College Roommates Stories, Rules, and More vol. I Have an Asian Roommate

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Living with your freshman roommate is one of the pivotal and educational moments of your life. It's an exercise in people skills, crisis management, and patience.
My roommate was a soccer player from Detroit... he was nuts 
 he used to pump girls and leave them literally begging for more. One girl came over to our room drunk and was scratching on our locked door moaning "steve, let me in... let's hang out..." I was freaked out by that 

One time he took acid and went outside our dorm to throw a tennis ball against the wall of the dorm for hours. He said that every time he threw the tennis ball against the wall, 20 would come back at him and he would reach out and grab the right one every time 

We never really got along though, last I heard from him he pulled a knife on a dude at a bar and almost got destroyed by dude's crew... that was last Spring, not sure what's up with him these days.

Soph year my roommate and I got dome from the same girl within 20 minutes (NOT at the same time) that was wild 
 don't worry, I went first so no sloppy second
 lol she was feeling generous that day?
My boy called her up from the school across town... she was in our dorm room trying to get it in with my boy, and she asked what it would take for me to leave... I said "you're gonna have to suck my d" and she said "that's it? 
 " what a freak
Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by Retro23J

My freshman year was in 2003 when crunk music was hot. My roomate and I would be in the room not sayin a word to each other. Not because we didn't like each other, we actually got along great, we'd just be doin our own thing. Let a Lil Jon song play on the radio...we'd look at each other...and &#%$ OUR ROOM UP tossin chairs, knockin books and papers over just destroyin everything. Soon as it'd go off we'd look at each other again, put everything back in place and go back to w/e we were doing like nothing happened

Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by Retro23J

My freshman year was in 2003 when crunk music was hot. My roomate and I would be in the room not sayin a word to each other. Not because we didn't like each other, we actually got along great, we'd just be doin our own thing. Let a Lil Jon song play on the radio...we'd look at each other...and &#%$ OUR ROOM UP tossin chairs, knockin books and papers over just destroyin everything. Soon as it'd go off we'd look at each other again, put everything back in place and go back to w/e we were doing like nothing happened

Well i'm not even a week into college, but my roommate is hispanic, but he seems like he's going to be dope.

God I love college life so far. Gym open whenever, gettin' numbers/meeting so many new people, everyone being nice because everyone is all akward cuz no one knows anybody, staying/going into dorms and not leaving till 2am, this is the life man.

College ftw...Class of 2014 btw
Well i'm not even a week into college, but my roommate is hispanic, but he seems like he's going to be dope.

God I love college life so far. Gym open whenever, gettin' numbers/meeting so many new people, everyone being nice because everyone is all akward cuz no one knows anybody, staying/going into dorms and not leaving till 2am, this is the life man.

College ftw...Class of 2014 btw
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Well i'm not even a week into college, but my roommate is hispanic, but he seems like he's going to be dope.

God I love college life so far. Gym open whenever, gettin' numbers/meeting so many new people, everyone being nice because everyone is all akward cuz no one knows anybody, staying/going into dorms and not leaving till 2am, this is the life man.

College ftw...Class of 2014 btw

i envy you

c/o 2009 here... miss it a lot!
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Well i'm not even a week into college, but my roommate is hispanic, but he seems like he's going to be dope.

God I love college life so far. Gym open whenever, gettin' numbers/meeting so many new people, everyone being nice because everyone is all akward cuz no one knows anybody, staying/going into dorms and not leaving till 2am, this is the life man.

College ftw...Class of 2014 btw

i envy you

c/o 2009 here... miss it a lot!
Last year I had a room mate that never sunk his teeth into an apple, banana, pear, mango, orange and the majority of fruits.Smh dude was real cool though
Last year I had a room mate that never sunk his teeth into an apple, banana, pear, mango, orange and the majority of fruits.Smh dude was real cool though
So I met my roommate and he is cool so far. The first time I met him he had three Asian females in the room

Him and the girls are international students from china .I think most of dorm is too but it does matter the girls are showing love so far, hopefully I can pipe one.
So I met my roommate and he is cool so far. The first time I met him he had three Asian females in the room

Him and the girls are international students from china .I think most of dorm is too but it does matter the girls are showing love so far, hopefully I can pipe one.
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by SoleAsian

When you and friends are going out drinking, don't your roommate be the designated driver. You're better off driving drunk.

