Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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One of the rare threads where posters I usually disagree with are all in here and we mostly are all in agreement about supporting Kaep but this time it's 2 clowns and some alt accounts just showing their *** to no end.

:x :smh:

Famb can u help me out with a tldr? I think I went through the first 10 and last 5 pgs but this thread is too goddamn long.
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Kap really won me over in that post game presser. He's really trying. Took Jordan how many years to pony up two million? And Kap just pencilled in 1 million on live TV without a an announcement?

If he keeps trying I don't see why he couldn't be a successful activist. I think he's put himself in a pressure cooker so it's full str ahead now. Still needs to be more prepared wen as seeing questions (he goes back to old cliches pretty often; needs to be more versed in the stuff he's talking about).
One of the rare threads where posters I usually disagree with are all in here and we mostly are all in agreement about supporting Kaep but this time it's 2 clowns and some alt accounts just showing their *** to no end.

:x :smh:

Famb can u help me out with a tldr? I think I went through the first 10 and last 5 pgs but this thread is too goddamn long.
Even I skipped a few pgs and scrolled past dozens of posts cuz the **** being posted was just so ******* stupid and insultingly ignorant even I couldn't take it.

I think scold posted some cliffs though :nerd:
Kap really won me over in that post game presser. He's really trying. Took Jordan how many years to pony up two million? And Kap just pencilled in 1 million on live TV without a an announcement?

If he keeps trying I don't see why he couldn't be a successful activist. I think he's put himself in a pressure cooker so it's full str ahead now. Still needs to be more prepared wen as seeing questions (he goes back to old cliches pretty often; needs to be more versed in the stuff he's talking about).

To be honest, watching his presser today, he didn't sound really genuine or prepared in his words. Like what you said, all he said was old cliches and didn't mention about Philandro Castile or Charles Kinsey. I'm probably going to get flack for being honest, but I feel like he's going to have to be more articulate in his cause. The stock responses like "seeing my people get oppressed" or "I'm against police brutality" aren't as hard hitting as giving the critics real statistics and actual stories of innocent men getting murdered or shot at.
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I have to admit, before Kap's stance, I really didn't know much about Francis Scott Key's background or about the 3rd verse of the song. It was kind of out of sight/out of mind for me.

When the SSB is played, I stand and keep my hand over my heart for a number of reasons that I'll keep to myself. HOWEVER, as I mentioned before in this thread, I have no issue with what Kap is doing or if anyone one else decides to do the same. After learning more about the origins of the song, I now REALLY have no issue with anyone who chooses not to stand. First, you're protected by the constitution to do so. Second, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for people not to acknowledge the song. Way too many to list. On top of it all, there are other songs that could be sung in it's place (if we ever get to the point that replacing the song becomes an actual topic) that I don't think have any sort of controversy attached (God Bless America/America the Beautiful.)

What I admire most about Kap is the fact that he's willing to listen to others POV's on the topic. I read that he met with Nate Boyer (ex-Green Beret who played for the Seahawks) before the game last night. They had a productive chat and both men left that conversation with a deeper understanding of the other persons perspective. As a matter of fact, Kap even softened his stance (no pun) and elected to kneel during the anthem.

This is exactly how change happens. You need to have a willingness to at least attempt to see things through a different set of eyes. There are way too many lazy people out there killing Kap for reasons that have nothing to do with why he's protesting. Reading or listening to what he has to say will surely help folks understand why he's doing what he's doing.

Even as someone who doesn't agree with all the points Kap is making, I think what he's doing out there is courageous and is an important step to at least start dialogue about the problems here on our own soil.
I have always stood for the anthem, but I don't put my hand on my heart. I usually have them in my pockets.

I'm also glad to see Kaep kneel instead of sit for the anthem, it gets the message across while not giving as much ammunition to the people who would rather talk about the action than the motivation.
I have to admit, before Kap's stance, I really didn't know much about Francis Scott Key's background or about the 3rd verse of the song. It was kind of out of sight/out of mind for me.

When the SSB is played, I stand and keep my hand over my heart for a number of reasons that I'll keep to myself. HOWEVER, as I mentioned before in this thread, I have no issue with what Kap is doing or if anyone one else decides to do the same. After learning more about the origins of the song, I now REALLY have no issue with anyone who chooses not to stand. First, you're protected by the constitution to do so. Second, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for people not to acknowledge the song. Way too many to list. On top of it all, there are other songs that could be sung in it's place (if we ever get to the point that replacing the song becomes an actual topic) that I don't think have any sort of controversy attached (God Bless America/America the Beautiful.)

What I admire most about Kap is the fact that he's willing to listen to others POV's on the topic. I read that he met with Nate Boyer (ex-Green Beret who played for the Seahawks) before the game last night. They had a productive chat and both men left that conversation with a deeper understanding of the other persons perspective. As a matter of fact, Kap even softened his stance (no pun) and elected to kneel during the anthem.

This is exactly how change happens. You need to have a willingness to at least attempt to see things through a different set of eyes. There are way too many lazy people out there killing Kap for reasons that have nothing to do with why he's protesting. Reading or listening to what he has to say will surely help folks understand why he's doing what he's doing.

Even as someone who doesn't agree with all the points Kap is making, I think what he's doing out there is courageous and is an important step to at least start dialogue about the problems here on our own soil.
I have to admit, before Kap's stance, I really didn't know much about Francis Scott Key's background or about the 3rd verse of the song. It was kind of out of sight/out of mind for me.

When the SSB is played, I stand and keep my hand over my heart for a number of reasons that I'll keep to myself. HOWEVER, as I mentioned before in this thread, I have no issue with what Kap is doing or if anyone one else decides to do the same. After learning more about the origins of the song, I now REALLY have no issue with anyone who chooses not to stand. First, you're protected by the constitution to do so. Second, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for people not to acknowledge the song. Way too many to list. On top of it all, there are other songs that could be sung in it's place (if we ever get to the point that replacing the song becomes an actual topic) that I don't think have any sort of controversy attached (God Bless America/America the Beautiful.)

What I admire most about Kap is the fact that he's willing to listen to others POV's on the topic. I read that he met with Nate Boyer (ex-Green Beret who played for the Seahawks) before the game last night. They had a productive chat and both men left that conversation with a deeper understanding of the other persons perspective. As a matter of fact, Kap even softened his stance (no pun) and elected to kneel during the anthem.

This is exactly how change happens. You need to have a willingness to at least attempt to see things through a different set of eyes. There are way too many lazy people out there killing Kap for reasons that have nothing to do with why he's protesting. Reading or listening to what he has to say will surely help folks understand why he's doing what he's doing.

Even as someone who doesn't agree with all the points Kap is making, I think what he's doing out there is courageous and is an important step to at least start dialogue about the problems here on our own soil.
Why do (some) white people get so offended though? If he's crazy and talking out of his ***, ignore it.
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