College students: Do you read the textbook?

Yes. I own all the textbooks for all the classes I've taken...sometimes, the book is really useful (engineers might know, but Beer-Johnston for thewin
), but sometimes it's crap. This quarter...

Vibrations- crappy ++* book. no examples.
Materials- the prof wrote you know it's horrible. typos, and it's way too broad.
Fluids- it's aight but the professor assigns hw from OUTSIDE the book
...seriously wth is that?
Signals/Systems- not a bad book.
I only read it when I need to, ie to write a book report, or a portion of the test is going to derive from it. In classes where professors say "tests willbe strictly from lectures", I won't even buy the text book unless I may need it down in my career.
this is the first time i've been forced to read the textbook because pretty much everything from the test comes from the book, i'm taking nursing btw,when i was in business management, i was able to get decent grades without really reading the book, but now its a totally different ballgame.
no, i don't. i really do need to start at least skimming my accounting books though before i fall too far behind.
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