Could I have beaten Steve Nash one on one in my prime?

Steve Nash? The same Steve Nash I watched drop 50 in an NBA playoff game?

Its extremely safe to assume no.

I mean, no disrespect, if you were that good, you would've been in the league.
why werent you in the nba then?
one on one??
i think you could beat him
steve couldnt stop a nose bleed with the proper materials
LOL@ you all you underestimating op's talent.

That being said...your chances of beating him were slim and none.
not impossible, esp if u are 6'7''. u could have just backed him down and dunked on him every possession.
Possible, especially if we account for the fact that in this hypothetical situation you were D1 talent.
OP, if you backed him down into the post without him stealing it from you, I think you got a chance.

What about me? I'm still in my prime so the question is more relevant:

Height: 6'1
Weight: 185 (7% body fat)
Wingspan: 6'5
Bench press: 230
Vertical: 35 in

I shoot around 45% from NBA range 3 pointer and have more of a left than Jeremy Lin. Also my cross over is similar to Jarret Jack when he was at Georgia Tech and my first step is a little quicker than Gary Forbes on the Raptors. No offers out of High School because my coach wanted me to play center, so I just played at the YMCA 6 days a week and lifted heavy weights.
Who cares? Basketball is 5 on 5, not 1 on 1. So if you could do beat him, that doesn't mean anything. But hey, here's the ego boost you were looking for: you'd probably stand a chance in a half-court 1-on-1. But that's why Nash is playing in the NBA and not in the Rucker Park summer league. He couldn't care less about 1-on-1 isolation.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Who cares? Basketball is 5 on 5, not 1 on 1. So if you could do beat him, that doesn't mean anything. But hey, here's the ego boost you were looking for: you'd probably stand a chance in a half-court 1-on-1. But that's why Nash is playing in the NBA and not in the Rucker Park summer league. He couldn't care less about 1-on-1 isolation.

This.  Nash is more like 6'0, not 6'3.  This thread is just as dumb as the thread where people claim they can score 2 points in the NBA 
Originally Posted by El Duderino

I shoot around 45% from NBA range 3 pointer and have more of a left than Jeremy Lin. Also my cross over is similar to Jarret Jack when he was at Georgia Tech and my first step is a little quicker than Gary Forbes on the Raptors. No offers out of High School because my coach wanted me to play center, so I just played at the YMCA 6 days a week and lifted heavy weights.

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