Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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u got a betta answer? ill wait

we put a motha **** ing man on da moon.. created da Internet, won 2 world wars, and oh btw...did that in less than 300 years.

No one is deflecting, you just struggle to say on topic

So now your only strategy is red herrings and switching up the context of the man's words to fit your argument

you're da one that can't seem to understand that da United States is da greatest thing that happened to da Human Race, 


actually thinking this in 2016.. wow :lol:  

u got a betta answer? ill wait :nerd:

we put a motha **** ing man on da moon.. created da Internet, won 2 world wars, and oh btw...did that in less than 300 years.


You sound ridiculous.

-First off you opinion is not fact. You sound like some if that has eaten McDonalds all their life screaming about it is the best hamburger chain in the world. I have lived in another country, and like I said, their are trade off. There are so many quality of life indexes that rank many other countries above America.

You have no way to prove this irrefutable another than yelling like some sort of moron

-We didn't win two world wars by ourselves. And if we so great why did we take such a major L in Nam :lol:

-And it is funny that you praise da free market capitalism so much, yet use achievements of government agencies to argue our point.

Your infrastructure is rated as a D, we spend the most of healthcare yet get worst results, our educational system is horrible compared to the rest of the 1st world, and the internet that we brag about so much is slower and more expensive that many other countries. But like I said, there are trade-offs

Stop feeling up Uncle Sam b
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No one is deflecting, you just struggle to say on topic

So now your only strategy is red herrings and switching up the context of the man's words to fit your argument
where em i "switching" Obama's words? he's talking to da SAME point im making.

make no mistake about it, I'll take Obama's crappy sub 2% GDP over lving on less than 2 dollars a day under crushing world poverty.


you're da one that can't seem to understand that da United States is da greatest thing that happened to da Human Race, and to act like da USA is somehow guilty of something EVERY SINGLE country is guilty of and yet we give everyone and everything to da citizens here including da opportunity to flourish.

that my friends is irrefutable compared to everywhere else on Earth for da most part.

The wheel?

Domestication of animals?


The printing press?


Dominican girls? 
I love of this dude tells black people to stop complaining about **** that happened decades go, but all this examples of American greatness are **** that happened decades.
you know his was vilified & exiled for years for this though... context is key.
this is why racial tensions never heal...

if ur in a relationship & u keep blaming ur significant other for dirt they did years ago everytime something happens there is no moving forward.
Log off and clean your studio apartment Ninja, floor looking like an episode of hoarders b

I can't partake in this ninjaism on here anymore, everytime I enter into a relevant thread 

I see this dude spewing hatred and members engaging him too. I can't take it anymore........Carry on.
So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.
No one is deflecting, you just struggle to say on topic

So now your only strategy is red herrings and switching up the context of the man's words to fit your argument

:lol: where em i "switching" Obama's words? he's talking to da SAME point im making.

make no mistake about it, I'll take Obama's crappy sub 2% GDP over lving on less than 2 dollars a day under crushing world poverty.


you're da one that can't seem to understand that da United States is da greatest thing that happened to da Human Race, and to act like da USA is somehow guilty of something EVERY SINGLE country is guilty of and yet we give everyone and everything to da citizens here including da opportunity to flourish.

that my friends is irrefutable compared to everywhere else on Earth for da most part.

The wheel?
Domestication of animals?
The printing press?
Dominican girls? 

You left out Ninja's favorite American invention, the cotton gin
No one is deflecting, you just struggle to say on topic

So now your only strategy is red herrings and switching up the context of the man's words to fit your argument

you're da one that can't seem to understand that da United States is da greatest thing that happened to da Human Race, 


actually thinking this in 2016.. wow :lol:  

u got a betta answer? ill wait :nerd:

we put a motha **** ing man on da moon.. created da Internet, won 2 world wars, and oh btw...did that in less than 300 years.


You know that without German scientists defecting to the US, there is no rocket technology and atomic bomb on this side of the Atlantic for a long time, don't you?

You also realize that with the US left as the sole industrial power with fully functioning factories, they had nowhere to go but above all the other nations because the various battles of BOTH wars were fought on their lands and not on the US mainland, don't you? That's why manufacturing was so big here for so long.

What about the web? Let's take eBay and PayPal. Most the people involved in the creation and development of both websites are foreign born: South Africa, France, Ukraine, Germany, etc..

