Crazy how skilled these artist are. VOl.HOW THE !!@# DO YOU DRAW THAT?!

Sep 9, 2009
Norman Rockwell - Triple self Portrait


This dude drew his back, face in the mirror, and his face on the paper.
If you looks closely at the top left of the paper, you can see he drew his face again 4 times.
On the top right, he duplicated other self portraits by famous artist.

M.C. Escher - Sphere


How can this dude draw his reflection from the sphere

Drawing is a skill that takes time to acquire. Granted some people are more talented that others, but it takes a lot of time to get you skill set down.
Yeah. M.C Escher is no JOKE. I absolutely love his work.

A lot of his art is actually delves into advanced mathematical principles. Interestingly enough, he was never educated in advanced mathematics, thus makingsome of his math based artworks that more sublime and intriguing.

I actually read an article about some big time mathematician who studied his artwork and found them to be mathematically accurate so the smallest decimal.Absolutely crazy when you realize that he used only his eyes, imagination, and at most, a ruler to compose those works.

Just a sample of his works...




Never seen that first one before. Dope. I've always been intrigued by M.C. Escher's work. They're "mind-bottling."

Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his time.

Yall' might think this painting ain't as complex as the ones posted above, but it is.
Escher and Dali<333

Went to the museum of art in SF yesterday and they had some Dali pieces..just amazing.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

They say the hardest thing to draw is hands, and that guy did it so well.

Not necessarily...I guess it all depends on who you ask...

Here's a drawing I did of my left hand in about 45 mins...

Clearly, I'm not on Escher's level, or that of any of the masters, but I'm still learning...

I used to draw pretty good in high school. I drew a large self porttrait in art class and won in some contest.... never saw it again.
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