Get the @%+$ outta here... you just said in a different thread you were 17 years old 

You weak as hell

What does being 17 have anything to do with my post that you quoted?
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by SoleAsian

When you and friends are going out drinking, don't your roommate be the designated driver. You're better off driving drunk.

Get the @%+$ outta here... you just said in a different thread you were 17 years old 

You weak as hell

What does being 17 have anything to do with my post that you quoted?
Not to many memories left it's all a haze for me bahah
but anyway my favorite was gettin alcohol and rigging up a pulley system from my room on the 5th floor to the ground so we could throw it down and pull up peoples %!%* for them .. Our dorm had been cracking down on bringing in alcohol and doing bag searches at the door..
Not to many memories left it's all a haze for me bahah
but anyway my favorite was gettin alcohol and rigging up a pulley system from my room on the 5th floor to the ground so we could throw it down and pull up peoples %!%* for them .. Our dorm had been cracking down on bringing in alcohol and doing bag searches at the door..
Not to many memories left it's all a haze for me bahah
but anyway my favorite was gettin alcohol and rigging up a pulley system from my room on the 5th floor to the ground so we could throw it down and pull up peoples $+%% for them .. Our dorm had been cracking down on bringing in alcohol and doing bag searches at the door..
Not to many memories left it's all a haze for me bahah
but anyway my favorite was gettin alcohol and rigging up a pulley system from my room on the 5th floor to the ground so we could throw it down and pull up peoples $+%% for them .. Our dorm had been cracking down on bringing in alcohol and doing bag searches at the door..
First night out at new school Im wasted meet a female who is wasted as well we end up getting kicked outta the club for "disorderly conduct". We stop at a pizza shop she hands me her debit card and tells me to order whatever i want So I do...Get back to to my room get naked and the chick starts crying like literally crying..I panic because Im a black male at a mostly white school end up telling her she has to leave...Thank goodness my year rebounded after that...The chick would always see me out after that and try to talk to me. I told her to stay away from me
First night out at new school Im wasted meet a female who is wasted as well we end up getting kicked outta the club for "disorderly conduct". We stop at a pizza shop she hands me her debit card and tells me to order whatever i want So I do...Get back to to my room get naked and the chick starts crying like literally crying..I panic because Im a black male at a mostly white school end up telling her she has to leave...Thank goodness my year rebounded after that...The chick would always see me out after that and try to talk to me. I told her to stay away from me
Man where to start...

Long read...

My freshman year...
Spoiler [+]
I lived with this big hairy dude. I swear they only roomed him and i together is because his last name was Suto and mine is Bui so they probably thought two Asians together would be ok.
Dude is whiter than snow and weirder than hell. He was lazy and fat but has two black belts in Judo and Taekwondo. Picture a 5'11 270 lb hairy and fat Tom Cruise that can swiftly kick an apple off your head.He never drank or talked to the ladies because he was all tied up with some sophomore from HS.  My friends and I would get drunk and come back and make the Finding Nemo whale noises at him cause he would always lay on his bed. Dude ate, drank, fabbed, and played football on his bed (ncaaf). lol he was weird but we're still friends to this day.

That summer I roomed with a really cool guy(Joel) from NJ that is 100% Colombian. He was really chill and just hit it off really well. Haha for his birthday we got him so smashed but poor guy got stopped by a campus police as we were walking back from partying and cop gives him an underage while tells me to step aside even though I was pretty drunk too. When we got back to apartment he was wilding out like crazy haha. Took 3 of us to contain him...just what happens when you don't drink much. 

Sophomore year...
Spoiler [+]
I was in a suite with 3 of my friends and we had a blast. Then 2nd semester I moved into an apartment with 3 randoms. Turned out to be 3 cool guys but one of them was lazy and dirty as hell. I HATE cleaning up after people and dude just never picked up after himself.

