Cigarette Smokers: How and Why?

If it wasn't for the horrible smell, cancer, cost and all that I would probably smoke too. Just somethin to do
If it wasn't for the horrible smell, cancer, cost and all that I would probably smoke too. Just somethin to do
How: I started at 13...8th grade. I was bored on a hurricane day. Took a couple of Newports from my dad amd I shared them with my friends.

Why: At was to be "cool". Almost 7 years I still smoke. But now, its to mellow out when I'm stressing.
How: I started at 13...8th grade. I was bored on a hurricane day. Took a couple of Newports from my dad amd I shared them with my friends.

Why: At was to be "cool". Almost 7 years I still smoke. But now, its to mellow out when I'm stressing.
I smoked black n milds in college for the first three years and quit cold turkey...afterwards, I hated the smell.

I also started the cigarettes, but those haven't been as easy to dump. I don't buy packs, but I will smoke a loose one or two now and then.

One of these days, it will be no more,not even herb.
I smoked black n milds in college for the first three years and quit cold turkey...afterwards, I hated the smell.

I also started the cigarettes, but those haven't been as easy to dump. I don't buy packs, but I will smoke a loose one or two now and then.

One of these days, it will be no more,not even herb.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by f3DJam

it seems cool to me. its something to do, so youre just not standing maybe.

but i tried and couldnt get down with it, and i dont want to force a few to get the hang of it, oh well
You all just chalk it up as something to do kill me. It is BLATANT poison to your body. Just as drinking.

And to those of you using the, "We are all going to die either way" card, do better please.
Why do you care though? You act like smokers dont know its bad for them...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by f3DJam

it seems cool to me. its something to do, so youre just not standing maybe.

but i tried and couldnt get down with it, and i dont want to force a few to get the hang of it, oh well
You all just chalk it up as something to do kill me. It is BLATANT poison to your body. Just as drinking.

And to those of you using the, "We are all going to die either way" card, do better please.
Why do you care though? You act like smokers dont know its bad for them...
I Started smoking ciggarettes when I was 15 I used to smoke 2 packs stopped when I was 16 and have not smoked a ciggarette since and I am now 21 ! I just looked at negative and positive effects and it was a easy decision for me to make to COMPLETLEY never smoke ciggarettes EVER again. I decided there were more "negative" effects from smoking Cigaretts thean "positive" effects . I looked at the facts.and realized that smoking ciggarettes can shorten my life and I love life so I'd like to live as long as possible or as long as I can so since it's a fact that smoking ciggaretts is a pratice that can shorten your life  it was a easy decision for me to quit them because i'd like to live as logn as I possibly can.

 There were more negative effects than positive effects from smoking ciggaretts and I decided why pay a whole bunch of money for something thats going to shorten my life and increase my chance of having lung cancer.I'd rather pay money for something I actually like or "want" then to waste my money on buying lung cancer , Pay a tabacco company money too increase my chance of having lung cancer and shorten my life would be FOOLISH. In fact ever having "any" type of cancer would be one of my worst fear so I knew I wanted to quit Ciggaretts. I didnt understand and still don't understand  why people say "it's hard to quit", or "oh they're addicting." The fact is if you want to increase your chances of living longer, one of the things you can do to do  that is quit smoking ciggaretts.I knew I would shorten my life if I continued to smoke ciggaretts so thats why it was a simple decision for me to quit I didnt want to shorten my life. Notice how any positive effects are all mental effects not physicial. Example I hear lame excuses from ciggaretts smokers when I ask em why they smoke cigs sometimes I hear responses like "oh im stressed".Fact is cigs wont take away stress and can actually increase stress. Thats because if you are stressed smoke cigs it's can actually cause you to become more aggravated knowing that you have become unhealthy.It only has a postive "mental" effect for your body and thats the most important thing to remember.This is because "it makes" you think or rumors make people think cigs are good for stress when they are actuallly not. Smoking a ciggarett will "NEVER" have a postive effect for the physical health of your body.If you care about your body you wouldnt want to potentially cause damage to it by smoking nicotine. All these facts caused me to completely stop ciggaretts and NEVER smoke them ever again for as long as I live. Try listing some positive effects from ciggaret smoking and I bet all of them are effect but only "mental postive effect". It's all in your brain that cigarretts are doing you good but the reality is it has no good effects that relate to your physical health .

Facts (negative effects)

1.)Cigarettes contain additives that are known carcinogens, which means they are known to cause cancer. These carcinogens include formaldehyde and hydrocarbon. Lung cancer, mouth cancer and throat cancer are the three most prevalent cancers that have a direct link to cigarette smoking. In some cases, the cancer may not be caught until the point where the cancer is untreatable.

