Chavis Carter, Mississippi black man, shot and killed (police allege suicide) while handcuffed in ba

I'll reserve judgement pending more information and an independent investigation, but it's amazing so many of you are acting like police, especially in Southern states, don't have a poor reputation with this sort of things. And the involved police should at the least be fired and not on paid vacation, at worst they shot a handcuffed suspect in the back of the car and are trying to cover it up, at best they can't locate a .380 after 2 pat downs. Witness statements will help them out but didn't we learn from the 2 young white ladies in the Trayvon situation (amongst others, that's just a very recent, high publicity case), police are much more privy to take witness statements that corroborate the narrative they want to portray. Isn't a gun a projectile weapon anyways? Saying they were far away from him when it happens means very little until the autopsy report comes out with more about angles, powder burns, etc.. A lot of coincidences seem to work in their favor. We just happened to be parked back to back so no dash cam.

I highly doubt he would have shot himself on purpose, it is possible maybe he was trying to manipulate the gun behind his back to shoot the cops and accidentally shot himself. Again I'm waiting for more information. Also, none of this high on meth stuff was involved until just very recently. In fact, he apparently seemed very cognizant of the situation given that he called his girlfriend and told her he was about to be arrested. So I'm not sure how far that angle is going to go, just seems very quesitonable.
Real Fellaz dont need/Never Dialed 911 in their life..........:smokin

i aint about that liiiiiiife. :smh:

I'm reserving judgement. I can "understand' the negligent pat down and stashing the gun in the car as a 1 in 1 trillion possibility. because again, 3 black guys with 2 cops at any time, they're getting searched thoroughly. Cops woulda lifted their nut sacks, even checke their mouths.

more than likely he was shot by the cops. some cops are ****. not all cops, just some. i've been asked to step out of my car at times, i've also given my college id to cops and they talked to me about school instead of giving me a ticket.

If the cops did kill him, then what's really new? another black man killed by some racists? It's not going to change. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE.
I just don't see why the kid would do that to himself....somethings not adding up
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The girlfriend of a man who was fatally shot in the back of an Arkansas patrol car told an investigator that he called her from the car and said he had a gun with him, police said Wednesday.

:rofl: Where is that guy Harm?

Whats so funny?

you dudes really hell bent on proving the cops right.

I'm gonna still stand by my statements and let the FBI sort it out
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Whats so funny?
you dudes really hell bent on proving the cops right.
I'm gonna still stand by my statements and let the FBI sort it out

Bon Appetit

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People fail to realize cops are no different than the average joe blow. Yeah 20- 30 percent of the law enforcement are cynical (I'm sure that number is higher). It's the nature of the beast. If 8/10 of the people you come in contac witht are either drug dealers/junkies/drunk/violent/probation/parole/sex offenders you would look at people a lot differently too. People are so quick to throw cops under the bus but I am sure 95% don't have the heart or will power to be a cop.

Their job is to arrest the bad guys. Cops do just that. The guy had drugs on him and a .380. What drug dealer you know walks around with a gun w/o intent to use it? Exactly. Most you guys who are bashing cops are super IGNORANT and IMMATURE. 

Yeah some cops abuse their power but that's going to be a small percent just like in any profession. I can think of thousands of scenarios, parking enforcement, managers, etc where someone will think someone is abusing their power when in fact they are doing their job. People are always quick to play the blaming game and not own up for their own mistakes. Dude lied to the cops about his name (strike1), Had drugs on him (strike 2), Had a warrant for a drug charge in another county (strike 3) <~~~ this part bugs me because some public defender represented you in good faith and begged some judge to let you out of jail. thinking you would steer clear of trouble. Unfortunately he didn't. Dude had a gun on him (AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING,  and i'm gonna guess he was a felon) (strike 4). He made a phone call while in the squad car (im guessing he is flexible or double jointed) wayy to comfortable in a squad car IMO. I would be scared straight if I was about to go to jail.

I can keep going on and on. Dude killed himself. He was screwed either way it went. A gun inside a cop car, drugs, obstructed by giving a fake name and had prior charges pending. He knew the going to be buried inside prison so he took his own life. 
 He made his own bed and now he is lying in it. 

