|||--- Common "Universal Mind Control" Tracklisting And Cover (Dropping December 9th) ---|||

I went and picked it up today, hadn't bothered listening to the leak as I didn't feel the first single, "Universal Mind Control".

I gave it a spin and I like the album, but it's not really what I want out of a Common album. The production is absolutely amazing, but I find myselftuning out the majority of the time Common is spitting. "Be" was absolutely amazing; I was a fan of "Finding Forever" and no matter howmuch you may hate on it, you must admit it had some tracks. I expect music I'm able to sit back, chill, listen and think about when Common releases analbum, but UMC seems like a "feel good" or party record.

Definitely a good album, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit disappointed.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

qoolquest youngins aint gonna get the "worship tribe, worship jungle" angle of "sex for sugar" but that rhyme style takes me back. i likes. half a minute ago from web


And you missed "Inhale" ZSong.

don't try to catch me on nothin
I simply chose not to mention it..but yes that's 1 of the Neptunes joints I would keep

that ?uestlove comment is interesting...reveals that "Sex 4 Suga" was originally meant for BUSTA RHYMES buthe turned it down as you can see in that Youtube video
I never thought it was too wack...just not a good fit for Common... maybe another artist

Originally Posted by FPListheillest

This album is crazy

BUT why the f did they change Punch Drunk Love
the first version was CRAZY
can someone pm me the first version of Punch Drunk Love, I never heard it
This was a waste of the time i spent downloading this
, and this is coming froma huge Common fan
2 wack albums in a row. I know he's adapting his sound or whatever, but man come on
Album is ehhhh. Some good flows, songs. But come on Common. You can do better. Go visit Ye at the studio. Pick 12-14 of his beats. Make a new album. God Ishould be his manager.
I actually enjoyed this album.
The Neptunes brought something correctwith the production, and Mr. DJ was great too. For what it was, Common was having fun for once and it's obvious. Sometimes you gotta step back and relaxkind of like John Legend also did. Even sometimes I considered Com, although I am a huge fan of his since Resurrection, to be a stiff but this definitely reverses my thinking. I get the feeling people are looking too much into thisalbum as being Common's album rather than some nice head-boppin', laid back #++. Listening to Sex 4 Suga, I instantly recognized the Jungle Brothershomage,"We can whoa oh ooo and whoopty woo!" There are plenty of old-school elements contained in this album and I personally love it! NO FLAMES! As depressing as 808's & Heartbreaks was, a feel good record was much needed for me and this hit the spot. Finding Forever made it obvious to me that Common was relying too much on a formula that was becoming played out. Everything sounded a bit dull. Be was heat rocks, but Finding Forever wasjust cool.
Of course Com is going back to his thought provokingmaterial after this, but I want him to adopt some of these sounds to his backpack rhymes on The Believer.

PS. I do have two complaints though.
1. I know there had to have been another version of Punch Drunk Love besides the two we have heard that matches the live version and I wanna hear it!
2. Would it have hurt them to put atleast two more tracks on there...I find myself still hungry for more.
Still waiting to hear more responses...but completely Trash to me. Heard the Song with Pharell, and didnt bother with the Album...Went Downhill Harder than Yesince Common my man was Higher than Ye was.
i've been listening to common since i was little, and this is a completedisappointment. not to say some tracks won't grow on me, but i know a few never will.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Anyone else that says this album is wack is either a Max B fan or skimmed through this album really fast because they saw it was only 10 tracks.


Album was pretty wack.
I can't even defend Common for this crap. To me, he's the ONE dude who you EXPECT to come correct when dropping an album. I mean, in an age wherepeople are questioning the lyrical content of every album, and the wack state of just about every rapper, Common sadly has fallen into those categories."Disappointed," would be a compliment from me as far as what I thought about this album. I can see why he was pushing it off for .99 cents. The onlytrack that I enjoyed was "Everywhere." Common is one of the few artists in hip-hop who I'll happily pay money for his album. I've alwayssupported dude. I enjoyed his effort on Electric Circus, and could see the direction he took when REALLY stepping outside of the box. "Universal MindControl" is no better than Soulja Boy Tell em'. There isn't anything profound or thought provoking. All I can say is that I believe that Commonwill come correct w. his next LP. This album should have never seen the light of day. It's an embarrassment, and unfortunately makes a legend like Commonseem no better than the next joe-schmo rapper out there.

Copped it today.
Good album, good beats. Missing the soul that Common usually has. But the songs are growing on me.
I don't know--albums is FLAMES to me (but then again, I LOVED Electric Circus)

People who saying it's whack--on what grounds? I mean, he ain't comin' wit' the heavy lyrics like usual but even his fun/club lyrics still topthe club lyrics of ya average...plus the beats is nice. Word to my man Ricky Bobby, if you don't like this album then %#@! YOU.
^^ I don't know, I'm kinda mad I bought this and downloaded Be and Finding Forever...bout to say it was skipping and return it
Originally Posted by kash55

Good album, good beats. Missing the soul that Common usually has. But the songs are growing on me.

Gladiator is
had it on constant replay for the past couple weeks.Neptunes spazzed on that beat
. Common went in on it too
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