Nov 18, 2007
Are there certain things that you feel the general public believes to be true, but really arent true at all? Do people as a whole think one way about a playeror team, that couldnt be further from the truth?

For me, it drives me nuts when people make comments like "I hate the Yankees...because they buy their championships." To me, the Yankees"buying" their championships is one of the biggest fallacies in all of sports.

So NT, are there any of these that come to mind for you?
"Tim Tebow is a virgin."
Well the yanks don't buy their championships they buy everything. If they don't win again this year everybody knows there gonna go out and buy anotherall star to add to the rest of the all star team in the bronx
Originally Posted by acidicality

"All the Warrior fans left after We Believe"

"Devean George is overrated"
All the fake fans left and the true fans of the warriors are one of the best fans
Who says Devean George is overrated?

That Kobe is a bad person

One of the biggest misconceptions I hear all the time is "The Yankees don't buy championships."

Irks the hell out of me.


It's a pretty standard formula now: you're an All Star with another team, the Yankees throw money at you, you sign on the dotted line.

"Well blame the system. Don't blame the Yankees."

Im not blaming anyone; not the system, not the Yankees, not anyone. Just saying, it happens a lot with the Yankees, and will continue to happen for a longtime. Saying it doesn't happen, though? C'mon.
Teix, Giambi, Clemens, Big Unit, Damon, Penny, Matsui (taking other COUNTRY'S All Stars
),A-Rod, Sheff, Pudge... the list goes on, and will continue to grow. Of course they have talent they brought up through their own farm system... Joba, Jeter,Mariano, Williams... of course.
I'm not even gonna start on the Yankees buying championships crap.

Common misconceptions:

-Any good baseball player Is on roids.
-all hockey players are white.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

I'm not even gonna start on the Yankees buying championships crap.

Common misconceptions:

-Any good baseball player Is on roids.
-all hockey players are white.

It is a misconscpetion, but there really isn't a black player that can get Black Americans interested in hockey. Seriously I can't name too many blackhockey players. I remember the African dude Ndur who used to play with the Thrashers their first year. I know Brathawaite (the goalie), Iginla, and Brashear.Off the top that's all I can name.

EDIT: So I did a litte research on black players in the NHL. And
I neverknew this Evander Kane dude was black. I heard a lot about him when we drafted him, but I just read about him in passing. They need to get him out of theminors ASAP so Atlanta can get interested in hockey again.
They Yankess dont buy Championships because the Yankees havent won #%!! since 2000. When they started signing the big contract players, what have theyaccomplished? No WS titles.

Correct me if Im wrong, cause I may be wrong
i got into it with a co worker yesterday because she said she wants the yankees to lose because shed like to see another team win the world series for a change... ... ... ... ... ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

i got into it with a co worker yesterday because she said she wants the yankees to lose because shed like to see another team win the world series for a change ... ... ... ... ... ...
that the cowboys have won a playoff game since 1996

that raider fans are actually fans of the team itself.
Originally Posted by Troponin C

that the cowboys have won a playoff game since 1996

that raider fans are actually fans of the team itself.

cuz raider fans are hardcore niner fans?
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Troponin C

that raider fans are actually fans of the team itself.
cuz raider fans are hardcore niner fans?
No, because 90 % of raider fans only like the team because of their uniform.
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