Chad Johnson displays cowardice, rescinds trade request, will report to Bengals most expediently

Jan 11, 2008
I have recieved this new information whilst watching the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. Chad Johnson shall indeed return to his team of mostrecent employment, the Cincinatti Bengals Football Club, despite his earlier vitriol towards the franchise, and much-hyped trade speculation. He shall nolonger threaten to not render his services upon the Bengals, stating thusly: "Will I be back? Of course." I feel that this is the act of a man whoput forth a facade of standing up for himself, but then, reneged upon his own words, making him a (albeit talented) fork-ed tongued scoundrel. Discuss.

(Happy now, Ska?
He prolly seen what Kobe did with the lakers this year and thinks he can do it to
Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

I have recieved this new information whilst watching the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. Chad Johnson shall indeed return to his team of most recent employment, the Cincinatti Bengals Football Club, despite his earlier vitriol towards the franchise, and much-hyped trade speculation. He shall no longer threaten to not render his services upon the Bengals, stating thusly: "Will I be back? Of course." I feel that this is the act of a man who put forth a facade of standing up for himself, but then, reneged upon his own words, making him a (albeit talented) fork-ed tongued scoundrel. Discuss.

(Happy now, Ska?

Originally Posted by 5288

why are you trying to sound so intelligent?

Not "tryin" a damn thing, just FYI...aint know you needed a reason 2 be intelligent...but to answer ya question just tryna be more appropriate so this dont get locked like my last post about this...
GOOD for Cincy. This clown wasn't going to go anywhere. The only bad news is that he still has several months for ESPN to hound him for more"thoughts" of his.

I seriously can't imagine the conversations between Stinko and Carson these days and in the coming future either.
Originally Posted by 5288

why are you trying to sound so intelligent?
The choice of words does make it sound like you're tryingto "sound intelligent" but is it so wrong?
Originally Posted by frontrunner4life

put the thesaurus down


how is Chad a coward? He made his power move, threatened missed OTAs, tried to get traded while being under contract and having zero power in thedeal.
Cowardly would have been to shut up and not say a word.
how is Chad a coward? He made his power move, threatened missed OTAs, tried to get traded while being under contract and having zero power in the deal.
Cowardly would have been to shut up and not say a word.
Im not sure if coward is the right word for Stinko, but he is nearing that level. The guy's act is one of the more pathetic ones in recenthistory, and that's saying something with these athletes. Chad has gotten away with so much garbage on that team since the day he walked in out of OSU thatat some point a finger needs to be pointed back at him.

Openly rooting for other franchises to sign you, going on 87 different talk shows talking about your roles on other teams, flaunting jerseys of other teams,claiming you will not be showing up to any functions even though every single person but him knew he would because he would be docked pay each day he missed,saying you want more money and that is the issue...then next month saying it's not the money you just want out, and lastly (and call me old school)treating your teammates like they are worthless and you are handcuffed performance-wise because of the team you are on. There's always that fine-line therebetween trying to get out of a situation you dont want to be in while also not blasting the players you go into that lockerroom with. Players that have helpedhim get to pro bowls. A quarterback who has his back and despite not having too nice an o-line still managed to get both his starting WR's into startingspots at the pro bowl last season. And these players have to read these comments this week from Stink:

"If I can get out of Cincinnati, the sky's the limit," Johnson writes. "What could I do in a place like Philadelphia or Dallas? It would be ridiculous. It's gonna be like a whole new me


Let us not gloss over one last thing....... from 2006:
[h1]Bengals extend Chad Johnson with monster deal[/h1]
By Len Pasquarelli
April 21, 2006

The three-time Pro Bowl performer and consummate showman, one of the most explosive playmakers in the league at any position, on Thursday signed a new contract with the Bengals, has learned. The lucrative deal includes a one-year extension, through the 2010 season, and an option for the Bengals to extend the contract through 2011, if they so desire.

In essence, by restructuring the remainder of Johnson's existing contract, which was set to run through the 2009 campaign, the Bengals created a six-year deal with a total value of $35.5 million.

"In terms of 'new money,' and just being unique from the standpoint of being able to do something for a player who still had four years left on his [existing] contract, it's really monumental," said agent Drew Rosenhaus, who was hired by Johnson a year ago to upgrade his contract "As long as I've been doing this, I've never been able to get an extension like this, basically because of the time remaining on the contract. It's historical. And it's a testament to Chad, and how well he's performed, and to Bengals management for the way they have handled this and the commitment they've made to him."
Update from Palmer...


In an interview on the team's official web site, Bengals quarterback Carson Palmer vowed that no matter what happens, he will not allow wide receiver Chad Johnson to become a distraction.

Asked whether the team could deal with it if Johnson created a media circus, Palmer answered, "You know what? I have no idea what's going to happen. What he's not going to do is come in and break apart what we have going right now. That sure as hell is not going to happen. I don't know how big of a circus, how little of a circus. I like where we're at. Hopefully he comes in and fits in with what we've created here."

Johnson, who has stayed away from the team all off-season, has given conflicting statements about whether he intends to show up to the mandatory minicamp that begins Thursday. But he has been consistent in saying that he's unhappy with the team and his contract.

For his part, Palmer doesn't sound sympathetic. Explaining that he thinks the team has been fair with its players in contract negotiations, Palmer said, "They re-paid Chad a top deal. … They rewarded guys. Guys signed contracts, so they obviously thought it was a good enough deal to sign."

And Palmer also hinted that he has enjoyed working with the younger receivers - and without Johnson - during voluntary off-season workouts.

"There is no selfishness whatsoever and that's what we haven't had in a long time and it's great to be a part of this," Palmer said.
I love this because Palmer and Chad are going to be steals in my fantasy draft this year... Chad in the 3rd round and Palmer in the 4th.
Originally Posted by innocentmanse7en

I have recieved this new information whilst watching the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. Chad Johnson shall indeed return to his team of most recent employment, the Cincinatti Bengals Football Club, despite his earlier vitriol towards the franchise, and much-hyped trade speculation. He shall no longer threaten to not render his services upon the Bengals, stating thusly: "Will I be back? Of course." I feel that this is the act of a man who put forth a facade of standing up for himself, but then, reneged upon his own words, making him a (albeit talented) fork-ed tongued scoundrel. Discuss.

(Happy now, Ska?

What team is that?


Sorry that just irks the hell out of me.
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