Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Why does it have to be one or the other? And seriously why are you supporting a candidate that does nothing but say it sucks now? Does Drumpf hate America too? 

As for my answer I don't hate America, but I damn sure recognize it has many warts, much of which has thankfully come out of the shadows thanks to the buffoons who nominated this guy in the GOP for president. 

I don't suppoRt Trump. I've said that countless times on here.
There's nothing wrong with having some constructive criticism for your country. However, Rusty is very heavy handed. Especially when it comes to over throwing our capitalist democracy and replacing it with European style socialism. And now we all know why.

He is staunchly anti America, to the point that he can't name a single positive thing about the country. We should all be appalled and take any opinion he ever gives on an American topic with a grain of salt.
Rico, do you support Ninja's brilliant idea of taxpayers paying for flights to other countries for people who aren't satisfied here :nerd: I was promised a flight to any country of my choosing by Ninja, and the promise was broken. Can you be a true honest American and pay for me please? I can afford to do it myself, but I'd rather have one of you do it since you want people like me to leave so badly.
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First off Rico since you are so interested first let me list some things I do like about America is the diverse black community. I come from a majority black island, it is easy to make bond with people because of shared experiences but I absolutely love that I can bond with other people that lived in America, Africa, and South America. To find common ground, to share stores, and practice brotherhood with look that not only look like me but come from worlds away

But let me balance out this post, how about something I don't like. And since we are speaking in the realm of the black community let me discuss something I have found unique to America that I didn't get exposed to in Lucia. To even expand on that I am thankful for the large group of diverse people I have been able to practice brotherhood with. Whether they be white, black, Latino, Asian, Jewish, Muslims, Mormon, you name it

Black cowardice

Black cowardice is talking about how great your mother's island is in one breath but admitting that you would be to uneducated, to unskilled, and to unable to manifest yourself out of poverty if your were born down there. Black cowardice is being in your mid 30s, leeching off welfare you claim you don't need, for your entire adult life, just because your too scared to enter the free market and make a way for your own self. Black cowardice is bragging about making it to the middle class like you "doing it", and thinking other people are actually be envious of you. Black cowardice is claiming you earned the government assistance that has made your life possible just because you or a member of your family is in some way special. Black cowardice is living viciously though your "cuzzo" to make it seem like you bull **** opinion hold more weight. Black cowardice is buying all kinds of trinkets to fill a gloried dorm room like they are trophies because in reality that is all you have achieved in life.

But most off all black cowardice is kissing the *** of the dominant society because LAWD KNOWS! you would be no where without them. And black cowardice is keeping yourself ignorant about the socioeconomic forces affecting people that look just like you because that would be physically of mentally removing yourself from the safe space that you have built yourself.

So there, I love the friends i have made and people I have met in America. I would have not have met them otherwise. That you America for that

However I loathe having to deal with cowardly man children that try their best to delude themselves that they are somehow special.

To steal from loaded Lux "these dudes ain't killers, they just just a bunch of lost cowardly ******"

But I guess after 2020 I don't have to deal with with this type of "black" cowardice anymore
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Rusty good with me, it's pretty obvious why he doesn't engage the Hood bros, cause both of you are literally some of the biggest hypocrites on this site and specifically ninja never answers a direct question, so it's ironic to say the least that y'all want him to answer one. 
I do not believe Trump hates America.

And at the end of the day, if you're not happy here, you can leave. I'm all for taking up a collection to send you somewhere. But you might not like where you end up.
I do not believe Trump hates America.

And at the end of the day, if you're not happy here, you can leave. I'm all for taking up a collection to send you somewhere. But you might not like where you end up.
But he can rarely say anything positive about America. And what about his supporters, clearly they're angry with the current state of affairs, you telling them to leave too?
I've seen veterans supporting Kaep on FB as well:

As a 20 year veteran I find NO disrespect in him exercising his freedom of speech in a peaceful manner. I served for everyone, not a select few. Military are heroes for all, this young man is trying to be a hero for those without a voice.
I think all athletes should boycott u til changes are made.
There would be a faster response because big money sponsors would lose money. When big corporations start loosing they force politicians to act.
Be strong Kaepernick, I hope others will have the courage to do the same.

Electronics Technician, Subamrines retired.
Troy Hollon

If other players rally behind him, this can be the start of something great....if he stands alone, the nfl will find a way to screw him....United we stand, divided we fall, if these players rally behind this idea, and it affects the NFL and its sponsors financially, best believe politicians will be forced to act and meet their demands somehow, MONEY is the key and the only thing that will bring true change in this nation.
I do not believe Trump hates America.

