Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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people more outraged with kaepernick sitting during the anthem than being outraged by people of color getting the perpetual short end of the stick from the political & justice system in this country shows how deep this country's racist origins are still in the minds & spirit of the masses 
One good question I noticed on a facebook comment is "What % of people stand up for the national anthem while sitting and watching from home?" I've never seen ANYONE stand up for the anthem outside of a baseball stadium, where most people do it just when the announcer says "please rise". Are all these people disrespecting America and the military by doing this?
 Did anyone claim they did this?
One good question I noticed on a facebook comment is "What % of people stand up for the national anthem while sitting and watching from home?" I've never seen ANYONE stand up for the anthem outside of a baseball stadium, where most people do it just when the announcer says "please rise". Are all these people disrespecting America and the military by doing this?

Is complete BS when you really think about it :rofl: bunch of fake outrage, I'm willing to bet all the white peeps who's jimmies he rustled don't even tune in for the anthem before the game....I also find it hilarious when you have to stand up as a judge enters a courtroom? why SWAY?

There's some very problematic hierarchy problems in this country. I'd like to know what would happen if I didn't stand for the judge.

Held in contempt

"A finding of being in contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the proceedings through poor behaviour, or publication of material or non-disclosure of material, which in doing so is deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of contempt of court."
Like when you think of how many times in our lifetimes we have to say the pledge and anthem...Everday in school, before every sports event no matter the level its ******* creepy for real.
"A finding of being in contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the proceedings through poor behaviour, or publication of material or non-disclosure of material, which in doing so is deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of contempt of court."
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Held in contempt

"A finding of being in contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the proceedings through poor behaviour, or publication of material or non-disclosure of material, which in doing so is deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of contempt of court."

This is so ****** ridiculous, dude would jail me if I don't stand for him, but let a rapist walk free :rofl:

Our justice system is a complete JOKE :lol:
you can';t be telling people who feel they've been slighted by the powers that be "you know, there's much better ways to protest" or "this is not the way i would go about it"

protest is messy. if it bothers you, good. protest ain't about making life easier for you who's living that comfortable life on the other side of the line. if it gets you mad, upset or makes you feel a certain negative way about someone like kaepernick, black lives matter or any other protest group or individual fed up with the mistreatment of people of color in this country rather than the actual mistreatment of people of color from all levels of society and govt then YOU really are part of the problem 
What exactly is Kaep doing this going to do?...who is he helping? What awareness is he bringing? I think dude could have done much more if he wanted to before this stunt....unless other players rally behind him, which I don't see it happening, the entire Giants organization practically made it clear they didn't agree with it this weekend....all this will do is blackball him....these guys earn a once in a lifetime opportunity, you gotta be able to use it wisely....being courageous isn't always being smart, he just YOLOd it with zero thought process behind it.

How many of you think he'll issue an apology? Or ride it out....will he stand up for the anthem next game?
Why do you, time after time, try to rationalize why people do emotionally charged things?

If HE feels this is the right way he should protest, why are you using the, "Who is he helping" card.

Then you go on to say what he should do.
:rofl:  Did anyone claim they did this?

No, that's the point though. I, and most people, have never seen anyone stand for the anthem while sitting on the couch at home. If Kaepernick is anti-American military for not standing up at one game, then the majority of NFL viewers are ISIS supporters compared to him
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Are there troops that feel like not standing for the national anthem is disrespectful? Seems like people that aren't in the armed forces decided what is or isn't a slight against the military.
Most military that I know personally don't give a @#$@. They joined the military only to go to college for free or because they did terribly in high school. People who haven't served think that the military is full of selfless heroes like from Saving Private Ryan or some @#$@ :lol:
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you can';t be telling people who feel they've been slighted by the powers that be "you know, there's much better ways to protest" or "this is not the way i would go about it"

protest is messy. if it bothers you, good. protest ain't about making life easier for you who's living that comfortable life on the other side of the line. if it gets you mad, upset or makes you feel a certain negative way about someone like kaepernick, black lives matter or any other protest group or individual fed up with the mistreatment of people of color in this country rather than the actual mistreatment of people of color from all levels of society and govt then YOU really are part of the problem 

All these facts. Some people hate when black people stand up. I remember the Arab spring popped off and people were all online happy about oppressed people fighting back against the system they lived in.

But when it comes to us [emoji]128064[/emoji] we can't even have empowerment groups without counter groups being made.
I hope he does have the courage to fully stand by it bro...losing endorsements is one thing, being blackballed and dropped into obscurity from the one thing he loves doing is another.
You forget that the majority of NFL players are black. I'm sure several players would sit out games if Kaep is blackballed.
the whole notion that you have to support the troops even if you don't support the wars they're fighting is outrageous to me. 

why would i support anyone working on behalf of a group of people sent over to some foreign country to do their dirty work? nah man they ain't out there fighting some cats in some little village in iraq so i could continue watching hbo on sunday. they ain't doing it for me. they're doing it for the political shills who have direct deposit accounts with exxon, mobil, halliburton - that sorta set up

everything gotta be about respecting cops, the military and the like cause that's how they set it up. any divergence from that chips away at their structure which goes  way back to the days when this country was founded & responsible for the death and destruction of people of color
Some of you are just as outraged as the people outraged against Kaep. They have a right to think he could have went about it differently or think he's ungrateful or wouldn't be doing this if he was still a star. Just like he has a right to protest. (To a point. His employer can step in in certain instances)
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Some of you are just as outraged as the people outraged against Kaep. They have a right to think he could have went about it differently or think he's ungrateful or wouldn't be doing this if he was still a star. Just like he has a right to protest. (To a point. His employer can step in in certain instances)
The difference is saying he's ungrateful as if he should feel lucky that this country threw him a bone is shaded with ignorance and borderline racist. So if I hear something like 'he shouldn't speak up because he's one of the lucky ones' or 'but he was adopted by white parents' of course I'm going to take issue with it.
Some of you are just as outraged as the people outraged against Kaep. They have a right to think he could have went about it differently or think he's ungrateful or wouldn't be doing this if he was still a star. Just like he has a right to protest. (To a point. His employer can step in in certain instances)
really? i ain't calling anyone the n word though just cause it rubs me the wrong way. i ain't out there perpetuating the hate toward people of color cause i see their fight for equality and justice as an affront to my liberties and way of life. cause that's what this is - white people (and other lost souls) see other peoples' fight for equality as taking away from them and their possessions. 
Being a.millionare doesnt keep this kid
From being discriminated against

See magic johnson trying to own any business

I him a kid he the same age as lochte
You know, growing up, I used to be one of those idiots that didn't get the "modern slave" idea that black NTers were talking about . I used to take it too literally but as an adult, I get what it means. Basically you have to keep your mouth shut and do exactly as these racist white people say while they use you for entertainment and making money. These facebook posts about "Kaepernick earns millions, so he should shut up!" is exactly what's wrong. It reminds me of all the times racist white people point out athletes and rappers when black people bring up income disparity. Basically it's telling them that they aren't allowed to say @#$@ since society let a few hundred of them make millions :lol: :smh:
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