College Heads I need Your Help vol. Scheduling conflict

Jul 19, 2008
Ok some I`m compiling my schedule for the Fall semester, thing is, I`m torn between what times slots and what days. So ya`ll think I should play it were Ihave,1 early class (50 min long) on MWF, and then juggle 3 classes (about the same length) on Tues & Thur or, have it where It`s spread out equally (youknow, 2 classes per day Monday through Friday)? Option #1= I`d be done with the day by 10:50 & 1:30 respectively. Option #2= I`d be done with the day about12:00 each day. One thing to note is I`d prefer to get it out of the way as early as possible.

NT which option would you ride with in my position?
gettin out early FTW, I always go that route

you gotta wake up earlier but then you the rest of the day to sleep, and BS as much as you want

when I went to a commuter school though I took all classes on tues and Thurs, that was the greatest schedule EVER, imma try and get that this year. 4-dayweekends also FTW lol
do the 2 classes a day. I like to get home like 11:30-1 because you have the whole day. But unfortunately due to classes I HAVE TO TAKE
I get out 5:45 on Tues & Thursdays. and my 20 min drive home will end upbeing 40 with traffic. But MWF I get out and should be home by 11:45 at the latest
man, i don't wanna sound like a jerk or anything, but it's more or less the same schedule.

get it so you can schedule all 4 on MWF or TuTh, then you'll be gravy...extra days off

I remember sophmore year, I only had classes on Tuesday and Thursday
My fall schedule sucks horribly.

Last spring it was great though, 4 day weekends
personally i like to just pack my tues/thurs classes tight...then maybe put any labs (or any other random classes) on weds. that way you have mondays andfridays off. 4 day weekend every weekend
Option #1 where you only have one class MWF. I had that last semester but with one class TTH and I LOVED it. So, MWF sounds even better. On TTH, it felt greatto only have one class and be done early. Makes the week go by faster, too.
Go with the balanced schedule. When all three of those classes have midterms on the same day, or papers or homework due all on the same day, you will thankyourself. I did 1-4-1-3-0 (# classes per day...three on Tues/Thurs were back to back to back 90 min each) and it was torture. I did it for the near 4 dayweekend, since the Monday class was at 4pm...but Tuesdays with 7.5 hours of class, and yes HW and tests were always on the same days, I nearly passed out on aweekly basis.
Alright then let me pose another question? Should I pack my Tues/Thur like my mans says, or ride it out with the 2-a-day regiment?
Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Alright then let me pose another question? Should I pack my Tues/Thur like my mans says, or ride it out with the 2-a-day regiment?

I packed mine on tues/thurs fam, I want my weekend to begin at 3:15 on thursday
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Alright then let me pose another question? Should I pack my Tues/Thur like my mans says, or ride it out with the 2-a-day regiment?

I packed mine on tues/thurs fam, I want my weekend to begin at 3:15 on thursday
this man...pack your tuesday/thursday, skip the MWF if's still not even that bad if you think about it...

it's just like going back to high school...shorter than that still...and only 2 TIMES A WEEK!!!!

4 x 1.5 hr classes= 6 hrs a day.
it's nice having fridays off. also if you work you can work more hours cause you have entirely free weekday in there.

there's also a value in being in the mix on campus everyday, get more involving in on-campus activities, clubs, organizations, gym, etc. but that's apretty short schedule regardless so it shouldn't be a problem. just beware stacking classes if you think you might have an exam in your last class and haveto sit through your early classes while you could be studying. I like studying the same day as a test, and if you do to it's something to think about.
If you can, avoid having that one Friday class. I had way too many times where I would have that one Friday morning class and would just skip and be toohungover or use too lazy to get up for a 45 minute long class. One time I was so delusional that I let my friend talk we into going to some club on Thursdayand getting absolutely hammered and I really thought I would be good to be at my 9:00 am class on Friday.

Paradoxically, the best way to combat this is to have two Friday classes. When I had three MWF classes, I just accepted that Friday was a pretty full schoolday and I was not going to get down on Thursday nights because I was not gonna miss mulitple classes. So go with two MWF so you will get up and go to class.

Ideally, you should push the classes toward the center of the weak. I did that my last semester and I liked it. I had the four day weekend and allowed me to goskiing a couple of times in January through March and I was able to unwind yet also get a lot of school work done up at my family's beach house up on thequite Central Coast. I also made few visits to friends at other schools and I was also able to go home a few weekend and see my very old Dalmatians, who wasnot very long for the world that spring and I just really enjoyed having so much flexibility to read and write papers.
I prefer early MWF classes because they are only 50 mins. Its hard for me to sit through classes that are an hour and 15 mins. Especially in my boring $!#major computer science

My schedule sucks this semester though because ill have class on MWF at 10 and 1, and classes on TTH from 930 - 250 back to back
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Dude talking bout 101 Dalmations and quiet Central Coast

What can I say, I am half white, living my the wate rand dogs are way up on the list of what we like.

Four day weekends are no joke though, they are serious, seriously great. Sadly, I don't think I'll be having any more of them in my life, unless I workfor a non profit maybe.
(also high on the same list of things we like)
get fridays free. like rex said, you cover your *!! when it comes to partying. Thirsty Thursdays most always turn into Hangover Fridays...even if youre behindin class work you can use that time to catch up. i had a friday class my first semester of my freshman year, after that never again. my last year i was onlygoin 2 days a week. and i took 15 credit hours (we did semesters)
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by UnkleLuke

Alright then let me pose another question? Should I pack my Tues/Thur like my mans says, or ride it out with the 2-a-day regiment?

I packed mine on tues/thurs fam, I want my weekend to begin at 3:15 on thursday
this man...pack your tuesday/thursday, skip the MWF if's still not even that bad if you think about it...

it's just like going back to high school...shorter than that still...and only 2 TIMES A WEEK!!!!

4 x 1.5 hr classes= 6 hrs a day.
Exactly what I said when my homeboys were like "damn I couldnt be in school all day like that".....i'd be like, "
huh, stupid @#$% you did it for 4 years, its called highschool." Its only 2 days a week too and when you enjoying ur 4 day weekend its gunna feel good. As far as turnin in all yo HW or tests on the same day, ifyou cant do all yo HW or all your studying over a 4 DAY WEEKEND.....then thats your fault.
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