Chavis Carter, Mississippi black man, shot and killed (police allege suicide) while handcuffed in ba

It's just another insult at our intelligence. Not once have you heard the police say anything to the extent of "this was a tragedy". You put the cops on PAID leave, when there are good people out here who can't even get jobs. It's just business as usual in this country. I'm tired of it, but nothing will change until the people change. An attack on one black man is an attack on all black men...
grandad always told me gorwing up  that being a black man in america is one of the hardest things in the world to do..

gotta agree...dont understand the logic of people trying to defend the police on this matter...

like dude said above me, UNFORTUNATELY IVE HAD CUFFS ON ME BEFORE!!! the one and only time ive ever been in cuffs when the jakes took em off i rubbed my wrists the rest of the night...they put those joints on TIGHT!  not buying that video..thanks tho..

and where was the gun at on homie?? im sure it couldnt have been the small of his back...that seems to be the only possible way dude could pull this off...small of ur back is the 'cliche' place to put a im sure cops checked there...

if these dudes get away with this, its disgusting...what is america coming to?? really??

1) Your grandad was wrong, growing up a black man in Africa is far worse.

2) Logically like you say, no one is defending the police! Read.

3) Totally dismissing the video with the handcuffs just shows are arrogant you're accusing "others" to be.

4) Things happen, I know dudes who have walked into clubs/bars with burners on them after getting patted down, totally possible; unlikely but possible if done right. I'm sure in this case the police would have never thought a man would be dumb enough not to the tell them he had a pistol in his back pocket, so they could have just searched the mans pockets because that's what they'd assume would be in there since he's high and has a drug warrant.

5) You're already labeling these cops as guilty with your biased point of view and flaming America for it, ridiculous. The strides this country has made in just 40 years involving racism and racial equality is unparalleled so stop crying. I'm a minority and I've lived overseas, trust me you wouldn't want to be elsewhere.
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An important detail that many people are missing. Upon the initial search of Carter, police didn't find anything and just placed him in the squad car without handcuffs.After they realized he gave them a fake name, he was searched again, and that's when they found the drugs.
Now, you have a man wanted on drug charges in the back of your cruiser. If dude gets caught with drugs you probably get another slap on the wrist. You get caught with a weapon and you are more than likely going to jail.
I'm not justifying or jumping to conclusions, but just stating facts. The guy could have very easily stashed the weapon in the squad car the first time. Tried to get rid of the drugs or whatever but didnt get them all out or a chance to hide them. Gets searched again and hemmed up for holding. High on meth and oxys and whatever else.
Grabbed the gun and shot himself. I just seen a video of a man eat another man's face off last month. I'm not putting ANYTHING past ANYONE.
People need to come back down to earth sometimes.

I don't know what world you live in but if you're a black male EVERY TIME the police ask you to "step out the car" you get patted down. I've never been arrested nor even been handcuffed, but best believe if they say "please step out the car" I've been patted down and searched throughly.

If you think they put a black man, with dreads, in Mississippi of all places, inside a squad car uncuffed and unattended WITHOUT throughly patting him down, you're kidding yourself.

You don't find it odd there's been no information released regarding the entrance and exit wounds of the bullet, the trajectory, and if he had gunpowder on his hands? But they let us know he had drugs in his system....alright :rolleyes

I swear some people on here have no critical thinking skills, whatsoever.
You're wrong MalikDaGoat, I had a warrant for my arrest in the state of FL and I was pulled over in a drug/speed trap. When I stepped out of the car their we're only two officers so when they found out my Florida ID name had a warrant they were confused because I had a NY license. Maybe they got the wrong name? In the confusion they put me in the back of the car just in case it was me and if I ran. It was me but I played it out smooth, almost got away. They did not search me before putting me in the back, not at all.

I've been arrested 4 times, handcuffs 4 times in NY and South Florida. Every time they pat me down it's a complete joke. They do more work going thru your pockets, every time. When I was in county jail for the Florida arrests their we're addicts doing coke and laughing at how much Cops miss. Cops are not fans of cavity searches, nor are they fans of taking your shoes off and excessively rubbing you, they let the cavity searchers do that at the station if it even comes to that.

