College much do you spend on food and gas each week?


Jul 6, 2002
I'm just curious to see how much money other college goers spend on food at school and gas just getting to/from school.

I'm in school from Monday-Friday. In 2 of those days I'm on campus for roughly 12 hours, and the other 3 days..just about 5-7 hours. Every day I goto school, I always buy something..whether it be something as small as a bottle of water or cup of frap. On the longer days, I eat 2 meals on/around campus. I'm estimating that I spend at least $40 a week on food.

The school is about 16-18 miles each way from my house and I fill up one full tank once a week. A bit more if I have to go back to campus more than once in aday. That comes out to roughly $50 a week for a tank of gas..give or take a couple of bucks.

During winter break when I didn't have to commute to school, my gas tank lasted for around 3 weeks before needing to fill up
I stay on campus so I fill up once every two weeks or so and I have a meal plan so I only spend around $10 only when I don't feel like eating campus food.
im in high school but I live by myself, long story but i live bout 30 mins away from my school and about 20 mins are in the highway. I spent like about 120-150dollars in gas a week
and food like 30-50 I live by myself so alot isfast food and what not
Food 50+ Seems like a day doesnt go by I dont drop more than 10 on food. Gas maybe 25 but then I spend 30 on train tickets.
i live nearby campus so i just walk to school and drive back home on the weekends. (which is roughly 40 miles away)
so i have to fill up tanks every 2-3 weeks depending on what i do on the weekends.
and for food i usually bring food from home like marinated chicken and groceries.
so i dont spend too much money.
I take the bus to campus because finding parking in SFSU is a #%+*!, saving gas is also a plus.

Food, I usually stockpile food from Costco every 3 weeks and some quick fast food on the go so its usually $40 a week for food.
I commute so $100 a week on gas and wdepending on if I am eating out much like $50 a week and sometimes might grab outback once a week or once every 2 weeeks
Like $50 on gas, and maybe $10 on food. I just buy a bunch of food at Costco and bring it with me to campus
Originally Posted by CjMoney

Another thing, how do you spend 12hrs on campus if you commute?
there are times I spend 12 hours on campus and I commute, I take classes and work on campus though so... but it is possible.

anyway, I spend about $30-35 a week on gas and I'd say between $20-$35 on food a week if I'm eating on campus or before/after I leave since I'mthere so long. Normally I try and get by with $.10 cent cups of water and chips or fruit or something to hold me over.
Originally Posted by CjMoney

Another thing, how do you spend 12hrs on campus if you commute?

First class starts at 9:30AM, ends at 10:45AM. Follow by the corresponding lab at 11AM, ends at 2PM. I have a 2 hour break until 4PM that I use to getfood and go to office hours. Another class starts at 4PM, ends at 6:45PM. The corresponding lab for that class starts at 7PM, ends at 9:45PM. There are alot of labs in my major. Since I've started college, I've done roughly 11 labs already, some of which I needed to stay after to get good yields andare held more than once a week.
In the morning, it takes me about 20-30 mins to get to school because I'm going with the flow of traffic. But say if I take the same route in theafternoon, it'll probably be a full hour to travel the same distance.

I don't really go back the 2nd time to school on the same day unless I really have to, ie symposium, club meeting, or study session for a harder class.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by CjMoney

Another thing, how do you spend 12hrs on campus if you commute?

First class starts at 9:30AM, ends at 10:45AM. Follow by the corresponding lab at 11AM, ends at 2PM. I have a 2 hour break until 4PM that I use to get food and go to office hours. Another class starts at 4PM, ends at 6:45PM. The corresponding lab for that class starts at 7PM, ends at 9:45PM. There are a lot of labs in my major. Since I've started college, I've done roughly 11 labs already, some of which I needed to stay after to get good yields and are held more than once a week.
In the morning, it takes me about 20-30 mins to get to school because I'm going with the flow of traffic. But say if I take the same route in the afternoon, it'll probably be a full hour to travel the same distance.

I don't really go back the 2nd time to school on the same day unless I really have to, ie symposium, club meeting, or study session for a harder class.

school and major please?
Cal State Northridge. Major is EOH (Environmental and Occupational Health). You have to take Physics 100A, 100B. Chem 105, 101, 102, Organic Chem 333, 334.Biology 105, 106. Micro Biology, Bio Stat. Those are the requirement classes that have labs so in order to get your BS, there's no way around them. Some ofthe core electives have labs, but you can plan around those classes if you wish. It's all about what you're interested in.
Wow. You're right. No way I would do my best in those classes or major since I have no interest. Sounds like a lot of hard work and dedication on yourpart. Kudos to you my friend.
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