Chavis Carter, Mississippi black man, shot and killed (police allege suicide) while handcuffed in ba

With the amount of racism in society, why put yourself in a situation where you are carrying ILLEGAL drugs and have a warrant for another drug charge? Not the brightest guy but either way RIP.
well.... the case was closed recently, and since i was curious about information being released, i figured others were too. You can come up with whatever conspiracy theories you want from it, but many facts have come out. Witnesses and other relevant information, take what you want out of it

Police killing a black man is a conspiracy theory? Yea because thats not common at all but convos like this arent supposed to be had with a white dude for obvious reasons

But thinking about it I'm pretty sure it was previous posts of yours in this very thread that made me block you unfortunately my curiosity got the best of me I regret that now after encountering your ignorance again
So, the cops let the white kid go though the drugs were found in his truck? Don't know if I heard that right.

But they'll have to answer for this one day
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