Craigslist Appreciation Thread vol. Legal Robbery

Mar 30, 2004
I was checkin Craigslist earlier and came across an ad for this $300 Macbook and copped it at a Starbucks an hour later. It's a 13 inch '08 aluminum Macbook on OS X 10.7.1 w/ 4GB of DDR3 RAM, 320GB Hard Drive, 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, Dual Layer DVD burner, the box, manuals, CDs, everything. I'm thinkin it's the steal of the century
. Also like 3 weeks ago I copped up on an unlocked 32GB iPhone 4 for $275. Craigslist is that work.
I'm not hating but you know damn well that stuff is stolen, I always tell my friends about copping electronics cheap, one of these days someone is going to track it and there probably not going to believe you when you tell them you bought it from someone else.
85% of the electronics on the craigslist in my city are stolen. I'm sure your mac was stolen too
copped an galaxy s 2 locked to virgin from some ashy dude on kijiji. i know.

i needed an unlockable phone for overseas. cant knock the hustle. its their gamble.
I hate lowballers on CL though. It doesn't matter even if I list something in the free section, people will literally email you and ask you if you can drop it off to their house AND give them 20 bucks to take it off your hands.

I have never had any huge comeups like that, well maybe a 160gb ipod classic for like 60. I used to catch steals on's and's auction site before they closed it and then resell it on CL
Sucks you can't do anything with the Mac as far as APPLE CARE or register it. The one thing I like about APPLE is their tracking system. You can easily be located and forced to give back the item. You know the saying...if it's too good to be know the rest.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

you bought a 3 year old laptop though
IDGAF if it was 10 years old, did you read the specs? You're not finding ANY laptop for $300 with those specs, let alone a Macbook. And I know this means nothing but the guy I bought it from seemed like a real straight shooter (
), I can't imagine him having stolen it.
To the guy who asked, I'm prolly gonna flip the Macbook. Keeping the iPhone though since I'm on bum %$% T-Mobile.
if it was stolen and the previous owner registered it on're effed OP
they can track it down to the exact location
^ Word? I still don't think it's stolen though. If it is hopefully they didn't register it on there though
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