Junior year...
Spoiler [+]
I lived with Joel and two friends including a girl. It was pretty basic. Girl was cool and clean, Joel was always at his girls place, and other guy was ALWAYS at the library. He'd stay there til 3 or 4 in the morning every week night. We would always get bombed on the weekends though.
2nd semester girl moved out and her guy friend replaced her. That semester, we through parties like every 3 weeks and always had joint packed.
That summer I had an internship and they roomed me with a kid from my major. He was fat and lazy as well. He slept with a huge industrial-sized factory/shop fan in his room. I think he was trying to stimulate a jet engine. lol one time my friend was visiting and he had to stay in roommates room cause he had 2 beds in his room.. anyway, my friend couldn't stand the noise so he shut it off in the middle of the night and dude literally jumped out of bed and was like "WTH just happened?!"

Senior year...
Spoiler [+]
Joel moved in with his girl and one of the dudes left. My friend from HS moves in and the girl's ex bf(Andy) moves in also. My friend and i went out from Tuesday til Saturday almost every single night haha. I always made it to class(hardly ever skipped, why waste money?) but he apparently had all online classes so I'd come back at 5pm and he would just be waking up. "Sup? You look tired man.. we hitting up quarter drafts tonight?" He ended up getting cancer 2nd semester and was out of commission for a while. Although that only slowed down his drinking. He had surgery last year to remove his cancerous kidney and is back to full health drinking like crazy again.
ANDY was the worse roommate I have ever had. He was so lazy and pathetic. Who leaves dishes out for weeks?(i refused to clean dishes that weren't mine) I actually wrote him a note once because I didn't see him much during the day, that if he didn't clean up his dishes i was gonna throw them on his bed. It was a couple days before thanksgiving break so I didn't want stinky dishes smelling up the whole place while no one was around. He didn't clean them so they ended up on his bed the whole break lol.

Senior year (II)...
Spoiler [+]
I had to come back for one class so i moved in with 2 friends from major and we put on our roommate request form that we just wanted our roommate to be at least 21. We ended up getting a really cool dude who was 24. haha he ended up with a foursome one drunken football weekend- non of whom were his gf. When his gf from outta town came up after that we would always make "4" inside jokes with her. She has no idea to this day. I think they'll get married.
2nd half my friend moved out and we got a sophomore kid that was REALLLY QUIET and weird. We'd be watching tv and just hanging out and then out of the blue we would turn around or something and dude was standing behind us just giving off a weird creepy smirk the WHOLE time we were sitting there. Every girl including mine, were straight up creeped out by him.
Although he was creepy, he was a damn good roommate. He cleaned up after himself and paid utilities on time.

Cliff notes:
Spoiler [+]
In 4.5 years of college and .5 just chilling and working at school, I have had 18 roommates (including internship)
Lazy dudes will always be lazy dudes. If you like things clean... well, it's hit or miss. I never had problems with roommates and girls though.
I don't want to sound like a prick but I think fat kids, friends or not, make the worse roommates. Avoid them if possible!
myself for that.
Man where to start...

Long read...

My freshman year...
Spoiler [+]
I lived with this big hairy dude. I swear they only roomed him and i together is because his last name was Suto and mine is Bui so they probably thought two Asians together would be ok.
Dude is whiter than snow and weirder than hell. He was lazy and fat but has two black belts in Judo and Taekwondo. Picture a 5'11 270 lb hairy and fat Tom Cruise that can swiftly kick an apple off your head.He never drank or talked to the ladies because he was all tied up with some sophomore from HS.  My friends and I would get drunk and come back and make the Finding Nemo whale noises at him cause he would always lay on his bed. Dude ate, drank, fabbed, and played football on his bed (ncaaf). lol he was weird but we're still friends to this day.

That summer I roomed with a really cool guy(Joel) from NJ that is 100% Colombian. He was really chill and just hit it off really well. Haha for his birthday we got him so smashed but poor guy got stopped by a campus police as we were walking back from partying and cop gives him an underage while tells me to step aside even though I was pretty drunk too. When we got back to apartment he was wilding out like crazy haha. Took 3 of us to contain him...just what happens when you don't drink much. 

