Caught Cheating on a exam .. help me out UPDATE pg 14

got what you deserved, hope you learn from this. good luck sorting things out though. i want you to graduate.
got what you deserved, hope you learn from this. good luck sorting things out though. i want you to graduate.
for a second there i thought u were osama cause u didnt reply i thought u were dead OP

but man that sucks makes me think twice before cheating.
for a second there i thought u were osama cause u didnt reply i thought u were dead OP

but man that sucks makes me think twice before cheating.
Originally Posted by RickyBattalion

Tell The Dean that you had your mind elsewhere since your dad was on some secret assignment in Islamabad.


Seriously though.. good luck to you OP
Originally Posted by RickyBattalion

Tell The Dean that you had your mind elsewhere since your dad was on some secret assignment in Islamabad.


Seriously though.. good luck to you OP
i dont understand why people are saying his professor is being too harsh. this is standard procedure for dealing with cheaters. im 99% sure that their cheating policy is written all over the class syllabus. im equally sure that the professor had to read it out loud for everyone at the start of the quarter/semester.
i dont understand why people are saying his professor is being too harsh. this is standard procedure for dealing with cheaters. im 99% sure that their cheating policy is written all over the class syllabus. im equally sure that the professor had to read it out loud for everyone at the start of the quarter/semester.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I never saw the point of cheating in college. HS, yes, but never college. I mean, worst case scenario, you fail the class and have to retake it next semester/quarter. It sucks having to pay and hold off on other classes that use it as a prereq, but IMO cheating is never worth it.

Gotta do what you gotta do for that grade sir
 you got caught tho so you gotta take the L
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I never saw the point of cheating in college. HS, yes, but never college. I mean, worst case scenario, you fail the class and have to retake it next semester/quarter. It sucks having to pay and hold off on other classes that use it as a prereq, but IMO cheating is never worth it.

Gotta do what you gotta do for that grade sir
 you got caught tho so you gotta take the L
Originally Posted by chuck67

damn op 
 i ALMOST got caught cheating in my math class one time.. I was sure she had seen the sheet but just pretended she didnt. ever since then ive been paranoid as *+%# about cheating. hope everything works out bro. 1

You should NEVER even come close to getting caught cheating on a test in which you can use a TI-83. Simply put everything you need into a program & you're good to go.
Originally Posted by chuck67

damn op 
 i ALMOST got caught cheating in my math class one time.. I was sure she had seen the sheet but just pretended she didnt. ever since then ive been paranoid as *+%# about cheating. hope everything works out bro. 1

You should NEVER even come close to getting caught cheating on a test in which you can use a TI-83. Simply put everything you need into a program & you're good to go.
You should be up front with the dean, and hopefully it might not go as far as been expelled.

I guess you learnt your lesson though, I'm not going to cheat after reading all these comments.
You should be up front with the dean, and hopefully it might not go as far as been expelled.

I guess you learnt your lesson though, I'm not going to cheat after reading all these comments.
The truth shall set you free. Just be 100 with the dean. If it looks bleak, come up with some crazy story cause you got nothing to lose at that point.
The truth shall set you free. Just be 100 with the dean. If it looks bleak, come up with some crazy story cause you got nothing to lose at that point.
damn homie I feel bad for ya. I use to be tight with my cheat sheets back in undergrad. Never got caught. Hope it works out for ya. When are you scheduled to meet with the dean? Hopefully he just fails you for the semester. I had a homie that got caught cheating way back. The teacher failed him in the class and he got kicked off the football team for the next season. He was just only a bench player though. Im sure if he was one of our starters it would have gotten swept under the rug.

Keep ya head up. Id try going back to your professor and basically pleading with him to show some type of consideration at the hearing with the dean. Maybe even try talking with your other professors and let them know the situation. They may have a good relationship with him or maybe even the Dean. Its all about who you know
damn homie I feel bad for ya. I use to be tight with my cheat sheets back in undergrad. Never got caught. Hope it works out for ya. When are you scheduled to meet with the dean? Hopefully he just fails you for the semester. I had a homie that got caught cheating way back. The teacher failed him in the class and he got kicked off the football team for the next season. He was just only a bench player though. Im sure if he was one of our starters it would have gotten swept under the rug.

Keep ya head up. Id try going back to your professor and basically pleading with him to show some type of consideration at the hearing with the dean. Maybe even try talking with your other professors and let them know the situation. They may have a good relationship with him or maybe even the Dean. Its all about who you know
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