The greatest strength of the US is not the ability of its native people to develop new technologies; it's its ability to attract the best minds and give them the necessary environment to develop the best things their minds can produce. Unfortunately, this environment is increasingly threatened by the multitude of bigots who have never set a foot in a lab and can do nothing but take credit for the contributions of people from all over the world who came here to make this place better.

The head of DARPA is an Indian-born woman who would probably be thrown out of a Trump rally. Think about that.
I love of this dude tells black people to stop complaining about **** that happened decades go, but all this examples of American greatness are **** that happened decades.

Stop with all the fancy talk Rusty

You know some of us don't know how long a decade is
So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.

That too.

There are documentaries out there about Americans who have to wait for traveling volunteer dentists to get checked. So much for the greatest piece of rock this side of the universe.
Bet ninjahood can't even load a .pdf of da constituion in his room. Got 99% of da google doc loading bar waiting out back in da cold.
I love of this dude tells black people to stop complaining about **** that happened decades go, but all this examples of American greatness are **** that happened decades.

Stop with all the fancy talk Rusty

You know some of us don't know how long a decade is

Damb my bad famb.

I kinda feel bad for Ninja, this thread is frot with subjects he knows nothing about
This dude ninja is saying:

"He'd rather be a second class citizen in the greatest nation on earth....than fight and demand that He is treated equally and afforded the same opportunities as white people in this land.

Same mentality as a house slave.

Lost souls man. The self described "free thinking", "hard truth telling" minorities have the most twisted and toxic mentality.
I love of this dude tells black people to stop complaining about **** that happened decades go, but all this examples of American greatness are **** that happened decades.
That's why Trump and da GOP need to make America great again after Obama messed it up all by himself. Pay attention Rusty 
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So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.
That too.

There are documentaries out there about Americans who have to wait for traveling volunteer dentists to get checked. So much for the greatest piece of rock this side of the universe.
Pretty much.

You hear a lot of conservatives talk about how America has some of the best healthcare in the world.  What they fail to mention is that the "amazing" healthcare they're speaking of is reserved for a select few.  If you have money?  Forget in America is great for you.  You'll experience some of the shortest wait times in order to receive diagnostic testing and life-saving medical interventions in the developed world.  The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of Americans don't fall into this category and they don't have a strong safety net of social services to support preventative medicine.  

The problem is that America seems to equate a tremendous amount of funds allocated to medical professionals and medical resources to improved health outcomes when it's demonstrably false.  America spends a greater percentage of its GDP on these services compared to every other developed nation, yet spends less than 10% of its GDP on social services.  Compare that to France, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, etc. which all spend over 20% of their GDP on social services without the exorbitant investment in actual medical/health resources, yet somehow they have exponentially superior health outcomes compared to the United States.  

The United States isn't a wasteland by any stretch of the imagination, but let's please stop pretending.
No one is deflecting, you just struggle to say on topic

So now your only strategy is red herrings and switching up the context of the man's words to fit your argument

you're da one that can't seem to understand that da United States is da greatest thing that happened to da Human Race, 


actually thinking this in 2016.. wow :lol:  

u got a betta answer? ill wait :nerd:

we put a motha **** ing man on da moon.. created da Internet, won 2 world wars, and oh btw...did that in less than 300 years.


you've contributed to absolutely 0% of that, you uneducated, ignorant parasite

u mad :lol:

At the end of the day if you live in America and don't believe it's the greatest country on Earth...then you can leave. I hear North Korea is nice.
At the end of the day if you live in America and don't believe it's the greatest country on Earth...then you can leave. I hear North Korea is nice.

So simple minded. Y'all sit here and ***** and moan about the side of the coin you don't agree with, but the moment it's the opposite they should leave. I'm starting think folks that process their thoughts like this are legit mentally ******ed.
At the end of the day if you live in America and don't believe it's the greatest country on Earth...then you can leave. I hear North Korea is nice.

You don't either, you constantly complain about have to pay tax for social services and public.

If you want a small government, no taxes, and complete privatization of all socioeconomic functions, I hear Somalia is nice

Otherwise, shut the hell up too.

See how easily this can be flipped on you?
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At the end of the day if you live in America and don't believe it's the greatest country on Earth...then you can leave. I hear North Korea is nice.
Sheesh. day by day you start to understand why people in other countries around the world hate americans. Like it becomes clearer and clearer.
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