Chavis Carter, Mississippi black man, shot and killed (police allege suicide) while handcuffed in ba

"If you could find a dime bag of marijuana on a person, you could find a .380," his great-aunt, Cassie Carter, said, referring to the type of handgun found shortly after the shooting.
I'm could find a small baggie but not locate a .380 huh?
This is bull...the police killed dude and they know it.

Everything about it defies logic. You can find a baggie, but can't find a gun? Why would he kill himself in the first place? over a dime bag of weed and some powder, its not like he had a brick on em.

Police (most) are sick people and the fact they wont own up to what they did is a damn shame.
NT has and always will be Pro Pig.............

Cops can do no wrong, they are perfectly justified, blah blah blah

Race had nothing to do with this, Policemen were doing their jobs and this was a result of a black man who should not have had drugs on him in the first place......
Find one post in here that's even remotely pro police on this matter.
**** all that "Devil's Advocate" **** ..

No way you can come up with an explanation logical enough to even make me think other than what Common sense should tell you

They killed him execution style ...


but its deemed a suicide?

The detectives have found multiple ways of shooting yourself while handcuffed behind you back?

But won't say exactly how its done?


This is an atrocity ..

But the Mississippi "Good ole Boys" will be Mississippi "Good Ole boys"
The fact that this hasn't made it to the social networks yet makes me think that it may go over looked. Unfortunately, in today's society, we have all of these "internet activists" who hop online to tweet and posts statuses about whatever current issue is trending until it's not "in" anymore. That being said, I think this is a travesty and a shame and can't wait to see what becomes of this.
I find it hard to believe that someone would shoot a kid in his head, even if he was a full blown racist who despised black people. You don't just shoot someone in the head and expect to get away with it.
I'm saying though. I can understand if he tried to intimidate the dude, pressing the gun to his head, and it accidentally went off. But you have to be WAAAAAAY off your rocker if you shoot a black male in his head while he's in handcuffs.
I'm saying though. I can understand if he tried to intimidate the dude, pressing the gun to his head, and it accidentally went off. But you have to be WAAAAAAY off your rocker if you shoot a black male in his head while he's in handcuffs.


You can't be serious ..

You understand? like that **** was acceptable? police intimidation is ok?

"Cop made a mistake .. he didn't mean to blow his brains out all over the back seat ...He was just tryna scare him"

**** outta here with that reasoning ..

Why would you do feel the need to do that when he's already handcuffed?! Why do you need to intimidate a man who can't defend himself?

See .. its **** like that .. **** like that , that makes the public eps. MINORITIES absolutely hate police ..
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You can't be serious ..
You understand? like that **** was acceptable? police intimidation is ok?
"Cop made a mistake .. he didn't mean to blow his brains out all over the back seat ...He was just tryna scare him"
**** outta here with that reasoning ..
Why would you do feel the need to do that when he's already handcuffed?! Why do you need to intimidate a man who can't defend himself?
See .. its **** like that .. **** like that , that makes the public eps. MINORITIES absolutely hate police ..
Real talk.. 
It's possible that cops miss a concealed gun, it happens. Just last week some dude offed himself at the police station after being arrested and processed and he was being detained for questioning. Totally possible for him to shoot himself with handcuffs on btw. Sounds shady but things happen.
I don't care if he was on meth, crack, or bathsalts. How did he do it? Oh because he didn't
Here's proof it's possible. Dude offed himself bottom line.

I CALL ********


Look at 1:16 .. if that was some one really bein handcuffed , the cuffs wouldnt go past the wrist bone

As someone whos been cuffed on more than 1 occasion, FROM EXPERIENCE .. no way you'd be able to lift your hand up that far ..

Explain how they find weed and powder and not the decent sized gun? AFTER 2 PATDOWNS
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We're not safe out here. Gotta start reminding myself of this every time I walk out of the house. :smh:

And dudes in here saying "they understand/accidents happen" just baffles me dug.
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I don't care if he was on meth, crack, or bathsalts. How did he do it? Oh because he didn't
Here's proof it's possible. Dude offed himself bottom line.


tell me when a young african american male can get arrested in mississippi for narcotics and be cuffed loose enough to slide them things half way up his forearm tho...

im not saying he didn't shoot himself, and I'm not saying the cops didn't execute him. more info needed. but this vid doesn't really prove anything.

its sad that i usually only here about these things from NT.
Man sit down. Find where I said that it was OK to intimidate someone in handcuffs. Reading is fundamental and comprehension is certainly lacking for you, young whipper snapper.

Figures the dude who's been cuffed before says a video is bs. A video that clearly shows it is plausible that someone could possibly shoot themselves while handcuffed.

Dude had a warrant for his arrest on a drug charge. He was high on Meth. The point I was originally making was, in this day and age, I highly doubt someone thinks they will get away with shooting a black male in handcuffs. So either he shot himself or it was an accident ala the Bart cop shooting. Both cops should be put away for a very long time for being irresponsible, but to play this up like it's cops hunting black males is asinine.

"We're not safe out here." Lol, yes you're not safe. So make sure you don't get caught up with drugs and get high on meth, maybe you will be safer. :rolleyes
It's possible that cops miss a concealed gun, it happens. Just last week some dude offed himself at the police station after being arrested and processed and he was being detained for questioning. Totally possible for him to shoot himself with handcuffs on btw. Sounds shady but things happen.
Did they find other things on this dude too and just miss the weapon? Just asking

 I just think it's weird they found two other things on him smaller than the concealed weapon

and looking at that video, looks like the .380 was concealed around his lower back area. I dont know how you miss that
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An important detail that many people are missing. Upon the initial search of Carter, police didn't find anything and just placed him in the squad car without handcuffs. After they realized he gave them a fake name, he was searched again, and that's when they found the drugs.

Now, you have a man wanted on drug charges in the back of your cruiser. If dude gets caught with drugs you probably get another slap on the wrist. You get caught with a weapon and you are more than likely going to jail.

I'm not justifying or jumping to conclusions, but just stating facts. The guy could have very easily stashed the weapon in the squad car the first time. Tried to get rid of the drugs or whatever but didnt get them all out or a chance to hide them. Gets searched again and hemmed up for holding. High on meth and oxys and whatever else.

Grabbed the gun and shot himself. I just seen a video of a man eat another man's face off last month. I'm not putting ANYTHING past ANYONE.

People need to come back down to earth sometimes.
Doesn't even matter what race you are. Arguing is pointless.
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"Just stating facts"

Facts as given by the police officers that are making the claim that dude committed suicide, but fail to release the video evidence?

grandad always told me gorwing up  that being a black man in america is one of the hardest things in the world to do..

gotta agree...dont understand the logic of people trying to defend the police on this matter...

like dude said above me, UNFORTUNATELY IVE HAD CUFFS ON ME BEFORE!!! the one and only time ive ever been in cuffs when the jakes took em off i rubbed my wrists the rest of the night...they put those joints on TIGHT!  not buying that video..thanks tho..

and where was the gun at on homie?? im sure it couldnt have been the small of his back...that seems to be the only possible way dude could pull this off...small of ur back is the 'cliche' place to put a im sure cops checked there...

if these dudes get away with this, its disgusting...what is america coming to?? really??
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