Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Shut the hell up with this red herring ********.

You have no proof just your opinion about me not loving America.

I want better for it, that is love, not being satisfied with the dysfunction and injustice

So you're not trying to inject European style socialism into America?

And if you don't hate the U.S. then say something positive about it.
America's poor>>>> other country's poor. And it's not even close.

poor people out here got a fridge full of food, free phones, and medicaid, and no one gets turned away at a hospital.
my pops broke his arm in DR in a motorcycle accident and i had to wire him money or else they would've let him bleeding in da lobby with no dambs given. :lol:
Shut the hell up with this red herring ********.

You have no proof just your opinion about me not loving America.

I want better for it, that is love, not being satisfied with the dysfunction and injustice

So you're not trying to inject European style socialism into America?

And if you don't hate the U.S. then say something positive about it.

I have the freedom to criticize as much as I want :D
poor people out here got a fridge full of food, free phones, and medicaid, and no one gets turned away at a hospital.
my pops broke his arm in DR in a motorcycle accident and i had to wire him money or else they would've let him bleeding in da lobby with no dambs given. :lol:

I agree that a social safety net makes a Country a better place to live than a Country wihout one.

With that in mind, I have to ask, why do you vote against the political party that wants to expand the social safety net? By supporting Republicans, aren't you bringing America closer to the material deprivation of the Dominican Republic?
I must say I have heard it sung, but never noticed the lyric or looked up the words.

Every time I heard it sung was by elementary school kids, so now I'm wondering if the teachers edited out the words that is why i never noticed, if not :x :smh:

Until today I didn't know there was a second, third, or fourth verse...
Man shut the hell up with that BS. A mother****er ain't gotta move nowhere. This is our country. We live here and are citizens endowed with rights. And as a citizen we have the right to critize the ills plaguing this country. This country is not above reproach. And you with your hyper nationalistic rethoric are an enemy to that freedom.
real talk

Bomani is always on point :pimp: Jackie Robinson didn't stand either. This whole ordeal has illuminated the true feelings of people and has exposed their inner ignorance and hatred.

I can't believe clowns on the radio keep saying they understand why he did it but wish he went about it another way......another way that they are comfortable with. A way that doesn't make them squirm and face the truth. Golic said the ******** and I couldn't believe it.
poor people out here got a fridge full of food, free phones, and medicaid, and no one gets turned away at a hospital.
my pops broke his arm in DR in a motorcycle accident and i had to wire him money or else they would've let him bleeding in da lobby with no dambs given. :lol:

I agree that a social safety net makes a Country a better place to live than a Country wihout one.

With that in mind, I have to ask, why do you vote against the political party that wants to expand the social safety net? By supporting Republicans, aren't you bringing America closer to the material deprivation of the Dominican Republic?

Clinton's workfare reform with Newt Gingrich made social safety net so encouraged work while helping those who are in need.

expanding means more $...19 trillion in debt? dont think an expansion is feasible.
poor people out here got a fridge full of food, free phones, and medicaid, and no one gets turned away at a hospital.
my pops broke his arm in DR in a motorcycle accident and i had to wire him money or else they would've let him bleeding in da lobby with no dambs given. :lol:

I agree that a social safety net makes a Country a better place to live than a Country wihout one.

With that in mind, I have to ask, why do you vote against the political party that wants to expand the social safety net? By supporting Republicans, aren't you bringing America closer to the material deprivation of the Dominican Republic?

Clinton's workfare reform with Newt Gingrich made social safety net so encouraged work while helping those who are in need.

expanding means more $...19 trillion in debt? dont think an expansion is feasible.

You have no idea what a social safety net is if you think welfare reform expanded it. And probably don't know how state sabotaged "workfare"
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And don't think I didn't notice that you clearly dodged my question about your raging love affair with European style socialism and how you want to inject it into every aspect of my great country.
On an unrelated topic: what's with the term "my" country.

************, you're one of 300+ million.  This is A LOT of peoples' country.  Get in line.
And don't think I didn't notice that you clearly dodged my question about your raging love affair with European style socialism and how you want to inject it into every aspect of my great country.

Yes I love social democracy, not ashamed to admit it

You're still pedaling red herring bull **** though
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It's funny how quick Black celebs/athletes turn house negro when racial issues come up. 
Rico and Ninja are what happen when Stephen from Django Unchained start listening to Raggateon and reading Hayek
Miss me with your "social democracy" phrasing. Spinning Rusty is back in rare form. You're a socialist that hates our democratic and capitalist values and you want America to more like Europe.

Is that not the case?

And here we go with the personal attacks. Once again, once a black person doesn't agree with everything the majority of black folks agree with theme there blackness is questioned. People like Rusty are the biggest impediments of black progress. Consistently holding us back from flourishing and just making us all look bad in general. Shame on you.
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