Confirmed: Doernbecher Jordan III to release 7/20/13 - NO BUYING SELLING TRADING

i just tested the text a DM off my phone and that ish goes through instantly. does anyone have luck rsvping through text?
Originally Posted by Bdot View Post

I'll help with anyone with any RSVP's except LA since thats what im waiting for. send me the names and sizes.

pm sent
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Boom NikeDallas ColeWorld LOL
I called it.
cant help anyone else i got too many windows open and I have one person for each city already. Has anyone got a rsvp with a text DM???
Didn't get through on RSVP I know damn sure I ain't getting them on NDC come Saturday morning. Good luck to everyone still trying
You guys shouldn't send it within the first 5 seconds, they'll detect it as a bot...I usually wait until 10 seconds and try. Trying for Las Vegas
got excited for a sec LA jus tweeted the link for the lebrons..! 

DBs will drop soon!
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