I'm gone 
People fail to realize cops are no different than the average joe blow. Yeah 20- 30 percent of the law enforcement are cynical (I'm sure that number is higher). It's the nature of the beast. If 8/10 of the people you come in contac witht are either drug dealers/junkies/drunk/violent/probation/parole/sex offenders you would look at people a lot differently too. People are so quick to throw cops under the bus but I am sure 95% don't have the heart or will power to be a cop.

Their job is to arrest the bad guys. Cops do just that. The guy had drugs on him and a .380. What drug dealer you know walks around with a gun w/o intent to use it? Exactly. Most you guys who are bashing cops are super IGNORANT and IMMATURE. 

Yeah some cops abuse their power but that's going to be a small percent just like in any profession. I can think of thousands of scenarios, parking enforcement, managers, etc where someone will think someone is abusing their power when in fact they are doing their job. People are always quick to play the blaming game and not own up for their own mistakes. Dude lied to the cops about his name (strike1), Had drugs on him (strike 2), Had a warrant for a drug charge in another county (strike 3) D  He made his own bed and now he is lying in it. 

I'm gone :smokin

Completely agree,

Didn't want to talk (Like most NT'ers) without knowing any facts.
Wait? Black men saying majority of police don't discriminate despite countless references they do discriminate? Dude called his girl and shot himself while handcuffed? LOL @ how loose the cuffs in that video are....:smh:

EDIT: No need for agruement...
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^^^ Delete your post..:smh:

They don't put handcuffs on you to restrain just your just hand motion....did you watch the video? If your cuffs are so tight that you "had bruises around my wrists for a couple weeks," could you really move the cuffs all the way up to your forearm?
MaLiz^^That makes no sense^ to be honest. I didnt say i could move them up to my forearms, and i didnt speak on the tightness of the cuffs in the video (i watched it). I said it doesnt matter how tight they are- they restrict movement either way, but doesnt make it impossible. My point is that all you dudes jumping on the bandwagon and citing the handcuffs, obviously dont really know about them. It only sounds reasonable and good- no truth though. You can move your hands and your arms with traditional cuffs
LOL okay g sorry forgot you really boutdatlyfe..but let me ask could YOU move your arms to the extent the police officers on video demonstrated in order to shot himself???
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The girlfriend of a man who was fatally shot in the back of an Arkansas patrol car told an investigator that he called her from the car and said he had a gun with him, police said Wednesday.

Police have said officers found marijuana on Carter when they searched him..........:smh:

It is presumed that Carter secreted the gun in the rear of the car after the pat-down but before the cuffing and second search," the statement said. >D

Police said there were problems with the audio and video that explain the absence of a gunshot or noise on the recordings. >:

The Arkansas state crime lab confirmed Wednesday that it did not perform gunshot residue testing on Carter, saying it doesn't do that kind of analysis on victims of homicides or suicides. :rolleyes

I not only hide a gun from the police, I also hide a cellular phone in which I made a call to my girlfriend all the while, I AM HANDCUFFED FROM BEHIND!?!?!?!?!?

Sheningans at its finest. Paid leave, "investigation, and another "****" out of the way. I'm not saying son was innocent of anything but this was a modern day lynching :smh:
Where is the fire at?

They skipped gun shot powder testing... Cause of suicide. Wow
Police have said officers found marijuana on Carter when they searched him..........:smh:
It is presumed that Carter secreted the gun in the rear of the car after the pat-down but before the cuffing and second search," the statement said. >D
Police said there were problems with the audio and video that explain the absence of a gunshot or noise on the recordings. >:
The Arkansas state crime lab confirmed Wednesday that it did not perform gunshot residue testing on Carter, saying it doesn't do that kind of analysis on victims of homicides or suicides. :rolleyes

I not only hide a gun from the police, I also hide a cellular phone in which I made a call to my girlfriend all the while, I AM HANDCUFFED FROM BEHIND!?!?!?!?!?
greeeat post...
And what exactly was the purpose of those links?

Idk why anyone is entertaining this **** police shot another black man end of story either that or he was stretch Armstrong

Sad part is this the way it goes police kill black man ******** investigation follows nobody goes to jail the end
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