2.) Smoking Ciggaretts can discolor your teeth. ( Meaning Yellow or ur teeth may no longer be white ).

3.) Smoking ciggaretts can make your hair smell bad.

4.)Tabacco use plays a role in a multitude of diseases that ultimately lead to disability or death. Like Heart Diseases or Lung Cancer.

5.) Smoking Ciggaretts Can cause your breath to smell bad.

6.)Smoking Ciggaretts can lower your physical abilitites in sports and running.

7.) Buying pack(s) of Ciggaretts can be an Expensive.

8.) The negative effect  of smoking ciggaretts aren't limited to only health related issues.Cigarette smoking also causes certain social effects. As people are becoming more health concious smoking is becoming a taboo. Secondhand smoke dangers, as well as the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke, are contributing factors to the social stigma.

9.)Cigarette smoke affects household belongings. Glass on mirrors, windows and furniture will become hazy when exposed to cigarette smoke for an extended period. Cloth furniture, carpet and other items with porous surfaces absorb the cigarette smoke, which causes the items to hold the smoke smell. This smell will become stale as time progresses.

10.)When you smoke, the cigarette fumes replace oxygen in the body. This means that less oxygen gets to the heart. This can cause an irregular heartbeat and other complications. The chemicals in cigarettes also deposit plaque. As this plaque builds up, the risk of having a heart attack increases because blood supply to the heart is restricted.
I Started smoking ciggarettes when I was 15 I used to smoke 2 packs stopped when I was 16 and have not smoked a ciggarette since and I am now 21 ! I just looked at negative and positive effects and it was a easy decision for me to make to COMPLETLEY never smoke ciggarettes EVER again. I decided there were more "negative" effects from smoking Cigaretts thean "positive" effects . I looked at the facts.and realized that smoking ciggarettes can shorten my life and I love life so I'd like to live as long as possible or as long as I can so since it's a fact that smoking ciggaretts is a pratice that can shorten your life  it was a easy decision for me to quit them because i'd like to live as logn as I possibly can.

 There were more negative effects than positive effects from smoking ciggaretts and I decided why pay a whole bunch of money for something thats going to shorten my life and increase my chance of having lung cancer.I'd rather pay money for something I actually like or "want" then to waste my money on buying lung cancer , Pay a tabacco company money too increase my chance of having lung cancer and shorten my life would be FOOLISH. In fact ever having "any" type of cancer would be one of my worst fear so I knew I wanted to quit Ciggaretts. I didnt understand and still don't understand  why people say "it's hard to quit", or "oh they're addicting." The fact is if you want to increase your chances of living longer, one of the things you can do to do  that is quit smoking ciggaretts.I knew I would shorten my life if I continued to smoke ciggaretts so thats why it was a simple decision for me to quit I didnt want to shorten my life. Notice how any positive effects are all mental effects not physicial. Example I hear lame excuses from ciggaretts smokers when I ask em why they smoke cigs sometimes I hear responses like "oh im stressed".Fact is cigs wont take away stress and can actually increase stress. Thats because if you are stressed smoke cigs it's can actually cause you to become more aggravated knowing that you have become unhealthy.It only has a postive "mental" effect for your body and thats the most important thing to remember.This is because "it makes" you think or rumors make people think cigs are good for stress when they are actuallly not. Smoking a ciggarett will "NEVER" have a postive effect for the physical health of your body.If you care about your body you wouldnt want to potentially cause damage to it by smoking nicotine. All these facts caused me to completely stop ciggaretts and NEVER smoke them ever again for as long as I live. Try listing some positive effects from ciggaret smoking and I bet all of them are effect but only "mental postive effect". It's all in your brain that cigarretts are doing you good but the reality is it has no good effects that relate to your physical health .

Facts (negative effects)

1.)Cigarettes contain additives that are known carcinogens, which means they are known to cause cancer. These carcinogens include formaldehyde and hydrocarbon. Lung cancer, mouth cancer and throat cancer are the three most prevalent cancers that have a direct link to cigarette smoking. In some cases, the cancer may not be caught until the point where the cancer is untreatable.

2.) Smoking Ciggaretts can discolor your teeth. ( Meaning Yellow or ur teeth may no longer be white ).

3.) Smoking ciggaretts can make your hair smell bad.

4.)Tabacco use plays a role in a multitude of diseases that ultimately lead to disability or death. Like Heart Diseases or Lung Cancer.

