Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

Lopez is dependent on Hollywood to feed his family. He was right and shouldn't have backed down. Theron is forcing both of those boys to dress like that for her own perverted reasons. When they're 18 and want to do that, fine. Not at 3 years old.
Of course it's a huge thing. It's the reason why ppl warn against parents letting their children transition when they're still minors.
Ethiopia bans foreign adoption - CNN
This cool, but a lot of these countries should limit foreign exploitation of resources in general. Also make sure they're taking care of the children and this isn't just political theater.
In another edition of, "When the wrong people adopt Black kids."

First thought - his parents need their asses kicked...

Google: Those ARE his parents! :sick:

South American white woman adopting young black boy and putting hair extensions and a dress on him. When questioned she will cop-out to "he wanted it". She knows what she's doing.
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