And at the end of the day, if you're not happy here, you can leave. I'm all for taking up a collection to send you somewhere. But you might not like where you end up.

Let me know when you've collected enough $ for a ticket (preferably Singapore Airlines Executive Suite) to a country of my choosing. I'll go happily :lol: I don't know where this "You'll be unhappy" is coming from. I've lived abroad before and only came back here to finish school :lol: I'm an accountant; I can literally work any country/any industry in the world and have been actively looking for foreign jobs the past few months
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10 years later he finally answered.

So the only thing he likes about America is the diversity of the black people. But then goes on to rail against those same black people that he disagrees with. There's not a one size fits all "black uniform". You praise black diversity but only when they fit your black litmus test.
talking bout "black cowardice" to a latino :lol:

home body sounding like a jilted venao cuz we found he anti American.. :smh: :lol:

i dedicate this throwback to da guy that rather lie about me than appreciate da fact that u in America, da land of opportunity which he has a irrational distain for..tssk tskk.

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10 years later he finally answered.

So the only thing he likes about America is the diversity of the black people. But then goes on to rail against those same black people that he disagrees with. There's not a one size fits all "black uniform". You praise black diversity but only when they fit your black litmus test.

Once again strawman and straight lies.

You wanted a reason, I gave you one, now you criticize it. spoken like a true troll

I don't have a problem with Ninja because he fails some litmus test I have a problem with him that he is a coward.

I can break down your cowardice too if you want brah
I do not believe Trump hates America.

And at the end of the day, if you're not happy here, you can leave. I'm all for taking up a collection to send you somewhere. But you might not like where you end up.

So he's held to a different standard than everyone else? That's awfully generous of you especially for a man who you don't support.

And haven't you, on numerous occasions, complained about NT being a left wing cesspit? You always seem unhappy with the state of this site in the political thread, yet you still stick around. Why?

Why not apply your own "just leave" logic to yourself in that instance?
talking bout "black cowardice" to a latino :lol:

home body sounding like a jilted venao cuz we found he anti American.. :smh: :lol:

i dedicate this throwback to da guy that rather lie about me than appreciate da fact that u in America, da land of opportunity which he has a irrational distain for..tssk tskk.

Everything I said about you is facts. And until 2020 come around, you one of us B
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Once again strawman and straight lies.

You wanted a reason, I gave you one, now you criticize it. spoken like a true troll

I don't have a problem with Ninja because he fails some litmus test I have a problem with him that he is a coward.

I can break down your cowardice too if you want brah

Rusty, Ninja and Rico are both cowards who can't back up what they preach. BOTH of them dislike my mentality so much that they offered to pay for a ticket to leave to a different country, and then both started ignoring/backtracking when I accepted :rofl:
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10 years later he finally answered.

So the only thing he likes about America is the diversity of the black people. But then goes on to rail against those same black people that he disagrees with. There's not a one size fits all "black uniform". You praise black diversity but only when they fit your black litmus test.

oh he loving that monolithic vote thats for sure :lol:
With diversity comes differing opinions. Lower your social circle to those that agree with your personal opinions if you do not respect the beliefs of others, people of different incomes, etc. Hate is a strong word.
Once again strawman and straight lies.

You wanted a reason, I gave you one, now you criticize it. spoken like a true troll

I don't have a problem with Ninja because he fails some litmus test I have a problem with him that he is a coward.

I can break down your cowardice too if you want brah

The only black coward I see is you. Scared to think outside your cookie cutter black opinions. Championing the same old **** that hasn't worked. You're afraid to walk on your own so you'd rather just blend in with everyone else. Now that's some black cowardice. But keep fighting the good fight brotha. Change is gonna come.

So he's held to a different standard than everyone else? That's awfully generous of you especially for a man who you don't support.

And haven't you, on numerous occasions, complained about NT being a left wing cesspit? You always seem unhappy with the state of this site in the political thread, yet you still stick around. Why?

Why not apply your own "just leave" logic to yourself in that instance?

I keep it balanced. That's why I stick around. Like ive said many times there are many people on here who are afraid to post their political opinions for fear of backlash from Rusty and his gang of liberal extremists. So I post to let people know that NT isnt MSNBC Talk. Balance.
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Man all the **** we talk to each other on here and I bet if we all came together in a big **** party, joint would be buy Ninja and Rust some tequila shots.
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