Sophomore year...
Spoiler [+]
I was in a suite with 3 of my friends and we had a blast. Then 2nd semester I moved into an apartment with 3 randoms. Turned out to be 3 cool guys but one of them was lazy and dirty as hell. I HATE cleaning up after people and dude just never picked up after himself.

Junior year...
Spoiler [+]
I lived with Joel and two friends including a girl. It was pretty basic. Girl was cool and clean, Joel was always at his girls place, and other guy was ALWAYS at the library. He'd stay there til 3 or 4 in the morning every week night. We would always get bombed on the weekends though.
2nd semester girl moved out and her guy friend replaced her. That semester, we through parties like every 3 weeks and always had joint packed.
That summer I had an internship and they roomed me with a kid from my major. He was fat and lazy as well. He slept with a huge industrial-sized factory/shop fan in his room. I think he was trying to stimulate a jet engine. lol one time my friend was visiting and he had to stay in roommates room cause he had 2 beds in his room.. anyway, my friend couldn't stand the noise so he shut it off in the middle of the night and dude literally jumped out of bed and was like "WTH just happened?!"

Senior year...
Spoiler [+]
Joel moved in with his girl and one of the dudes left. My friend from HS moves in and the girl's ex bf(Andy) moves in also. My friend and i went out from Tuesday til Saturday almost every single night haha. I always made it to class(hardly ever skipped, why waste money?) but he apparently had all online classes so I'd come back at 5pm and he would just be waking up. "Sup? You look tired man.. we hitting up quarter drafts tonight?" He ended up getting cancer 2nd semester and was out of commission for a while. Although that only slowed down his drinking. He had surgery last year to remove his cancerous kidney and is back to full health drinking like crazy again.
ANDY was the worse roommate I have ever had. He was so lazy and pathetic. Who leaves dishes out for weeks?(i refused to clean dishes that weren't mine) I actually wrote him a note once because I didn't see him much during the day, that if he didn't clean up his dishes i was gonna throw them on his bed. It was a couple days before thanksgiving break so I didn't want stinky dishes smelling up the whole place while no one was around. He didn't clean them so they ended up on his bed the whole break lol.

Senior year (II)...
Spoiler [+]
I had to come back for one class so i moved in with 2 friends from major and we put on our roommate request form that we just wanted our roommate to be at least 21. We ended up getting a really cool dude who was 24. haha he ended up with a foursome one drunken football weekend- non of whom were his gf. When his gf from outta town came up after that we would always make "4" inside jokes with her. She has no idea to this day. I think they'll get married.
2nd half my friend moved out and we got a sophomore kid that was REALLLY QUIET and weird. We'd be watching tv and just hanging out and then out of the blue we would turn around or something and dude was standing behind us just giving off a weird creepy smirk the WHOLE time we were sitting there. Every girl including mine, were straight up creeped out by him.
Although he was creepy, he was a damn good roommate. He cleaned up after himself and paid utilities on time.

Cliff notes:
Spoiler [+]
In 4.5 years of college and .5 just chilling and working at school, I have had 18 roommates (including internship)
Lazy dudes will always be lazy dudes. If you like things clean... well, it's hit or miss. I never had problems with roommates and girls though.
I don't want to sound like a prick but I think fat kids, friends or not, make the worse roommates. Avoid them if possible!
myself for that.
I had 3 roommates during college, i would chill with two of them most the time and they smoked atleast 6 times a day, we would smoke pretty much everyday and just party with people. We got checked up on by R.a,s a lot but they would just say they want the smell gone and walk away. By the end of they year my two suite mates got kicked out cause some stuff off campus, i still chill with one of them that lives close by tho.

I only made up rules about food and laying on my bed
. Other then that we were all cool with each other and would share everything.
I had 3 roommates during college, i would chill with two of them most the time and they smoked atleast 6 times a day, we would smoke pretty much everyday and just party with people. We got checked up on by R.a,s a lot but they would just say they want the smell gone and walk away. By the end of they year my two suite mates got kicked out cause some stuff off campus, i still chill with one of them that lives close by tho.

I only made up rules about food and laying on my bed
. Other then that we were all cool with each other and would share everything.
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