirmed as Captain America Villain

Source:Ryan Rotten, ShockTillYouDrop

February 6, 2010

Joe Johnston, director of the forthcoming The First Avenger: Captain America, has been doing press all day out in Los Angeles for his new movie The Wolfman and Managing Editor Ryan Rotten had a chance to talk with Johnston about the movie and what to expect.

Johnston confirmed that the Red Skull will indeed be the villain of thefirst movie and told Ryan a bit more about why they decided to set themajority of the movie during WWII:

"Virtually the entire story except the bookends are in World WarII because we all recognize we have one chance to tell the origin storyof how he became Captain America, you can't tell a modern story andthen go back and tell the origin story. If you're going to do it, let'sdo it. Let's do it first. Everyone wanted to tell an origin story.There was a version where it was a modern story and it didn't work."

Hopefully, we'll have more word on Johnston's plans for the movie andanswers to some of the many questions that have been on your minds,including the all-important casting of Steve Rogers and what othercharacters may be appearing in the movie. Johnston did say that theydefinitely are going for an American actor, preferably an unknown, and they hope to have that person by the end of February.

The First Avenger: Captain America is currently scheduled for release on July 22, 2011.

Captain America to be Cast Soon

Source:SCI FI Wire

February 4, 2010

The First Avenger: Captain America director Joe Johnston told SCI FI Wire that they'll have their Captain America very soon:

"We need to cast it soon," Johnston said. "We have a very shortlist, but we're still juggling actors here. I'd say within the nextcouple of weeks we'll have ourselves a Captain America, I hope."

He added that the movieis expected to start shooting at the end of June. He said, "We'regetting ready to go to the U.K., it looks like." You can read more ofthe interview here!

The First Avenger: Captain America is scheduled for a July 22, 2011 release.

Joe Johnston Gives Captain America Update

Source:Film Journal

January 31, 2010

Film Journal got an update from director Joe Johnston about his next project, Marvel Studios' The First Avenger: Captain America:

"We're in prep," Johnston says. "Rick Heinrichs isproduction-designing and we're set up down in Manhattan Beach[California]. It's the part of the process that I love the most," heenthuses. "We have eight or ten really talented artists, and we alljust sit around all day and draw pictures and say, 'Hey, wouldn't it becool if we could do this?' It's that phase of the production wheremoney doesn't matter: ‘Let's put all the greatest stuff up on the walland [then later] see what we can afford.'" The film, he says at thisearly stage, will begin "in 1942, 1943" during World War II. "The stuffin the ’60s and ’70s [comic books] we're sort of avoiding. We're goingback to the ’40s, and then forward to what they're doing with CaptainAmerica now."

The First Avenger: Captain America has set a July 22, 2011 release date for the film.

Originally Posted by bias CONsole

ryan reynolds played someone in blade and x men. whats the other comic character he played?


I heard Will Smith was gonna play Captain America.
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by bias CONsole

ryan reynolds played someone in blade and x men. whats the other comic character he played?


I heard Will Smith was gonna play Captain America.


let me repeat.

One of the best ideas Marvel had in like forever was to have real US Army Soldiers try-out for the part.

That would've been EPIC!

But of course, they didn't and probably aren't gonna go through with it...

Had me excited for a second
; put change the title to "Captain America Movie Discussion"
I doubt a real background in the military would really do much if they find an actor as serious as RDJ is in his role.  I have no worries they'll get the look right for a Cap movie
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