1) Your grandad was wrong, growing up a black man in Africa is far worse.
2) Logically like you say, no one is defending the police! Read.
3) Totally dismissing the video with the handcuffs just shows are arrogant you're accusing "others" to be.
4) Things happen, I know dudes who have walked into clubs/bars with burners on them after getting patted down, totally possible; unlikely but possible if done right. I'm sure in this case the police would have never thought a man would be dumb enough not to the tell them he had a pistol in his back pocket, so they could have just searched the mans pockets because that's what they'd assume would be in there since he's high and has a drug warrant.
5) You're already labeling these cops as guilty with your biased point of view and flaming America for it, ridiculous. The strides this country has made in just 40 years involving racism and racial equality is unparalleled so stop crying. I'm a minority and I've lived overseas, trust me you wouldn't want to be elsewhere.

In regards to your #1 reply, VA757VA said "one of the hardest things to do", not "THE hardest thing to do.

And homie's grandfather was dead on.

...the pigs planned it just right parking their vehicles trunk to trunk, no video.

Julius F. Wrek
thats my point exactly man...weve made so many strides as a people in one lifetime..but thats only one lifetime...every black man in this post can probably find a relative old enough to remember far away as it seems to us, it was only a generation ago man...

my bunkmate in basic training in the army had two lightning bolts tatted on each the us army they kick dudes out for having 'gang related' tats but this dude is  sharing a bunk with me with neo nazi tats big as day on his arms...turned out to be a real cool dude...pvt parker from mississippi..ill nvr forget the dude...

but he told us stories of what its like, growing up where hes from..the pure disgust they have for black people..this dude made it to the army with his sure theyre are policeman, politicians, from the same places with the same views as him on minorities..

not saying these particular pigs are, but when people are in a position of power, and they feel like they can legit get away with something..they do things they normally wouldnt..morally wrong things..

like this takes a lot of discipline and patience to reach that rank in the military....dudes hatred for other people, and his power blinded his better judgement and he killed innocent people for sport basically... 

not saying these cops are anything like that, just saying that people in higher positions have done worse...

could dude have killed himself?? yea

but the common sense test tells me we aint heard all of the story yet...just doesnt sound right

u made alot of good grandad was i dont agree..this has foul play written all over it...
Yeah, that video proves nothing :lol: I've been cuffed a few times and none of the times were the cuffs ever that loose.

My personal opinion is that ruling this a suicide is complete ********. You telling me that they put a suspect in the back of a squad car without patting him down or cuffing him the first time? Also, this is in Mississippi? Yeah, okay.

^^ I'm in agreement but there's just too many variables to this story. I was arrested recently the cop didn't search me at all, not even when I was taken
to the station. It could go either way but 3 searches and nothing? Cmon man.
Find one post in here that's even remotely pro police on this matter.

I find it hard to believe that someone would shoot a kid in his head, even if he was a full blown racist who despised black people. You don't just shoot someone in the head and expect to get away with it.

It's possible that cops miss a concealed gun, it happens. Just last week some dude offed himself at the police station after being arrested and processed and he was being detained for questioning. Totally possible for him to shoot himself with handcuffs on btw. Sounds shady but things happen.

Man sit down. Find where I said that it was OK to intimidate someone in handcuffs. Reading is fundamental and comprehension is certainly lacking for you, young whipper snapper.
Figures the dude who's been cuffed before says a video is bs. A video that clearly shows it is plausible that someone could possibly shoot themselves while handcuffed.
Dude had a warrant for his arrest on a drug charge. He was high on Meth. The point I was originally making was, in this day and age, I highly doubt someone thinks they will get away with shooting a black male in handcuffs. So either he shot himself or it was an accident ala the Bart cop shooting. Both cops should be put away for a very long time for being irresponsible, but to play this up like it's cops hunting black males is asinine.
"We're not safe out here." Lol, yes you're not safe. So make sure you don't get caught up with drugs and get high on meth, maybe you will be safer. :rolleyes

