Chicago Bulls Season Thread 35-33 -- vs kings 3.21/3.23 vs knicks/3.24 knicks

Rose will be gone

Pax and gar will.stay.

After reinsdorf saying that Pax has one of the highest character hes met, pax isn't going anywhere.
Where? Who's taking him on this off-season?
Be gone blowing by defenders next season! 


There's less possibility of a team even wanting to trade for him, so he'll stay with the Bulls until the season is over. Once he is a free agent, he's gonna move out West, if they are his highest bidder. 
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Where? Who's taking him on this off-season?
Be gone blowing by defenders next season! 

:lol: :pimp:  

There's less possibility of a team even wanting to trade for him, so he'll stay with the Bulls until the season is over. Once he is a free agent, he's gonna move out West, if they are his highest bidder. 

Pardon me my fault, didn't realize that's what you meant :lol:
Rose's defense is awful right now, hell everyones defense is terrible. One more loss should put the nail in the coffin.

With Pax back and Gar most likely back it sucks. Just ready to get to the offseason and make changes
Guess it's official now smh. I hope heads roll in the offseason but I already know better
They win 3 in a row and we back in the 5th seed...of course theyll make the playoffs. Dont want them to, but they will. I guarantee it.

I love that i was wrong. Anyways, it was a horrible season, boys. I dont trust the front office to fix any of this and Riensforff only cares about his stupid baseball team, so next year should be crap too. This is the first season in about 10 years that i didnt go to a Bulls game.....
What if Thibs was still here? Do you guys think we'll still be in the playoff tree if he wasn't fired?
I love that i was wrong. Anyways, it was a horrible season, boys. I dont trust the front office to fix any of this and Riensforff only cares about his stupid baseball team, so next year should be crap too. This is the first season in about 10 years that i didnt go to a Bulls game.....

He doesn't even care that much about the Sox either, he only cares about his money and past memories. Honestly, this Bulls team won't be a title contender until Reinsdorf dies (which hopefully will be a few years from now)
I got two words for ya EMPTY STATS!

Wholeheartedly agree, but that's not my point.

When we look back at our window for a championship, we will see two glaring deficiencies that we somehow filled but everything else fell apart......Keith Bogans and Carlos Boozer.
Had we had the production from Jimmy and Pau early in Rose's career things might've looked differently.
The FO was too stubborn/cheap and refused to amnesty Booz till the end when he was barely owed any money. They tried to address the 2 guard spot with a washed up Rip Hamilton who rubbed many the wrong with his big mouth and short production.

They win 3 in a row and we back in the 5th seed...of course theyll make the playoffs. Dont want them to, but they will. I guarantee it.

I love that i was wrong. Anyways, it was a horrible season, boys. I dont trust the front office to fix any of this and Riensforff only cares about his stupid baseball team, so next year should be crap too. This is the first season in about 10 years that i didnt go to a Bulls game.....

I'm glad you said it and not me :lol:
I actually went to a few games and took my lil one with be honest had more fun watching the bagel/donut race than watching the game.
I knew we were done after the 4 game losing streak back in March 2nd that ended with a blow out yo the Magic :smh:
I still believe that Jerry will not be happy that his pocket books are not being lined with playoff revenue stream and I'm confident moves will be made....may not be the ones we want, but certain players will be gone. Gar and Fred will be next if they don't get this mess sorted.

What if Thibs was still here? Do you guys think we'll still be in the playoff tree if he wasn't fired?

Hard to say bro, but we can't live in the past or on "what if's"
It was Thibs time to go, for as much attention as "the players not working hard enough" narrative got, it was evident last year as well...guys were starting to tune him out.
Biggest difference was that Tom had a strong and forceful personality.....Fred is a non intimidating, human punching bag. The FO is to blame for this, they could've gone after someone a lil more seasoned and proven with a hard nose style but not as bad as Thibs.

In a perfect world they would've wiped the slate clean and brought in a whole new roster for a rookie head coach to grow with, instead he inherited a veteran team set in they're ways. Not to mention all the locker room drama that was left unchecked until it was too late into the season.
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I'm sick and tired of Pau and his dumb *** comments.....This guy might have a great offensive skill set but that's it. This whole walking around like you know every damn thing because you won a few rings in La bit is old. He talks as if he forgot when Kobe had to jump in his *** over being the soft and crying about not getting his shots. The guy cant guard a soul let alone rotate for help side D. Oh yea almost forgot about his disappearing/Injury Bs in last years playoffs. I don't give a **** about his passes or mid range jump shot when he is giving up just as much on the other end. He sure as hell played his heart out for Spain this past summer tho. Get the hell outta Chi Town!!!! Take your weak *** quotes with you too.  
Really Bulls!? Really?

We playing this hard to seek a win from the cavs now and for what? :smh:

We were done a couple nights ago now u wanna play right! Get on my nerves man
Really Bulls!? Really?

We playing this hard to seek a win from the cavs now and for what? :smh:

We were done a couple nights ago now u wanna play right! Get on my nerves man

Seasons over lol who cares. Coulda won by 45, or lost by 30. Who cares.

That sig.

It's cool PJ this team needed a rebuild, time to clean house.
We still got the Blackhawks ready to start they're playoff run and a fun and competitive Cubs team off to a great start.
What the Bulls recruiters see in players is quite puzzling. Being a Bulls fan for quite some time I see opposing teams and players more physical and with more direction. Take for example someone like Justin Holiday (just as an example) or lets maybe mention E'Twaun Moore. These two players (to name just a few) come into the mix at the Bulls and seem so much more developed than they would have been at their previous teams.

I'm not for a second saying that we don't have physical players, but at some point management has to have a good look at where things are at and admit they have no real idea of the direction of the ball club!

Take the further example of Jimmy Butler. I Butler didn't achieve the success he has as a player, his improved skill a major point in their success over the past 2-3 seasons would have left the Bulls far further behind than the front-runners.

Sure, the Bulls missed on every major free agent signing, dating back to Tracy McGrady, Kobe, Wade, Lebron, Melo and yes there were plenty of others. Bulls managed to get Boozer which was on the back of... we have to get someone... I'm sure management could have looked at other options. With a young core, perhaps concentrating on the next young crop of players floating around.

Who could forget the likes of Ben Wallace and his $60m/4year deal? Wallace was strictly known for picking up boards and blocking shots. Of course he signed with the Bulls and then went into autopilot for the rest of his career. I guess this is matched by the Knicks then paying ex Bull Eddy Curry $60m for 6 years!

Realistically management at the Bulls needs a swift kick... The Warrior and Spurs (together with some others) show what great depth and smart management can do. You've got your teams that strike it lucky, Cavs receiving a major boost with the addition of Lebron returning and obviously there are others.

The Bulls need a plan... Be it a 3 or 5 year plan, they need something that they can stick to. Sure it will be a ride but a hell of a lot more interesting than watching a team constantly just make it or just miss out!
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