Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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He's not gonna get cut. The rules say he is NOT required to stand during the national anthem :lol:

Wasn't that mentioned already?!
This entire essay was unnecessary as Kaepernick said he knows what the outcome could be and is willing to accept it. Instead of admiring his courage for doing that, you want him to be a coward and go along with the rest of the sheep :lol:

I hope he does have the courage to fully stand by it bro...losing endorsements is one thing, being blackballed and dropped into obscurity from the one thing he loves doing is another.
You know you just hurt your argument.

So it is the nukes keeping us safe not the soldiers.

So Kaep is disrespecting our warheads :lol:
soldiers guard operate and maintain the nukes though...the president just presses the final button.  
everyday there are armed soldiers protecting and maintaining the nukes.  Not to mention the codes it takes to detonate. 
those codes change every day and the president gives the order two soldiers have to type in those codes and turn the detonation key simultaneously.

i completely disagree that kaep is disrespecting the military by not standing up.
but to say our military isn't keep us protected is just stupid.

if it wasn't for our military we would probably be answering to Hitler right now. 

I know what role nuclear weapons play in your national defense, and how we secure them.

I was mocking Ninja because his argument didn't make sense. Because if it was just nukes keeping us safe, the size of our military could be shrunk dramatically.

I'm not denying the military keeps before safe or that nuclear weapons don't play a role in that, I even acknowledging it in previous post. So I don't know where who this is directed towards. Unless it is a strawman
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He's not gonna get cut. The rules say he is NOT required to stand during the national anthem :lol:

Wasn't that mentioned already?!

They won't cut him FOR that obviously...lmao

But watch these hardcore patriotic fans decide to boycott the niners games because of this, hopefully it won't reach that point, it's a wrap for Kaep.
He's not gonna get cut. The rules say he is NOT required to stand during the national anthem :lol:

Wasn't that mentioned already?!

They won't cut him FOR that obviously...lmao

But watch these hardcore patriotic fans decide to boycott the niners games because of this, hopefully it won't reach that point, it's a wrap for Kaep.

Those sheep ain't gonna do **** :lol:

If Kaep balls out this coming season, they gonna forget this even happened. Winning cures everything.
I know what role nuclear weapons play in your national defense, and how we secure them.

I was mocking Ninja because his argument didn't make sense. Because if it was just nukes keeping us safe, the size of our military could be shrunk dramatically.

I'm not denying the military keeps before safe or that nuclear weapons don't play a role in that, I even acknowledging it in previous post. So I don't know where who this is directed towards. Unless it is a strawman
i guess it wasnt directed at you then but i didn't catch your sarcasm

i was just seeing all the idotic posts about our military in this thread... shrugs

people think are military is useless must  have a nice sheltered life and probably never been to a 3rd world country before. 
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Why is sitting during the national anthem disrespectful when its already been posted in there that the National Anthem itself is a form of disrespect to Black people?
What exactly is Kaep doing this going to do?...who is he helping? What awareness is he bringing? I think dude could have done much more if he wanted to before this stunt....unless other players rally behind him, which I don't see it happening, the entire Giants organization practically made it clear they didn't agree with it this weekend....all this will do is blackball him....these guys earn a once in a lifetime opportunity, you gotta be able to use it wisely....being courageous isn't always being smart, he just YOLOd it with zero thought process behind it.

How many of you think he'll issue an apology? Or ride it out....will he stand up for the anthem next game? :nerd:
It'll be interesting to see next game and see what he does, all of America watching for his next move, will he have the balls to sit again? Or after some time to think it over, will he stand?...
What exactly is Kaep doing this going to do?...who is he helping? What awareness is he bringing? I think dude could have done much more if he wanted to before this stunt....unless other players rally behind him, which I don't see it happening, the entire Giants organization practically made it clear they didn't agree with it this weekend....all this will do is blackball him....these guys earn a once in a lifetime opportunity, you gotta be able to use it wisely....being courageous isn't always being smart, he just YOLOd it with zero thought process behind it.

How many of you think he'll issue an apology? Or ride it out....will he stand up for the anthem next game?
It's creating more dialogue. Perhaps he doesn't expect to make direct change, but to express himself the best way he can.

And the fact that he's risking so much makes me respect him that much more. He's willing to risk his livelihood for what is right. He's putting himself out there for all the millions of people who can't say what he said on a national stage. He's done enough for me. He doesn't have to explain or justify any of it. I have all the respect in the world for someone who is willing to risk his NFL career to make a statement.

I really think you're missing the point here. The fact that he's in a position that he doesn't necessarily have to do this makes it that much more poignant to me.
It'll be interesting to see next game and see what he does, all of America watching for his next move, will he have the balls to sit again? Or after some time to think it over, will he stand?...

you missing the entire point my dude, him sitting was just the platform the purpose is to bring awareness to minorities being treated unfairly in a supposedly united America.

Will it work, probably not cause everyone focusing on the wrong thing.
Hence why it took 100 years for the star spangled banner to become our national anthem.

For real though, the national anthem gets disrespected all the time at all games. From the little kid on his cell phone to the beat writers in press boxes sending out one last tweet two stanzas into the song. kaep being a public figure is what makes it a bigger issue. Let's not get it twisted, kaep does support the veterans and troops. The real issue is about the meaning of the song itself. Why earlier I quoted the third verse.

9-11 is on a Sunday and the niners have a prime time game against the Rams. You bet your *** kaep is gonna get some jimmies rustled.
It's creating more dialogue. Perhaps he doesn't expect to make direct change, but to express himself the best way he can.

And the fact that he's risking so much makes me respect him that much more. He's willing to risk his livelihood for what is right. He's putting himself out there for all the millions of people who can't say what he said on a national stage. He's done enough for me. He doesn't have to explain or justify any of it. I have all the respect in the world for someone who is willing to risk his NFL career to make a statement.

I really think you're missing the point here. The fact that he's in a position that he doesn't necessarily have to do this makes it that much more poignant to me.

Nah bro, I get it...I respect his courage, I don't think is smart and he could have gone about it differently...but it does take balls to do what he's doing.

Got my answer, looks like he will continue his protest....interesting to see how this pans out and what the repercussions of his actions will be, not just the league but with the fans.
Hence why it took 100 years for the star spangled banner to become our national anthem.

For real though, the national anthem gets disrespected all the time at all games. From the little kid on his cell phone to the beat writers in press boxes sending out one last tweet two stanzas into the song. kaep being a public figure is what makes it a bigger issue. Let's not get it twisted, kaep does support the veterans and troops. The real issue is about the meaning of the song itself. Why earlier I quoted the third verse.

9-11 is on a Sunday and the niners have a prime time game against the Rams. You bet your *** kaep is gonna get some jimmies rustled.

:nerd: son not standing up during the national anthem on one of the most emotionally patriotic dates of this nation....popcorn will be on deck....crap I'm going to be out the country...ill still tune in :lol:
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