An important detail that many people are missing. Upon the initial search of Carter, police didn't find anything and just placed him in the squad car without handcuffs. After they realized he gave them a fake name, he was searched again, and that's when they found the drugs.
Now, you have a man wanted on drug charges in the back of your cruiser. If dude gets caught with drugs you probably get another slap on the wrist. You get caught with a weapon and you are more than likely going to jail.
I'm not justifying or jumping to conclusions, but just stating facts. The guy could have very easily stashed the weapon in the squad car the first time. Tried to get rid of the drugs or whatever but didnt get them all out or a chance to hide them. Gets searched again and hemmed up for holding. High on meth and oxys and whatever else.
Grabbed the gun and shot himself. I just seen a video of a man eat another man's face off last month. I'm not putting ANYTHING past ANYONE.
People need to come back down to earth sometimes.

Spoke to soon?


I swear I can't understand why some people insist on hating the police/any type of authority :lol:
They're regular people trying to do a job and do some good for society at the end of the day.

Smh at all these monday morning law enforcement and handcuffing technique experts. I've been handcuffed, too. Not every officer has the same type of training or technique. Who is to say the didnt make a human mistake and miss the gun?

Maybe he stashed the gun in the backseat when he was in the car the first time.

What story makes more sense? A meth head that committed suicide (intentionally or not) or police officers executing a man in handcuffs?
I swear I can't understand why some people insist on hating the police/any type of authority :lol:
They're regular people trying to do a job and do some good for society at the end of the day.
Smh at all these monday morning law enforcement and handcuffing technique experts. I've been handcuffed, too. Not every officer has the same type of training or technique. Who is to say the didnt make a human mistake and miss the gun?
Maybe he stashed the gun in the backseat when he was in the car the first time.
What story makes more sense? A meth head that committed suicide (intentionally or not) or police officers executing a man in handcuffs? must not be up on your current events.

Homeless man shot 30 times in Michigan
College kid in Cali shot dead
Oscar Grant
Brandon Johnson shot while sitting his car in Florida
Off-duty black COP shot 28 times by white police officers and left for dead

..And these are just a few of the more high-profile stories. I don't know what race you are, but speaking for majority of black men its not hard for us to believe police officers would execute a man (especially in racist *** Mississippi) then try to cover it up.
I'm black. I'm not saying all police are the best people in society. I'm just saying that I think the vast majority of them have good intentions. Its just funny @ all the hate they get on NT but whatever.

Homeless dude charged at em with a knife.

Oscar Grant was negligence. I dont think he meant to shoot him imho.
I dont know anything about the others.
Yeah, ok. So you take a few high profile cases and cherry pick them out of the literally hundred of thousands things cops do daily. What does that show? .001 cops slip through the cracks? Absolutely

I think the more likely story is him shooting himself. You cant tell me a police officer that has been through a psychological screening is gonna off a handcuffed dude.
I'm black. I'm not saying all police are the best people in society. I'm just saying that I think the vast majority of them have good intentions. Its just funny @ all the hate they get on NT but whatever.
Homeless dude charged at em with a knife.
Oscar Grant was negligence. I dont think he meant to shoot him imho.
I dont know anything about the others.
Yeah, ok. So you take a few high profile cases and cherry pick them out of the literally hundred of thousands things cops do daily. What does that show? .001 cops slip through the cracks? Absolutely
I think the more likely story is him shooting himself. You cant tell me a police officer that has been through a psychological screening is gonna off a handcuffed dude.

.....WOW. I'm out.
Police dont give a damn about a black man period they shot dude in the head anyone tryna spin this any other way is clueless i guess that mentally ill black man they shot what 30+ times even as he was falling to the ground dove in front of those bullets police aint **** aint never been **** thats what it is they've been killing us like dogs in the street forever and those of you that are black and trying to rationalize this **** should be ashamed of yourselves

Im out
ya'll sittin over here arguin about this ****....

Lets do something about some real racists like these politicians and media out here

Im out...
You know how may black cops there are around Mississippi (or DFW where i'm at)? Sure, theres bad cops- but there are many good ones too (like any profession, anywhere). A story that fuels your beliefs, and you become blind to reality

Black cops historically have had a reputation for treating black people even worse.

I'm guessing you didn't know that...
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