Complex Mag: The 50 Most Racist Movies

yeah, instead of actually responding to me I thought you were trynna be smug.

lol @ my weed habit

leave me alone, dirty...
Originally Posted by Exclusivo

Half to See This List in its entirety later
Good God, son.  Really?

Unless you've got a ******ed autocomplete on your cell or something, there's no excuse for that kind of stupidity.

Most of the movies on this list are either a) a reach, or b) from so long ago that they're no longer culturally-relevant.
Originally Posted by sonunox34

I thought Birth of a Nation would definitely be #1
I was about to say this then saw that it was movies that you didn't think were racist at first. Birth of a Nation is obvious. Breakfast at Tiffany's not so much
Damn, I loved watching The Air Up There as a kid

Didn't see the whole list, but please tell me Cool Runnings isn't on it. If it is, I don't know what to say.
lol wheres gran torino, I know the point of the movie but man that had all kinds of slurs I never heard before
''Falling Down'' shouldn't be on there...

...he was mad at the world, but he wasn't a racist - that's why the scene of him killing the Nazi was in there - when you think about it, that scene had nothing to do with the movie.

You could pick damn near any Scorcese flick and put it in the top 10 though - this is the dude who put himself in ''Taxi Driver'' just so he could drop a couple N bombs...

I respect his talent and all, but *+@! that dude.
Originally Posted by calibeebee

List is COMPLETE garbage.  Birth of a Nation should easily be number 1

Complex runs down the flicks that you might not have realized were wildly offensive. Turn on your racist radars, people!   
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

43. Falling Down
It's a revenge fantasy straight out of Glenn Beck's id: violentCaucasian rage against Korean deli owners, Latino gangbangers, andwhoever else that dares to disenfranchise the white male. Oh, whitemale. Poor you.

If I remember correctly...he did mess up the Korean Deli, killed the latino gangbangers...but he ALSO killed a white dude also. Funny how they felt that part out. 
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

''Falling Down'' shouldn't be on there...

...he was mad at the world, but he wasn't a racist - that's why the scene of him killing the Nazi was in there - when you think about it, that scene had nothing to do with the movie.

You could pick damn near any Scorcese flick and put it in the top 10 though - this is the dude who put himself in ''Taxi Driver'' just so he could drop a couple N bombs...

I respect his talent and all, but *+@! that dude.
Supposedly he put himself in because they couldn't get another actor...

Yeah, whose to say if Scorsese is racist or not.  It's a possibility, but I don't think his movies are enough to say for sure that he is.  In Taxi Driver, Travis is definitely a racist, but that's a downplayed theme throughout the movie.  That doesn't mean Scorsese is racist, just that he is trying to make the character more real by giving him more than 1 dimension to his personality.
There are a lot of people in this thread thinking that racism in movies equals a movie being racist.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

There are a lot of people in this thread thinking that racism in movies equals a movie being racist.
Basically. A racist character does not mean the entire film is racist.

Taxi Driver? Are you kidding me? You expect a film about a marginalized psycho in 1970s NYC wouldn't have racism? That's how it was (and is for the most part), especially in Italian and Irish American communities portrayed in Scorcese's other films.



This does not belong on the list, as others have mentioned. Michael Douglas' character kills a Neo-Nazi bragging about what Zyclon B did to Jews in the concentration camps.

Once again, Complex has COMPLETELY missed the mark.
wow i looked at OP and KNEW number 1 was gonna be BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S...........smh Audrey Hepburn >>>>>>
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

There are a lot of people in this thread thinking that racism in movies equals a movie being racist.
Thank you.

Racism in movies can be a powerful tool if used properly and within the context of the film it, but just because it features racism it isn't inherently racist.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

There are a lot of people in this thread thinking that racism in movies equals a movie being racist.
Thank you.

Racism in movies can be a powerful tool if used properly and within the context of the film it, but just because it features racism it isn't inherently racist.
...Which pretty much explains why a movie like Crash didn't make the list.  There are so many blatant examples of racism in the movie that it makes the message even more relevant at the end.  In other words, it's powerful because it's used properly and within the context of the film.
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