Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I'm all for people staying. But if you hate America, why would you want to remain here? Especially if there are other countries that already have the **** you champion for over here.

I never once did I say I hated America, and you provide no proof to prove that claim, so stop pedaling that ******* lie

And in case you haven't noticed, America is a mixed economy, it is not strictly capitalist, there are tons of public programs

Secondly social democracy is a mixed system as well. Learn economics before you want to debate it
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I'm all for people staying. But if you hate America, why would you want to remain here? Especially if there are other countries that already have the **** you champion for over here.

Your logic is that of a teenager, fingers in the ears on some "I can't hear you" ****.

You grow by acknowledging your weaknesses and by working on strengthening them. Not by thumping your chest and screaming to every one within earshot that you da bessss!!!
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You know I said I wanted ninja and Rico to respond to what I wrote to them earlier, but I rescind my comment.

There's no point in arguing with brick walls.  You end up looking just as silly in the process.

Some of you dudes need to follow suit.
I'm all for people staying. But if you hate America, why would you want to remain here? Especially if there are other countries that already have the **** you champion for over here.

I don't think any of us hate America.

We can love our country and have problems with it at the same time.
I gave you ample opportunity to prove that you didn't hate America. And you did nothing but insult and deflect.

And the proof is in your posts in this thread and other thread. One would think you were severely discontent with every aspect of America. I even asked for you to say one positive thing about the U.S. and you were unable to. That doesn't sound like someone that loves their country.
You know I said I wanted ninja and Rico to respond to what I wrote to them earlier, but I rescind my comment.

There's no point in arguing with brick walls.  You end up looking just as silly in the process.

Some of you dudes need to follow suit.

What question was that?
I gave you ample opportunity to prove that you didn't hate America. And you did nothing but insult and deflect.

And the proof is in your posts in this thread and other thread. One would think you were severely discontent with every aspect of America. I even asked for you to say one positive thing about the U.S. and you were unable to. That doesn't sound like someone that loves their country.

You made a stupid claim, the burden of proof is on you.

And you still building strawmen, throwing our red herrings, and straight out lying
I don't think any of us hate America.

We can love our country and have problems with it at the same time.

I agree. But there's levels to it. If you can't name at least one positive thing about your country then prepare to have your love for country called into question.
You know I said I wanted ninja and Rico to respond to what I wrote to them earlier, but I rescind my comment.

There's no point in arguing with brick walls.  You end up looking just as silly in the process.

Some of you dudes need to follow suit.
What question was that?
If you want to look back to what I wrote regarding your "if you don't like America, leave" comment you're more than welcome to.

At this point in time I'm not particularly inclined to reply back to you.
You made a stupid claim, the burden of proof is on you.

And you still building strawmen, throwing our red herrings, and straight out lying

And another deflection. It's not my patriotism that's on trial right now. Many people are watching this unfold and frankly they're most likely appalled by your complete perceived lack of love for your country.

So I'll be frank. Do you or do you not love your country? If you do then why are you trying to inject European style socialism into every facet of America?
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I don't think any of us hate America.

We can love our country and have problems with it at the same time.

I agree. But there's levels to it. If you can't name at least one positive thing about your country then prepare to have your love for country called into question.

You question my love for America before that you liar.

And I have trolled you by saying I pretty much saying I have the freedom of speak.

I don't have to prove my love for this country. I took a oath to become a citizen, I took it, I meant it, I don't have to explain my love to the country to you or anyone.

And this point, if I did give in and say other reasons, I would be giving into your petulance

So I'll pass
like i said, dont u got a American flag to burn? cuz clearly u aint bout da stars & stripes :lol:

You support Trump

He constantly tells us that that America is in the crapper

Yet, you also seem to believe that anyone who points out the negative aspects of this country is anti-American and would be better off in another country

How do you reconcile these two things?

da United States is a Lamborghini with a terrible Driver for 8 years... doesn't take away from da fact its still a exotic supercar that would dust ad camrys or accords of other countries in its wake, bad driver or not. That doesn't mean that this Lamborghini of a Country doesn't deserve a driver worth da caliber of da automobile.
You made a stupid claim, the burden of proof is on you.

And you still building strawmen, throwing our red herrings, and straight out lying

And another deflection. It's not my patriotism that's on trial right now. Many people are watching this unfold and frankly they're most likely appalled by your complete perceived lack of love for your country.


Who the hell put my patriotism on trial? You? What makes you think you have that power

And besides you boy Ninja, other NT conservatives, and closet bigots, no one is taking your shtick serious

Talking about my patriotism is on trial. Is this part of Trump's "extreme vetting" of immigrants :lol:

You should contact the State Department then, and alert them of my lack of patriotism

Otherwise miss me with this struggle 2016 McCarthyism
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Nah I hate America. I hate white privilege. I hate what it has done to my parents country. I hate it's imperialistic endeavors. I hate it's history. I hate it's profound disdain for any view that's not white and Christian.

But again I won't leave becuase too many have fought and died and have been wrongly jailed for me and people like me. Don't get it twisted I know the comfort I have in my room typing this, but I'm not going to let those people in my family who struggled so much for me , to let some privilege Stewart who hasn't earned ****, reap its benefits. If I leave I'm taking a state or two at least.
Well three you guys have it, Rusty took an oath and that means he loves his country. But notice how he has yet answered the charge that he wants to inject European style socialism into every facet of America. It is also telling that he has yet to say a SINGLE positive thing about America.
Well three you guys have it, Rusty took an oath and that means he loves his country. But notice how he has yet answered the charge that he wants to inject European style socialism into every facet of America. It is also telling that he has yet to say a SINGLE positive thing about America.

yo Rusty, one thing u like about America...its not that hard :lol:
Well three you guys have it, Rusty took an oath and that means he loves his country. But notice how he has yet answered the charge that he wants to inject European style socialism into every facet of America. It is also telling that he has yet to say a SINGLE positive thing about America.

yo Rusty, one thing u like about America...its not that hard :lol:

I'm not gonna give into the demands of two clowns like you

The ultimate disrespect it telling me as a immigrant citizen that I somehow have to prove my love for this country or get out.

Y'all two no better than Blco's trolling foreigner shtick.

I hope y'all two clowns not playing victim or hitting the report button when I return the disrespect in the future
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I can't understand why two clowns on the internet think they're the judge and jury to decide who loves America and why?  

Like why would anyone think they have that type of power to demand answers from some random cat online and then if he doesn't answer, declare that he doesn't love America?

Who the **** are these dudes? 

I see that white privilege is rubbing off on these cats....
Well three you guys have it, Rusty took an oath and that means he loves his country. But notice how he has yet answered the charge that he wants to inject European style socialism into every facet of America. It is also telling that he has yet to say a SINGLE positive thing about America.

yo Rusty, one thing u like about America...its not that hard :lol:

I'm not gonna give into the demands of two clowns like you

The ultimate disrespect it telling me as a immigrant that I somehow have to prove my love for this country or get out.

Y'all two no better than Blco's foreigner shtick.

I hope y'all two clown not playing victim or hitting the report button when I return the disrespect in the future

im not interested in your deflections, im interested in hearing about 1 thing u love about da United States Of America :nerd:
da United States is a Lamborghini with a terrible Driver for 8 years... doesn't take away from da fact its still a exotic supercar that would dust ad camrys or accords of other countries in its wake, bad driver or not. That doesn't mean that this Lamborghini of a Country doesn't deserve a driver worth da caliber of da automobile.

One of the dumbest things I've ever read.
As if America was perfect until Obama came along. :lol:
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