5.) Smoking Ciggaretts Can cause your breath to smell bad.

6.)Smoking Ciggaretts can lower your physical abilitites in sports and running.

7.) Buying pack(s) of Ciggaretts can be an Expensive.

8.) The negative effect  of smoking ciggaretts aren't limited to only health related issues.Cigarette smoking also causes certain social effects. As people are becoming more health concious smoking is becoming a taboo. Secondhand smoke dangers, as well as the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke, are contributing factors to the social stigma.

9.)Cigarette smoke affects household belongings. Glass on mirrors, windows and furniture will become hazy when exposed to cigarette smoke for an extended period. Cloth furniture, carpet and other items with porous surfaces absorb the cigarette smoke, which causes the items to hold the smoke smell. This smell will become stale as time progresses.

10.)When you smoke, the cigarette fumes replace oxygen in the body. This means that less oxygen gets to the heart. This can cause an irregular heartbeat and other complications. The chemicals in cigarettes also deposit plaque. As this plaque builds up, the risk of having a heart attack increases because blood supply to the heart is restricted.
It's never too late to make it a New year's Resolution to quit smoking Ciggaretts NOW. The sonner you Quit Cigaretts the longer you'll live.
It's never too late to make it a New year's Resolution to quit smoking Ciggaretts NOW. The sonner you Quit Cigaretts the longer you'll live.
smoking actually relaxes me, it may not even be the smoking honestly, maybe it really is the scenary.
when i smoke i put all my electronics away, go to my "spot" and smoke, just chill relax, make little o's
i dont smoke much (probably have around 5 packs to my name since i started when i was 16)
i usually just buy a pack when im really stressed, smoke 2-3 and give the pack away

btw, i used to smoke kool's

recently "upgraded" to black american spirirts, i love the perique cucumbery-fresh taste

EDIT: by 5 packs to my name, i mean ive probably smoked 60 cigarettes in 4 years
smoking actually relaxes me, it may not even be the smoking honestly, maybe it really is the scenary.
when i smoke i put all my electronics away, go to my "spot" and smoke, just chill relax, make little o's
i dont smoke much (probably have around 5 packs to my name since i started when i was 16)
i usually just buy a pack when im really stressed, smoke 2-3 and give the pack away

btw, i used to smoke kool's

recently "upgraded" to black american spirirts, i love the perique cucumbery-fresh taste

EDIT: by 5 packs to my name, i mean ive probably smoked 60 cigarettes in 4 years
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
I feel you dude, if your friends are truly your friends you should tell them to not hot box the car with nasty cig smoke. . 

Friends were never the problem with me. I was always the only one in my immediate family who has never smoked. Not only that, but I was the youngest, meaning I had very little say in anything. My family is hardheaded and they weren't tryin' to hear it. With all that said, I found smoking to be disgusting and I made a personal commitment to myself to never smoke. I tried it a couple of times to find out for myself and that pushed me away from it even more.

Like I said, I'm not the judgmental type and I don't have a holier than thou attitude like some of the people in this thread seem to have, but I don't think most of us non-smokers want to be around all that smoke. I'm guessing that's the reason for the hostility and one of the reasons a lot of us "care," granted people are citing health reason which really is none of their concern. We all have our bad habits, so people need to chill on that.

For the record, most of this is a general statement and not directed towards you personally. I was just using your reply as an example. If you or anyone else wants to smoke, go for it. I just wish more people would be considerate and respect the fact that most people don't want to be around it. Seems like that isn't a problem for you based on your replies, so props to you, sir.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
I feel you dude, if your friends are truly your friends you should tell them to not hot box the car with nasty cig smoke. . 

Friends were never the problem with me. I was always the only one in my immediate family who has never smoked. Not only that, but I was the youngest, meaning I had very little say in anything. My family is hardheaded and they weren't tryin' to hear it. With all that said, I found smoking to be disgusting and I made a personal commitment to myself to never smoke. I tried it a couple of times to find out for myself and that pushed me away from it even more.

Like I said, I'm not the judgmental type and I don't have a holier than thou attitude like some of the people in this thread seem to have, but I don't think most of us non-smokers want to be around all that smoke. I'm guessing that's the reason for the hostility and one of the reasons a lot of us "care," granted people are citing health reason which really is none of their concern. We all have our bad habits, so people need to chill on that.

For the record, most of this is a general statement and not directed towards you personally. I was just using your reply as an example. If you or anyone else wants to smoke, go for it. I just wish more people would be considerate and respect the fact that most people don't want to be around it. Seems like that isn't a problem for you based on your replies, so props to you, sir.
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