College Heads: How Did Your Semester Go?

b smooth 202

Dec 21, 2004
Financially: I was able to find a PT job, but I've been really irresponsible with my money. Frivolous spending, late fees, parking tickets

Socially: I know they say you meet a lot of people in college, but I haven't really established any personal relationships and I'm already in mysophmore year of school. I never was the most outgoing/reaching out type guy...but I expected that to change a little when I moved from home and got in a newsituation...nah same me different situation

Academically: There has been some positivity in my colllege experience so far. Even though my GPA isn't the highest I love being in the library andstudying subjects which actually gravitate towards my interests. However it's not reflecting in my grades like it should be...I'm kinda in the middleof the pack.

Overall, I've felt isolated since I've been at my University. I know I'm a chill/laid back person but it just seems like I can't find my niche.My nerves are going haywire, and sometimes I research myself and wonder if there is anything wrong with myself mentally.

NT, what can I do to get my mind right over Winter Break?
B Smooth 202 wrote:
Socially: I know they say you meet a lot of people in college, but I haven't really established any personal relationships and I'm already in my sophmore year of school. I never was the most outgoing/reaching out type guy...but I expected that to change a little when I moved from home and got in a new situation...nah same me different situation

I'm the same way, and had that same mindset like "its gonna be different now that im starting over new". But like you i didnt really change.Eventually, i lucked out and found a niche of people that im real cool with, made a good group of friends. But overall, i think i just accept that this is howmy personality is, this is who i am. Im cool with it though, cause i dont need a lotta friends. as long as i have a few real close ones, im good.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Passed all of my classes[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Smoked mildly[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Did some research on things that you can't learn in school[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hit the gym a lot[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Can't wait for Winter Break.. I'm going to further educate myself onFinance. I also have 2 books I want to read[/color]

Vagina Panties > Parties & Hanging with my boys > Sneakers > School > Work.

Re-organizing Next Semester though. School 1st
smoked mildly
kicked it wit the boys alpt since its my senior year
will prolly settle down with a nice girl for this last semester
oh and best of all 3.66 gpa for the semester 3.4 cum
pretty sure i failed my math class (taking my final right now)

have to write a 3 page economic report by 6, think i got a B-C

2 page speech report due weds. - think i got a C
3 page final + 5 2 page essays due friday - english A for sure. just have to turn the stuff in

overall not so well :/ really disappointed. not trying to make excuses but i excelled in math in HS, but this teacher was just ridiculously hard... he wouldhave 6 problems on a hundred point test....
i think it went well.. I finally get out more.. Learned a lot from 1 class... Calculus killed me but ended up with a B..

will probably end up with a 3.4-3.6 GPA which on October 1st was looking like a 2 gpa

Calculus- Lookin like a 3.0
Finance - Lookin like a 3.5
Upper Atmosphere- 3 (his open notebook tests were worse than normal tests
African American History- 4.0
Marketing- 3.6
Pretty good, went by fast.

If things go the way I hope they do:
English: A
Kinesiology: A
Ethnics: A
Health Science: B
Academically, fine thus far...need to kill my biochem miniboard tomorrow. Took Ls in other aspects but I guess I'm doing fine in all that matters.
Bio - 3.0
Math Final Tomorrow, either 3.0 or 4.0
Bio Lab Final Tomorrow, Probably 3.0
English 3.4
Financially- Livin off of last years huge refund check, i managed my finances well and made some side money

Socially- My 1st semester of my freshman year went WAY different than my 1st semester of my sophomore year...I wasn't really goin hard at the females likelast year, I was just in the gym or doin homework

Academically- So far I only have 3 (out of five) grades posted (A,C,D)...I'm just trying to get the credits, I'll improve my GPA
Good grades, got two B's and one A.

But since my financial aid didn't go through, I now owe the school $6,000+ and I can't pick classes for next semester until I pay it.

In the social aspect, it was ok. I gained a few close friends, kept in touch with the people I first met, and I snagged a few girls.
Didn't party too much, didn't really go out as much as I wanted to, but my grades we consistantly on point.
But most importantly, I limited my time on NT.
Not too bad...I think i should get a 3.5 and i didn't even work too hard for it. I took this class about hiphop and didn't learn $%% cuz of this dumbteacher who turned it into a social problems class smh. other than that i smoked drank and chilled alot...pretty straight...down for another semester soon.
Originally Posted by mases apprentice

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Bio - 3.0
Math Final Tomorrow, either 3.0 or 4.0
Bio Lab Final Tomorrow, Probably 3.0
English 3.4

??? gpa for each class? what?
B = 3.0
B+ = 3.4
A = 4.0

Thats what Im basin it on.
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