Cleveland Cavaliers vs Washington Wizards - Game 2 Post Mon. 4/21 7:00 pm

Yeah this series far from over..but err uh..THe wiz need to shut up and play from now on....Once again i am concerned from Lebron's lack of focus on hisfreethrow shooting..Granted they are up 20+, thats no excuse..
ticky tac as it is they need to clean it up a bit before someone actually gets hurt.
And i agree with ejecting haywood. hard foul but you can clearly see he was making no play at the ball with his arms extending to push Lebron Mid-air.
^That last call was horrendous.

what the hell? they called a foul on Butler??? u gotta be kidding me..... soft @$% league

Originally Posted by JDB1523

Stans, get your LeBron goggles off for a sec and try to look at the situation from an objective perspective. Haywood gave a hard foul, nothing more, it wasn't excessive AT ALL. Guarandamntee if it wasn't Bron, he wouldn't have been ejected. Most of the Cavs fans on here have no objectivity.
Most of yall don't. Forget the laker fan, the majority in here are blind.
Some do, some don't. True 3 blue we've spoken in here before, I think you know my reputation.
I don't think Haywood should've been ejected either, but ya'll delusional if you don't think that would be called at least a flagrant 1 on anyother player, especially if the player is openly targeted through the media.

It should've been a flagrant 1, no more. But that foul was not only dangerous, it was a emotional/frustration type foul, and most importantly, just dumb ashell.
only thing left is whether a fight will break out or if any more techs will be handed out
That hard foul is a flagrant 1, but ejection? That was a bit harsh.

...and Arenas with the bum knees and now the bad wrist on his shooting hand....I was under the assumption he would be healthy for this series, but its notgoing to come easy for the Wizards AT ALL (esp. with Butler being ghost).

They'll just have to handle their business @ DC if they want to stay in this series.
Originally Posted by and1play5

"King" James cannot be touched nowadays...i really didn't believe in all the bs fouls the lebrons get until they cheated us in philly last week...I just wanna see basketball be played and that can't happen if a player on D can't come in contact with the offensive player

You know how much money the NBA has on KING JAMES? of course they won't let him get roughed up to a great degree...Lol..especially wit salty dudes tryinto take him out every time he drives because they Cant D up Forreal... Just BLOCK him or something or alter his shot, don't try and kill him (especially inthe air) and maybe..just maybe he can be held down,,(not stopped, but slowed down) or as sorry as his FT shooting is..put him on the line..
The game is crappy because the wizards are so worried about being the Aggressor and playing physical than actually playing ball.
no way they come back in this series.
Good bye Wizards you playoff hope is done once again.
Originally Posted by and1play5

they are calling a lot of ticky tack fouls's gonna be hard to washington at come back at this juncture

It's the NBA what you expect.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Stans, get your LeBron goggles off for a sec and try to look at the situation from an objective perspective. Haywood gave a hard foul, nothing more, it wasn't excessive AT ALL. Guarandamntee if it wasn't Bron, he wouldn't have been ejected. Most of the Cavs fans on here have no objectivity.

No one takes an objective perspective when it comes to their teams best player. We all know that MVP type players get preferential treatment. You would notbe complaining at all if a player was thrown out for that same foul on 24.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Originally Posted by and1play5

"King" James cannot be touched nowadays...i really didn't believe in all the bs fouls the lebrons get until they cheated us in philly last week...I just wanna see basketball be played and that can't happen if a player on D can't come in contact with the offensive player

You know how much money the NBA has on KING JAMES? of course they won't let him get roughed up to a great degree...Lol..especially wit salty dudes tryin to take him out every time he drives because they Cant D up Forreal... Just BLOCK him or something or alter his shot, don't try and kill him (especially in the air) and maybe..just maybe he can be held down,,(not stopped, but slowed down) or as sorry as his FT shooting is..put him on the line..

So you're for biased officiating if the league has more "money" on certain players.....? You sir, are not a real basketball fan if that isthe case.
my man...his hand was barely touching him, lebron was in triple threat, if he gets hurt from that he might wanna reconsider sports
What's with the hate on lebron for that call? The man made no play for the ball and lebron was in the air. He pushed him out of the air. As a ball player Iknow that is something you don't do. You could hurt somebody that way.

If a player goes into the air and somebody pushes him out of the air they will call that flagrant 2 just about 95% of the time.

I think the right call was made. If they hadn't called a flagrant 2 there might have been some retaliation.

This game is boring. I thought the wiz would have put up a better fight but this game is over.

Good job cavs.
Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by and1play5

they are calling a lot of ticky tack fouls's gonna be hard to washington at come back at this juncture

It's the NBA what you expect.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Stans, get your LeBron goggles off for a sec and try to look at the situation from an objective perspective. Haywood gave a hard foul, nothing more, it wasn't excessive AT ALL. Guarandamntee if it wasn't Bron, he wouldn't have been ejected. Most of the Cavs fans on here have no objectivity.

No one takes an objective perspective when it comes to their teams best player. We all know that MVP type players get preferential treatment. You would not be complaining at all if a player was thrown out for that same foul on 24.

Um if you aren't a rider for said player, then you could be an objectionable person, why not? Hell there are plenty of times that 24 has been fouledharder than Bron did this season and not only wasn't there an ejection, but in some cases no call at all. LeBron to me just seems to get a treatment beyondany other player in the league, on the level of one Dwayne Wade in the 2006 Finals where he gets breathed on and a whistle blows.
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